‹ Prequel: Ethereal


Chapter 32 - The Fall

Cam's POV

I woke up to a world in shambles. Nina was asleep beside me, hogging the covers. That brought a short-lived smile to my face. When I glanced out the window, though, everything became darker. Except for the sky. It had to be the middle of the night, but the sky was lit with color. Not the kind the moon or stars provided. It was sort of like an Aurora borealis; there were hints of blues, violets and golds. I sped to the window too quickly for Nina to notice I'd even moved.

I planted a hand on the cold glass and I squinted.

The mirage of colors was just that—a mirage. But not just colors. At crossroads, Hell's dimension would bleed into Earth's, sometimes you could see shadows—glimpses of hell through what people called mirages. Tricks of the mind. What was happening up above was the same, except instead of Hell bleeding through, it was Heaven. There wasn't a single expanse of night sky free of this watercolor show.

"If I fail, you'll know."


"You'll see it."

A shiver ran me through. My fingers curled into a fist against the glass. Just as I started to wheel around, ready to hunt down Gavin and tell them to start preparing the fucking ritual, I stopped—eyes fixed on the washy-wash of colors. Something fell—leaving a trail behind it like… like a falling star. It wasn't just one. Soon, I watched the largest meteor shower of… Possibly the largest in history. They fizzled out quickly, disappearing into the mix of colors and wisps of black sky, like they'd never existed.

I took a long look at Nina. Her face was adorably scrunched up, snuggled into the pillow. I took a breather. She was going to hate me for this—hell, she should. Because I was about to up-and-leave her without a goodbye. I pulled on the old pair of old jeans Nina managed to scavenge for me, then donned a tight-fitting sweater. I raced around the halls with blood caked boots. Fuck, it was impossible to find anyone in this maze of a mansion!

I ran into Raphael.

"You stayed?"

"I thought it would be for the best." His face was tight with emotion. I had no idea he could feel more than one thing at a time. Props for that, uncle Raph. "Heaven is falling."

I gaped at him.

"Wait—you mean… Those falling stars…?"

"Dying Angels. Yes." Shit. That could only mean one thing: Michael had failed. My suspicions were confirmed. I drew in a long, suffering breath. "Cain must have plunged the sword into Heaven's soil. Heaven and every Angel in it, will die." I could scarcely wrap my head around that tid bit of info. And I didn't have the time to; I needed to find Gavin and Serena.

"Can you find Gavin? Tell him they need to prep for the ritual."

Raphael's eyes arrowed on me.

"Purgatory will…"

"I know."

"Phillip hasn't been cured yet. If the prison dimension is open before he reverts to human…"

"I know." I stressed, growing irritated. "It's the only option we have. Find Gavin. I have to talk to—" a hand curled around my shoulder. The harsh grip muted my next words.

"You'll die too, Cameron."

"Isn't it more: I'll get sucked into a prison dimension that can never be opened again?" Raphael's cutting glare let me know what he thought of my sarcasm. "Nina saw what spell Cain used to steal Lucifer's Power. Serena can recreate the spell and take away our Power. It'll be fine."

Raphael hesitantly released the hold on my shoulder.

"I'll inform Gavin and his Coven. But a ritual of that magnitude will attract Cain's attention."

"I can hold Cain off."

Raphael cracked a delirious laugh. Which surprised the living crap out of me; 'till today, I didn't think he was capable of normal laughter, not without his face cracking like an ancient Chinese vase.

"Have you finally gone mad? Michael is probably dead. Cain eradicated the two most Powerful beings in creation. He'll crush you like an insect."

"Whoa," I quipped. "Thanks for that endorsement, Raphael. You know, your negative criticism is why Phillip never wanted you at his games."

"Cameron." my shoulders squared at the authoritarian tone; I'd heard it so many times as a kid, whenever I would step out of line. "What are you planning? I always dislike your plans."

