Sequel: Float On
Status: Update every Saturday!


[The Beginning]

-Saya’s POV-

I’d grown bored of watching Kyo sleep. He doesn’t talk or sleep walk. He just sleeps. I was currently rummaging through his room, looking for something to keep me occupied until sunrise. I’d already been through his desk and skimmed through his sketchbooks and journals. They were mostly lyrics and sketches for their upcoming album.

Digging through his closet, I’d grown curious about a dusty box that was beneath piles of folded sweaters. I struggled to silently retrieve the case, careful not to wake the beast. It was dense. I hadn’t expected it to weigh as much as it did. Prying the lid off, I discovered the source of the weight: dozens and dozens of journals. I groaned, throwing my head back. All that work for more lyrics? Fuck. As I moved to stick the top back on, one teal blue, flower designed diary caught my attention. It certainly didn’t suit Kyo’s tastes. I fished for it, shoving all others out of the way.

“He kept this?” I murmured, opening the book to find familiar script. It was my own. I flipped through the many pages of colorful ink, smiling to myself as I reminisced. Pushing the box aside, I made myself comfortable as I skimmed through the various passages.


It’s a new year, so you know what that means? A new journal! I started my senior year today. Everything is pretty much the same-no one has changed. There is a new guy who just started-it must suck transferring to a new school in your final year of high school-well anyway, he’s really cute. He has bleach blonde hair and his ears are full of piercings-his lip too. We have econ together. He spent the entire class scribbling on paper-I tried to sneak a peek, but he kept it pretty well covered. I think I’ll introduce myself tomorrow ; )

I did it! His name is Tooru. He has this pair of unforgettable almond flecked eyes, and this sexy tone to his voice. Unfortunately that’s all I know. I caught a glimpse of his drawing before he tucked it away. I think it was a skull. Kara thinks I’m crazy-what’s new?

I planned to chat with him a bit, but he wasn’t in class today : ( Booo

I skipped ahead a few pages, noticing a dark image paperclipped to a certain passage. I smiled to myself. I’d completely forgotten about the way Kyo would pour so much effort into these doodles, rather than class. He usually received poor remarks, but he didn’t care.

Oh my god!
Today he drew me a picture! Well, I wasn’t sure if it was for me specifically, but he caught me watching him during Econ. He stuck it on my table before I left. It was a bit morbid - a bleeding eyeball stuck in a hand. I kind’ve wish it was a flower or something… I saved it regardless :p

Today he gave me another drawing. I said something stupid… “Why don’t you draw happy things?” I nearly smacked myself after the words escaped my mouth. He scoffed as he moved past me. I’m such an idiot.

He drew me a bird today <3 Aaaah! ^////^

Great news! Well, for me anyway…
As I left econ, I noticed Tooru standing outside the class against the window-his eyes were right on me. He asked if I could tutor him. I guess he can’t continue working his part-time job if his grades fall below a C average. Why didn’t he just pay attention in class? I obviously agreed so I can get to know him. I’m a bit nervous though…I’m no honor student. We’re meeting on the roof for lunch and a session tomorrow : )

A few pages were stuck together. I remembered why as soon as I saw the coffee stain. I frowned, realizing I was missing my first memories of Kyo. The study sessions we had on the roof were the times he really opened up to me. He talked about playing in La:Sadies-his dream to be a professional musician. He complained about his parents transferring him to this school after he’d gotten into too many fights at his last school. He’d make casual passes at me. I would eat my lunch, but Kyo rarely had anything to eat. He was so scrawny. Sometimes I would bring him lunch-he was always grateful.


Kyo (Tooru asked me to call him by his nickname) asked me to a show as a thank you for helping him pass econ! I went, and he has such an amazing voice! He’s even sexier on stage. AND OH MY GOD he KISSED ME!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! It was so sweet. And passionate. And I want MORE! He’s such a good kisser! His lip rings were cold against my skin, but he held me soooo close. I can’t wait to be on the roof alone with him tomorrow ; )

We made out the ENTIRE lunch period. I didn’t even eat lunch. I was too busy rolling around with Kyo. He held me pinned to the cement-my body was on fire. I’ve been kissed before, but never like that. I’ve never felt like that while someone kissed me. He’s addictive!

