Bound in Darkness

Chaper 1

Shadows are cast on the wall as a man walks into the blackened room, instantly playing with my fears. I could not see the evil himself, but only his silhouette, barely lit by the light creeping in from behind. He stalked his way forward, inching towards me. My heart began to pound at the sound of his every step, each beat matching his steps. My fragile, beaten, pale body sits on the cold floor, my hands restrained over my head, bound with chains connecting to the ceiling. My head lies limp as my blood covered brown hair hides my eyes, in fear of looking up to see the evil upon his face. My legs lay straight out in front of me, bruised and bloody from being hit with a rusty metal pipe. The man stood directly infront of me, his shadow over my entire being. He slowly gets down to my level, studying my breathing and movements. I can feel his hot breath on my face and he pulls my face closer to his, taking his index finger to lift my head up by my chin.
"Why hello there beautiful." He stares at me for a while before he leans in closer to take in my scent, taking a deep breath in at my chest, slowly moving his way up my neck and into my hair. His every touch repulsed me and I felt as if I could scream.
"Please....please, don't hurt me." I cried and begged.
He continued to smell my scent, and breathing deeply onto my neck, sending chills down my spine.
"Please, just let me go, I wont tell a soul, I just want to go home, please!" I cried even louder.
He abruptly slammed his hand over my mouth and grabbing the back of my hair and pulling it back painfully.
"Shut up! shut up!" He shouted as his hand tightened around my mouth.
My eyes filled with tears and I couldnt help but cry even more. Letting go of my mouth he grabs ahold of my throat, still grasping my hair in his left hand. As his hand crushes my throat I begin to thrash around making the chains around my hands move about, making eerie sounds. I start choking and gagging as he applies more pressure around my neck. Everything seemed to fade in and out as I try gasping for air, but to no avail. His left hand leaves the comfort of my hair only to slide down my spine and up into the back of my shirt, pulling me a bit closer to him.
"Please..." I managed to cry out, but only as loud as a whisper.
I could hear chuckling coming from this man, it began to build up in my head, teasing me with every passing second. His grip seemed to loosen ever so much as he closed the distance between our faces, pressing his lips upon my own. Thoughts race through my mind as to what I could do to cease this torture. One thought stood out and in the spur of the moment, I find just enough strength to lift my leg and kick as hard as I could and hit him where it hurts. My actions sent him onto his knees, eventually falling to his side, cursing and grabbing in between his legs. Coughing and gagging echoed throughout the poorly lit room when my throat was freed. My chest began to burn from gasping in air so fast, trying to revive my oxygen deprived lungs. I start struggling to free my wrists from the chains, but my attempts didnt work. The chains were so tight, my wrists were bruised and bloody from just being restrained.
"No! please!" I cried to the chains, hoping they'd loosen.
I looked down frantically, seeing as the man was now getting to his feet. His body was towards me, and his face was down. I could hear the most sadistic and evil laugh arising from him.
"You really shouldnt have done that." And with that said he turned and walked away, to where I have not a clue.
I felt my body relax just a bit, knowing that monster was out of my sights, but that was short lived with a sudden upward movement of my chains. My body was slowly being raised, sending the most awful pain down my arms and into my spine.
"No! I'm sorry! Please....please put me down!" I screamed.
I was raised until my feet no longer touched the floor, I was hanging and in pain. I heard footsteps echoing on the floor with each step closer.
"Soon enough dear, soon enough." His dark figure walked ever so smoothly towards my suspended body, but not before picking up an old metal pipe lying on the floor next to his feet, cloaked by the darkness.
"Please....I beg you, dont hurt me!" I cried.
He chuckled as I begged. "Mmm...beg some more my love. I get a thrill when you beg." His laugh was low and sinister.
I moved my body around, trying to keep him at a distance. "Stay back!" I screamed and cried.
"But there is so much pleasure filled fun to be had." He paused for the slightest moment.
"Well atleast for me." His eyes looked up at me menacingly as he smiled.
"You know what, lets play with another toy." He said looking down at the pipe in his hand.
He threw the pipe onto a ground, bouncing up slightly making horrible sounds as it hits the ground. The man reached into one of his pockets, bringing out a sheathed dagger. Pulling off the sheath and tossing it onto the ground, he clenches the dagger in his mouth and grabs ahold of my shirt. His sudden touch on my body enraged me, and I began to shake and kick my body, screaming in the process. My resisting only seemed to make him angry and annoyed, in which resulted in his anger to be taken out on me. He lifted his fist and punched my stomach, hitting it so hard causing me to loose my breath, and ended with puking. I tried puking on the mad man, but it was a failed attempt and ended up on the floor just infront of me, slightly hitting my foot. My head dropped from pain and exhaustion, my eyes barely able to keep open.
"Now, maybe you will behave." He said through the dagger in his mouth.
The monster of a man gently placed his hands under my arms and slowly traced the outline of my body, taking in my scent as he did so, his hands ending on the front lining of my pants. He slid his hands so smoothly under my shirt and danced his fingers around the bottom of my bra, only to redirect his fingers to the bottom of my shirt. Lifting my shirt slowly, he pulls it over and behind my head, standing on his toes to do so, keeping it from falling in the way. He steps back as he takes the dagger from his mouth and looks at my bare skin.
"Very lovely my dear." He chuckled. Stepping back to his original position, he holds up his dagger, just in my sights and slices a cut into his hand.
"Pain is everything. It lets you know your alive." He looked at his hand, then at me.
"Well, until it kills you." Blood ran down his arm and dripped onto the floor.
He put his hand on my shoulder, and ran it over my chest, onto my bra, and across my stomach. The blood became cold on my skin, and slowly started drying, tainting my skin.
"You look stunning in red." He said staring at me with his head half cocked.
Tracing with his dagger, he began lightly drawing secrets all over my stomach, making sure not to break the skin. The movement of the dagger on my stomach made me twitch, and my body began shaking with fear. Tears filled my eyes then ran down my cheeks and fell upon his hand.
"Dont be like that." He lifted his hand to my face, but I turned my head away.
His hand paused just right beside my cheek. "Im not going to hurt you my dear." He said as he placed his hand on my cheek, wiping off my tears.
"I cant have you crying during our fun time." He lifted his hand up to his mouth and licked the drying tears off.
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This chapter is unfinished, I will be adding more and updating soon.