I scowled, "My plans aren't that bad. Everyone just needs to stop knocking them." I muttered, spying a look through an arched window. The dancing colors were subsiding. Did it that Heaven was nearly gone? "Cain has a… strange obsession with me. he could've killed me time and time again, but he hasn't. I think… He thinks we're alike or something. I think he wants someone to go on killing sprees with him, get what I'm saying?"

Light footsteps caused our heads to whip left. Serena was ambulating our way, dressed in jeans and a grey hoodie; her hair was gathered in a tight bun. The shadows under her eyes had me worried about Phillip.

"That Cain has a twisted crush on you?" she fired at me, proving she had picked up on our conversation. "I came upstairs for some food and saw that." She jutted her chin at the window. "I figured it was a bad sign."

Raphael graced her with a nod.

"How long does the Coven need to open Purgatory?"

Serena munched on her lip, "A day."

"An entire twenty-four hours?" Serena gave a curt nod. I rolled my eyes, "Great."

"If they break formation they'll have to start from scratch."

"Are you fucking…" my Power sizzled, causing the hallway lights to flicker. I ran a hand through the mess that was my hair, counting to ten. Think about the bigger picture, a chorus of voices chimmed. "Fine. I'll get them their twenty-four hours. But I need you to do something for me."

"Make sure Phillip gets cured before time's up?"

"That," I started, walking closer to her, hushing my voice, "And I need you to promise me you'll take Nina's Power."

"I can do that." Serena whispered. "I can do it now. Where is…"

"She's asleep. Wait until I'm gone."

A somber expression overtook Serena's soft features.

"You're not telling her about your suicide mission?"

"She wouldn't let me go if I did."

"Gee, I wonder why that is?" I gritted my teeth at Serena's sarcastic quip. I could feel Raphael's eyes drilling a hole in the back of my head. "Once Purgatory is opened its game over for any being with a shred of Power, Cameron. You'll get sucked in along with Cain."

"I can't face Cain without my Power. One, he'll know something is up. Two, he'll kill me on the spot." I rested both hands on my hips. "No one else can be his distraction, okay? I don't want to do this. I'd rather kick back and drink an entire liquor store, but then the world is screwed and so am I. I would rather Nina have a future without me, than a couple of days—or weeks—with me, in a world where Cain slaughters everyone for sport."

Serena's hands shot forward, wrapping around the wrist where the bracelet Nina gave me was. Her corn-blue eyes slid shut; words spilled under a breath. I felt the strange sensation of Magic being used. Serena let go of my hand, taking a step back.

"I lifted the cloaking spell. This way, when the ritual is almost finished, I'll locate you."

"Thanks." That made me feel a little better. Even if the logical part of me knew how hard it would be for Serena to reach me on time—to take my Power. "I need to go." To find Cain. I turned to Raphael, "You'll need help protecting this place. Get anyone's help, it doesn't matter if they're Angels or not. Just make sure it's safe."

I stared outside, knowing there was one last thing I needed to do before I left.


There was no sure way of finding Cain, but he had to be on Earth by now. The light show was done; the sky was black with tiny blips of light. Heaven was… gone. Destroyed. Most Angelic population was too. Michael was dead. I blinked ahead, stomping lush grass under heavy black boots.

I was buzzing. My Power was restless.

I'd ran for a good two hours before finding the nearest Hell Gate. The one at Lafayette cemetery, the one that got Nina and I to Hell. That felt like two lifetimes ago. I figured Cain would be drawn to the closest Gate. Seeing as the next phase of his plan consisted on opening them all—permanently. Reaching out a finger, I traced the indents on the large door. I'd nearly died at this cemetery once. I sneered; had to hate irony.

My back stiffened. The taint to his Power was unmistakable. Like having something thick and oily bearing down on me. Constricting around my body, slowly leaving me lifeless. It hadn't been that strong of a feeling before; no, it was so much more terrifying now.

I turned at the waist, not facing him fully.

"Fancy meeting you here." I greeted first, taking some pride in the dumbstruck expression Cain wore.

Any trace of bafflement vanished, leaving a cruel smirk in its wake.

