
Chapter 1

Chapter one

Jada stood at the top of the stairs looking down on her dark home. She watched the T.V. shining on her mums face as she sat on the sofa. She could even see her tears in the dark... And she was still beautifull. Jada sat at the top in her long tatterd skirt and let it fall down the stairs. She watched her mum for a bit, thinking. Was this all her fault? Why did it happen to her? How could she make things better?
The dark walls felt like they were closing in on her, telling her to just give up and let them fall all on her. Let the world take her over and make her give up on herself. But she kept reminding herself... she was a fighter! She needed to be strong in all this...

She eventually pulled herself up and made her way to her room. As she switched on her light she saw all her things all over the floor on boxes, in suitcases, in bags. Like a whole life time packet up in chains. Ready to leave the walls where it once felt so comfortable in.
She scooped up all the bits off her bed and let them fall to her floor. She sat on her bed in a daze. Then out of no where, tears.
Un controllable tears... over and over she thought of it all. Why was it her all the time? She felt so worthless and hopeless at her life.
She looked around for a tissue to wipe her running blue eyeliner but only found a rose... He lied. He lied to her. He lied to his fionce. He lied to the girl that saved his life. She ran her fingers around it and wondered how all this came to such a bad end? ...
She felt all her anger build up and up.... She crushed the rose in her hand and threw it out into the cold, wet, rainy streets. She turned quickly back to her room and grabbed her nearest razor blade. She took a deep breath and went for it. She felt it as the blood trickled down her arm... She put it down. Whats the point? She shoved it back in her draw and mopped her arm before covering it with a large Rancid sweatband. As she pulled on her long MCR t-shirt and left her black and green legwarmers on she could feel herself starting to feel sick. She swayed slighlty as she switched off her light and went to put on her lamp to write in her diary,

Dear diary,
Was like any other day really. I feel worthless and incomplete. Oh well. His face haunts all my moments.. when I'm asleep, when I'm awake. I think of him every second. Everything reminds me of him. And how even after all this I still long him to come back to me and prove him and everyone else wrong. And love me again. But that will never happen. Ever. He had never loved me and never will again. He's a lier and I hate his guts for doing this to me and my family. Damn that dick. I'm going to sleep now, let's all hope I dont wake up.

Jada x <3

She fell asleep with her hands clutched tight... Arms against her heart. Trying to cure the pain she hadn't caused. Tears in her nightmares and broken dreams falling down her beautifull face from her bright green blazing eyes. Her make up still smudged like a lovers stroke on her lips. Her make believe love, her once true love, her beautiful love. Now never more, never happy now, never smiling now. The house stayed silent as she lay there alone, cold. Waiting for morning.