He asked me to be his girlfriend while we were on the roof today! Of course I said yes! Instead of going home after class, we went to his house. He wanted to bring me to band practice. His parents weren’t home, and after practice we went to his bedroom…
We didn’t have sex! We were close tho ; ) Next time I bet :p

We didn’t have sex again : ( He didn’t want me to take off his clothes…

I know it’s been a while… Sorry I’ve been M.I.A.
Today was intense. Kyo and I have been together for over three months now. I’ve been wanting to have sex, but he didn’t seem interested. Finally, I found out why. His body is covered in scars-he cuts himself. He didn’t want me to know. I’m glad he finally opened up to me-I feel a lot closer to him now. I just wish he wouldn’t hurt himself : ( I…I think I’m in love with him. Should I tell him?

Congratulations to me!
Today I told him, and you know what? He loves me too : ) We finally took the next step-I’m no longer a virgin! It hurt like hell, but it felt amazing at the same time. Hopefully it doesn’t hurt next time.
I love him so much!

Kyo told me he’d stopped cutting : ) There are no new marks on his body. He said I make him feel different about everything, and he doesn’t need to do it anymore. I want to cry.
Kyo, I love you more than life itself. I want you in my life forever. You make me complete : )

I noticed the following pages had been ripped out. I remembered those days-they were perfect. It was just Kyo and me. I went to his shows, spent my evening and weekends with him. My whole life revolved around him. And then, things changed. My heart still aches, recalling those last few days.

Kyo disappeared from school one day. He didn’t come the following day or even the day after. I visited him at home-he was distant. He asked me to stop seeing him. He dropped out of school, and was pursuing his dream. La:Sadies was touring, travelling throughout Japan. I would be in the way.

I felt used and humiliated. I thought everything he’d told me had been a lie. Kyo ripped my heart out that day. But after thinking, I realized he’d wanted me to make something more of my life. He wanted me to graduate and go to college. I knew if I stayed with him, I wouldn’t have done that. I would have followed him to the ends of the earth. And he knew that too.

I ripped out those sad pages, and I gave him this journal the day he left. I told him “Never forget me.” La:Sadies split when I began college. I hoped he’d return, but he didn’t. Dir en Grey formed shortly after that, but I no longer followed the band. I focused on myself. I met Toshiya at a bar years later, and that was how I found Kyo again. Snapping the diary shut, I inhaled deeply, letting my head fall back. It seems like yesterday.

“Saya?” Kyo’s voice interrupted my thoughts. I opened my eyes, glancing up at the man who shifted groggily in his bed. “What are you still doing awake? Come to bed.” He grunted.

“I got enough sleep.” I lied, feigning a smile. His gaze moved to the book in my hands, brows furrowing.

“You were snooping through my stuff while I was sleeping?” He grumbled.

“I was bored.” I explained, “I was looking for your sketchbooks, but I found this.” I smiled. “I can’t believe you kept it after all these years!” I laughed. He rubbed his eyes tiredly, nodding.

“Of course I would…I love you.” He yawned before falling back into his pillows. My heart skipped a beat, fluttering nervously. “Now come to bed.” He demanded. “It’s cold without you.” I felt myself blushing.

Hesitantly, I returned to his side. Already, his eyes were closed dreamily, as if he’d never been awake. Maybe he never really was? I crawled under the covers fighting off sleep as best I could.
How could he still love me? How could anyone love me…?

“Go to sleep.” Kyo whispered, “You won’t have any nightmares with me here.” He uttered. I felt his fingers skim over mine, his very touch relaxing my body. I longed to be held in his embrace, but at the same time, I wasn’t ready for that. I didn’t even know if that’s what I wanted. I let my mind drift to the memories I’d shared with Kyo, a smile tugging at my lips. He was right-I didn’t have another nightmare.

-Rhu’s POV-

“Rhu. I love you.” Die whispered, “But no matter what happens…I want you to do what’s in your best interest.” His lips moved against my hair. I nodded, holding him tighter. Three minutes felt like an eternity to wait. But finally, there it was. Two solid pink lines.

“What do two lines mean?” Die whispered, hands resting on my hips.