"Here to throw your life away so soon? Tsk, tsk, Cam. Lucy wouldn't be happy."

"His happiness was never a priority of mine." I whirled around completely. I braced my hands on the dusty tomb in front of me, it was all that separated Cain and me. "I came for the exact opposite thing."

"Oh?" the purple of his gaze churned in the dimly lit space. "To prolong your life?" I nodded with a ravishing smirk of my own. Tapping into the douche-bag vibe wasn't that hard, because like I'd told Dawn, I was a jackass. I'd been practicing it for ten years. "Maybe that antidote didn't fix your brain. I don't allow people to live, I…"

"Yeah, I know. You're the big bad wolf. The thing is," I drawled lazily, enjoying his dumbstruck mouth parted. "I've been thinking about what you said. And with everything that's been going on…" I pointed a finger up—at the ceiling. Clearly implying what he'd done to Heaven. "I think it's time to switch sides."

Cain shut his mouth. If I didn't know any better, I thought he was going to ask if I'd gone insane. Which, in hindsight, yep.

His Magic shot out in tendrils toward me, amplified by his terrifying Power. I almost jerked back, but the bracelet on my wrist was still protecting me from a direct Magical attack.

I lifted an eyebrow his way.

"I come here to tell you I want to be on your team and you attack me? You don't people well. At all."

Cain didn't seem happy about the sight of me or my running mouth. Shit. Lucifer could've been wrong, maybe Cain particularly enjoyed tormenting me for no reason and now he was about to crush me like a bug. If Raph was right, I was going to come back and haunt him… Cain was at my side in the bat of an eyelash. Basic instinct made me step to the side.

"I have a tendency to lash out and ask questions later." Couldn't say I'd never done that… "Why would you want to be on my team?"

I swallowed under the scrutiny of his disturbing gaze. I did feel like an insect under a microscope. Gathering some much-needed arrogance, I kept myself steady as I spoke.

"It's simple. You're unstoppable and I don't want to die. Some people say: die young and leave a good-looking corpse behind… I'm not a big fan of that motto." Thinking of when I first met Nina, I pressed forward, putting Cain's face inches from mine. "Humans aren't worth dying for. Neither are stupid little girls who can't protect themselves. They're nothing but little worms writhing to stay alive, feeding off me. I can't carry those people anymore—it makes me sick."

That made a dent in his distrust. His pupils sharpened, then grew, like he loved the BS spewing from my lips.

"You're good with metaphors."

"I'm good with a lot of things." I said it in a way that would make Nina blush. Cain didn't blush, he laughed. It was a dark, genuine sound that made me want to hightail. "Killing and torturing are two of them. But you already know that."

I tipped my head to the side as Cain's hand came up. He ignored the obvious hint that I didn't to be touched, placing his palm against my left cheek. Cain dragged it along my face, going lower. He stopped at my neck, hand curving around it.

"What about your brother?"

"I killed him." I said without more than a two second's delay. "He couldn't control himself. He came after me and well… Let's just say heads rolled."

Cain's fingers dragged away from the soft spot on my neck only to bury themselves in my hair. For the record, I wasn't enjoying being felt up. Stopping whatever this was for him, though, might break my chances of holding him off.

"I don't have much of a team anymore. I have slaves," Cain pointed to where I knew the hexed tattoo was, under his t-shirt. "Anything that doesn't have Demon blood is fair game to me." my breath hitched as he drew nearer, dropping his arm around my shoulders. He was exerting enough strength to keep me in place. "Nina is fair game to me," he whispered with what would've passed for a disarming smile. Not even a twitch, I told every muscle I possessed. Cain was impassive, searching my face. "How does that make you feel? Tell me, tiger."

How did it make me feel? My Power started to twist like mad—I put an end to it before Cain could detect any change. If I hadn't gotten better at honing my Power, this would've resulted in a storm of epic proportions. A scene I couldn't afford.

Very softly, very deathly, I responded, "It doesn't make me feel anything." a part of me screamed. I kept the cold mask in place. "I told you," I exhaled through my nose. "I'm done being a crutch for people like her."

