See You at the Show


“Elle!” The bar’s manager, Bobby shouts out from across the room, “I really need to you get everything ready for the guy playing here tonight, he’ll be here soon.”

“It would be my pleasure.” Elle speaks with sarcasm followed by an oncoming smile, “Who is it anyway?”

“I have no idea, he’s some new guy. I hope he’s good.” Bobby retorts already on his way to the back of the building, into the stock room.

“You didn’t make him audition before hand?” Elle trails behind Bobby with her arms placed firmly across her chest, “I thought you had a strict policy on new musicians. At least that’s what you said when Travis wanted to play here.”

“Your ex boyfriend, Travis? The guy couldn’t hold a solid note and he sounded like a cat being drowned in hot milk.” Bobby smirks grabbing a box of napkins from the highest shelf in the tiny stock room. Even though, Elle arrived an hour early to organize it the days before it didn’t help much. The stock room was too small and filled with various shaped brown boxes. “You and I both know that.”

“Hey, he had potential.” Elle falsely defended, “It was more like a cat being drowned in cold milk.”

“Hello?” A new voice calls from the main floor of the generous sized bar.

“Go, go, go.” Bobby fans Elle to greet the musician like she was supposed to do five minutes ago.

Standing there was a tall, slim guy with almond colored hair at the front of his classic black fedora. Dark brown hair covered his chin and perfectly fell above his upper lip. He was dressed in a blue jean button down shirt cuffed at the creases of his elbows showing off the signs of dark ink on his skin. His black jeans were tight around his thighs but rested loosely against his ankles.

“Hey, I’m Liam.” The attractive musician smiles extending a large hand out in front of Elle.

“Hi, I’m Elle. I’ll show you were you and your band can set up.” Elle shakes his hand before letting it fall slowly.

“There’s no band,” Liam speaks slipping his black iPhone 6 down into his back pocket, “Just me – is that alright?”

“That’s fine. You can set up and hang out right over there.” Elle leads the way to the small stage that Bobby added earlier this year to host music nights.

Liam follows behind with a large guitar case in his palm. He quietly dropped the case next to the stool as he pulls out the sleek acoustic guitar.

“How long have you played?” Elle wonders, suddenly wanting to know more about this solo musician.

“I’ve sung all my life really but I’ve been playing the guitar for about three years now.” Liam explains taking the microphone stand in his grasp, “So, are you the manager?”

“No, no. That would be Bobby. He’s in the back right now.” Elle replies gesturing to the small corner of the room. “Have you ever played in front of people before?” Elle inquires keeping their game of questions going.

“A little. I’ve played in a few bars around town like this one. That’s the thing about London there’s hundreds of places and hundreds of people.”

Elle opens her mouth to speak when a young Angelina Jolie lookalike strolls in looking around. Her dark hair was thrown over her slim shoulders. Her long legs were glistening as she walked across the room in a tight skirt and some sort of halter-top.

“Sorry, we’re not open yet.” Elle calls tightening the apron around her waist.

“Oh, she’s with me.” Liam chimes wrapping a hand around the girl’s waist, “This is my girlfriend Claudia.”

Elle conceals the disappointed look that wanted to reveal itself. Of course, she merely just met the guy but he was attractive and he seemed like a good guy. There was a tiny piece of Elle that had developed a small crush on Liam in the ten minutes they talked. As much as Elle hated to admit it Claudia was drop-dead gorgeous.

“Claudia, this is Elle. Elle works here.”

“Good to meet you.” Claudia smiles leaning her chin on her boyfriend’s shoulder. “Baby, I just wanted to wish you luck before your show.”

“Are you not staying?” Liam frowns removing himself from Claudia’s grasp to look into her alluring green eyes.

“I told you already baby. I was supposed to be meeting the girls for drinks tonight. I could try to come by afterwards, if you really need me there.”

“That’s fine.” Liam sighs barely audible, “I’ll just see you later then.”

“Call me.” Claudia waves before scurrying out of the bar with her phone already in her manicured hands.

“I better get ready for the doors to open.” Elle excuses herself returning to the bar where she was about to serve people for the rest of the night. Ever so often, Liam would glance over while preoccupying himself with his phone. Elle would attempt every time.

“Hey,” Bobby finally returns from the back with several boxes in his hands, “You must be Liam. I’m the manager here, Bobby.”

“Nice to meet you, man.” Liam shakes Bobby’s hands firmly, “Thank you for giving me this opportunity.”

“Yeah, no problem. Just go up there and do your thing.”

“Any tips?”

“The crowd is pretty easy going so I wouldn’t worry too much about them. Just try not to offend anyone and you should be good. If you want anything to drink during your set just look for me or Elle over there.”

“Sounds good, thank you.”

“Elle, five minutes. Are you ready?” Bobby wonders from across the room.

“As I’ll ever be.”

Halfway into the night, Bobby introduces Liam after dimming the lights. Liam says something that Elle couldn’t hear due to the people chattering and mingling amongst themselves. Liam takes the guitar into his lap and positions the microphone once again. His long, slender fingers begin dancing along the guitar’s strings. Elle pours a few more drinks before leaning forward against the bar for a better listen. Liam’s voice was amazing. He had this raspy, sultry thing going for him and it was definitely working. The bar-goers slowly began to quiet down, taking the time to listen to Liam’s set.

“You’re really talented.” Elle compliments wiping down the bar’s counter, longing to climb into bed.

“Thank you, that means a lot. I guess, you’re rid of me now.” Liam smirks as he packs up his guitar once the night was over.

“Right, I won’t have to look at you anymore.” Elle jokes causing Liam to tilt his head back with laughter.

“Hey, Liam.” Bobby pipes in with his clipboard in his hand, about to start his usual routine of checking the bar at the end of the night. “How would you like to play here for the rest of the week? I’ll raise your pay.”

“Of course, bro. That’d be ace.” Liam immediately across shutting the lid of his guitar case before walking over to Elle, “looks like you’re stuck with me for another week.”
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hey everyone! i've decided to finally start another short story, this time about Liam Payne. it'll be ten chapters the same as the short story i did about Zayn. I hope that you enjoyed the first chapter and come back next week for the next.