“…I-I’m pregnant.” I choked. There was another life inside me. One that Die and I had created. He was silent, lips pursed tightly in thought. He backed away, scratching his head as he moved into the bedroom. The springs heaved as his body fell into the mattress. He looked as if he’d just seen a ghost. Glancing in the mirror, I looked like the ghost.

“I’m sure I’m still early enough to consider other options.” I murmured, moving to his side.

“Is that what you want?” His hesitant gaze shifted to mine. An abortion was what I was suggesting. Was it what I wanted? I couldn’t even say the word aloud. Could I go through that? Did I even agree with that?

“I-I don’t know what I want...” I admitted.

“Maybe we should see a doctor then? They could help us…” His voice floated in one ear and out the other. I collapsed beside him, everything suddenly hitting me.

I never wanted this to happen to me at this point in my life. Someday, yes. But not right now. I’d only just graduated. I had mounds of student loans to pay back. I was unemployed. I moved across the world with my boyfriend, who I hardly knew. I wasn’t married. I wasn’t going to be married any time soon. I was terrified.

My family wasn’t around. They wouldn’t be here to help me decide what’s best. I wish I had my mom to talk to…but she died. She died giving birth. What if I died? Then Daisuke would be alone with this baby. On the road. Would he even want to keep it? Would my baby be put up for adoption after I died?

“I’m scared.” I broke down, hiding my sobbing face in my hands. His comforting embrace wrapped around me, holding me tight.

“Let’s go see a doctor tomorrow. They can help.” He suggested, rocking me gently. I cried, hiding myself in his chest.

[…the following day…]

“There’s the heartbeat…” The woman smiled as she slid the wand around on my exposed, goo covered belly. A fast, pulsing sound entered my ears. My baby’s heart. That was all the proof I needed. I kept my eyes glued to the screen, noticing the shapes that formed on the screen. A small head, body…looking closer, I noticed arms, legs, even fingers and toes. My baby slept soundly, eyes closed. There was a little nose and mouth. Two ears also.

I loved it already.

“You’re about 13 weeks along!” She grinned.

“13 weeks?!” Die and I exclaimed in unison. The woman nodded, but we hardly noticed as we stared at eachother. Die’s fingers fidgeted as he counted on them.

“That’s three months…” He murmured, “Have I even known you for three months???” I was thinking the same thing. June, May, April…three months.

“…The night I lost my virginity…” I squeaked. We hadn’t used protection that night…it was the only time in April we hadn’t been safe. Go figure. Die’s eyes were wide. The nurse interrupted our silent debate with more words.

“Unfortunately, your baby isn’t at a good angle to identify its gender. But we should be able to tell any day!”

“…You can tell if it’s a boy or a girl already?” I stammered, flabbergasted.

“To some extent.” She nodded, “Boys are easier to identify at this stage. Girls stay in hiding a bit longer.” She winked, continuing to examine the monitor. There was a little boy or girl growing in my belly. “This is odd…” The woman murmured, distracting me momentarily. I snapped my attention to her.

“What’s wrong?” I questioned. Her brows were furrowed.

“I’m going to bring in a doctor for a second opinion.”

“Is my baby okay?” I stammered.

“…I can’t give you a definite answer right now.” She frowned, setting the wand beside the monitor. “I’ll return shortly with the doctor.” She smiled. How could she just leave me like this?! I noticed Die’s hand in mine suddenly, and glanced up to find him looking just as disheveled as myself.

“…It has fingers and toes.” I whispered. He nodded, his empty hand moving to cradle my head. It felt like an eternity before the nurse and doctor returned.

“Let’s take a look here…” The older male professional exclaimed, taking a seat as he examined my stomach. He found the baby quickly, a frown on his features. “I believe you’re correct Matsu-san.” He murmured toward the female nurse. She wrung her fingers together, looking quite gloomy.

“What’s wrong?” Die pressed, squeezing me gently.

“Well Rhuby…”

“Just Rhu.” I corrected.

“Rhu, it appears your baby is developing well. The problem we’ve encountered…is here.” He pointed to a blobby area of the screen. “That is your uterus…your baby is supposed to be inside there. Unfortunately, it’s common for an egg to be fertilized outside the uterus. In your case, your baby is located in your fallopian tube. Have you noticed any pain or heavy bleeding?” He questioned, turning to me.