With a large grin, showing pearly white teeth, he fell back. Cain clapped both hands on my shoulders. I disguised the relief overtaking my face with a slow spreading devilish smirk.

"This is way more satisfying than watching Anakin slaughter all the younglings." I had no clue what he was talking about, but okay. Cain started for the Gate—I startled once he whirled back around, "Oh, just one more teeny, tiny thing." He ripped the leather bracelet right off my wrist, casting it over a shoulder. Instinct kicked in and I took a step in that same direction, wanting to get it back—Cain slammed a hand to the center of my chest. I flew backward, back meeting a wall that cracked on impact. Not just that, I flopped to the floor, black dots dancing in my vision.

"I can't feel my legs." The words seemed to be punched out of me. "You broke my fucking spine!" I groaned against the hand wrapping around my neck for the millionth time.

"I still haven't gotten used to being so strong. You'll heal." Oh sure. But it fucking hurt. Cain seized me by the neck, lifting me clear off the ground—I think. I couldn't tell if my feet were touching the floor or not, anything below my waist was missing at the moment.

My hands shot to my neck—his hand was burning. He was chanting in that awful Witchy language. A scream crawled from the depths of my chest; it didn't faze Cain who kept holding me up, like a rag doll. The burning subsided after my throat was raw. Cain gave me a violent shake before letting me fall on the ground, with a thump. I reached for the sore spot on the side of my neck, grimacing. It was some shape…

"You said you wanted to be mine now." his right shoulder arched in a non-apologetic shrug.

"No… I said I wanted on your team." I was too shaky to explain the damn difference and he wouldn't understand.

Cain bent down.

"I told you," Cain flicked me on the forehead. "I don't have a team anymore. I have slaves." My chest raced with the possibility of being like Demons and Vampires now—what the hell had he marked me with? "Don't worry, having a brainless buddy wouldn't be any fun. That mark's like a microchip, so that I don't lose you." he looked very happy with that idea. "I'm being very generous, Cam."

"By making me your dog?"

"Very generous!" He sung loudly, arms thrown up. He gave me his back. "Plus, you don't have to be a dog. You can be a cat." Cain waltzed toward the looming Gate.

"It's not a full moon. It won't open." I provided. I sighed, glaring at the ceiling as Power rushed to mend the broken spinal cords. Cain didn't grace me with an answer. I pushed my luck, "How do you open the Gates permanently?" still nothing. I filled my lungs and kept trying. "Do you have to perform a ritual on each one?"

The sound of crunching gravel drew closer. Cain looked down at me, looking upside down from my place on the ground.

"You ask a lot of questions." He murmured in a voice you would use on a five-year old who kept repeating 'why' after every sentence.

"I'm a curious boy." A worried frown dawned on my face as Cain shifted to stand astride of my body. He nudged my hip with the toe of his sneakers. "Still healing, sorry boss."

Cain chuckled in a way that would've made the Joker a proud daddy. My mouth went dry; with a flick of a hand, my body became rigid. Suddenly, my Power was clogged, causing my upper body to jolt off the ground. Magic…? It started as a tiny tingle and then—just like that—the damage on my spine was repaired.

"You could've done that this whole time?"

"The obvious questions bore me. Keep to the interesting ones." He snapped his fingers. "We're going to need a few things. Nothing New Orleans can't provide me with." With that, he took his leave. I didn't follow immediately, a little struck by the situation I'd gotten myself in.

I gripped my head. It felt like it was going to explode. Warm liquid pooled out of my nose; I brushed a finger across my upper lip. Blood.

"I forgot to mention," Cain's voice came fluttering back. "I hate when people don't follow orders. That nasty aneurism is your only warning." How fun. Blood vessels were literally bursting inside my noggin. "Chop, chop, Darth. We're on the clock."

I took one last fleeting look at the tossed bracelet before wiping the pouring blood with a dark sleeve, keeping pace with Cain.