“Um…I was experiencing what I thought was my period. I was told that spotting is normal though…” I answered, not quite registering what was being said.

“Light spotting is normal. But in ectopic pregnancies such as yours, dark, heavy bleeding is common, and dangerous. If left untreated, the fallopian tube will likely rupture and lead to life threatening blood loss.” He frowned.

“Un-untreated?” I stuttered. He sighed, sitting back.

“We would usually recommend terminating the pregnancy at the earliest sign. The egg cannot develop in a pregnancy such as this-the baby won’t receive necessary nutrients. In addition, you are at risk as well. As I said earlier, you could potentially hemorrhage. The growing tissue may also harm maternal structures. You would likely never be able to become pregnant again if left untreated. It is unfortunate that your pregnancy has developed so far.” He explained. He was telling me to get an abortion. “B-but…you said my baby is healthy. It’s developing well. How is that possible?” I questioned.

“Well, in your case the umbilical cord has attached itself to the very edge of the uterine wall while the fetus is developing in the fallopian tube. It is rare, but that’s probably the only reason the fetus is receiving nutrients and developing normally. Regardless, it is an extremely high risk pregnancy.”

“…Will my baby die?”


“…Will I?”

“If you intend to carry and deliver the child, it’s highly likely.” He frowned. “We would suggest terminating the pregnancy. We can schedule you for surgery to remove the fetus.”

“No!” I shouted quickly before recoiling, “Sorry. It’s just…everything is so sudden. Can’t we have a moment to discuss this?” I hesitantly asked. The doctor nodded, he and the nurse leaving so that Die and I had some alone time.

We were silent. In shock. We’d only just found out I was pregnant. I didn’t even realize I was so far along. I moved my hands to my stomach, caressing my small baby bump. My heart fluttered, a smile tugging at my lips. I’d mistaken it for bloating all this time…But it was my child. The baby had everything I did. I may have even known the sex today had it been positioned correctly. And they expected me to terminate it? I frowned, letting my eyes fall shut. I know they had my best interest at heart…but who was I to end this life? It wasn’t at fault. No one was. The only thing this small life was guilty of is stealing my heart. Heat filled my face, stinging my nose and eyes. I knew now. I couldn’t do it…

“I c-can’t…I can’t go through with it.” I whimpered, breaking into tears. I felt Die’s fingers entwine with mine, his gaze on me. I let out a shaky breath before turning to him, brows furrowed seriously.
“I know it’s risky…but you heard him. The baby is developing perfectly.”

“…You could die.” Daisuke whispered, sitting at my side. His eyes shook.

“Or I could live.” I retorted. “I would never forgive myself if I killed this innocent child. It did nothing to deserve it.”

“Would you really risk that? You could never have children again.” He frowned. I pursed my lips in thought before nodding.

“I don’t know if I could handle more than two of you.” I smiled, sniffling as I held his hands. He was quiet, but moved closer, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Two of me…” His chuckle was muffled as he buried his face into my stomach. His shoulders quivered, a heart breaking sob escaping his lungs. I held him close, resting my tired eyes. That was the first time I’d seen him cry. I vowed it would be the last.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Thanks for reading! :D Thank you so much for all of your support, comments, votes, etc. Keep it up! It means so much to mean! I hope you will continue to enjoy Shuffle!

So...Rhu is pregnant! Unfortunately, she is in danger because of it :( I wouldn't know what to do in her scenario-I think she is thinking about the baby's well-being and putting her own aside. I wonder how Die feels about this entire scenario? And we got a bit of a glimpse at Kyo and Saya's past :) I've been wanting to share a bit about their high school romance! I hope it turned out okay!

Also, how did you like this chapter's title song? I thought it was fitting, and this band is amazing! Who else loves One Ok Rock?!

Now for the bad news...I'll be updating future chapters every other Saturday from this point on. I'm pretty busy working on other stories as well as looking for a new job! I plan to become a tattoo artist, so a lot of my time has been spent developing illustrations for my portfolio. So I apologize for my inability to update in a timely manner :( However, I promise I will finish this story! I have 8 or 9 chapters remaining, unless I add more :)

Please let me know what you think! Thank you!
