See You at the Show


The next night, arriving early for his set Liam strolls in with his long-legged girlfriend Claudia. Her lengthy dark hair thrown over her thin shoulders. She drapes her arms around her boyfriend’s shoulders, allowing her lips to linger against his. Liam smiles into the kiss before pressing his soft, pink lips to her forehead.

‘You are going to have to stay for one of my shows before it’s all over.’ Liam lowers himself to look Claudia into her eyes.

‘I promise I will, baby – I just made plans with the girls already. I can make it up to you tonight if you want? You should stop by after your set and give me an encore.’

As Liam goes to reply to Claudia’s wiggling eyebrows, Elle comes from the stock room carrying one small box in her arms. He couldn’t help but stare as she makes her way over to the bar. She runs a hand through her hair, moving it out of her face. Absentmindedly making Liam want her even more.

‘Li,’ Claudia snaps a finger in his face, breaking into his wandering thoughts of Elle. ‘What do you say?’

‘I really don’t know when I’ll be finished and I don’t want you to wait for me.’ Liam tries to get out of it, hoping Claudia didn’t catch his gazing stare. ‘Maybe tomorrow night?’

‘It’s your loss,’ she smirks, ‘call me if you change your mind.’

‘I will, bye babe.’ Liam calls as she struts her way out of the bar.

Once Claudia is gone, Liam wastes no time making his way over to where Elle stood. Liam leans against the glossy wood causing her to look up at him with a curious smile. Liam’s stomach tenses up, suddenly feeling nervous. He hadn’t felt that sickening yet great feeling with Claudia in ages.

‘Hi, what’s up?’ Elle inquires tying her bartender’s apron around her waist, bringing attention to her perfect figure.

‘Just saying hello. Our time together is almost over, isn’t it? What are you going to do with out me here?’

‘You know, I think I’ll manage.’ Elle jokes, ‘so your girlfriend isn’t staying?’

‘No, other plans.’ Liam answers attempting to hide his disappointment. He knew that he should be used to it by now. This is typical Claudia. She never stays or fully supports what Liam’s doing but creates World War III, if he even hints at skipping one of her many sorority functions.

‘That’s too bad,’ Elle murmurs quietly, ‘I mean you’re not all that bad to listen to, I guess.’

‘Is that your way of complimenting me?’ Liam wonders with the slightest smirk growing on his face. ‘If it is, I’ll take it.’

‘Well, if anyone asks I’ll just deny it.’

‘So,’ Liam clears his throat feeling suddenly anxious, ‘that guy you left with last night, was that your boyfriend or something?’

‘Something like that I guess you could say – my ex. Travis.’

‘Are you two reconnecting or something?’ Liam runs a hand across his brown stubble, hoping that he didn’t sound too interested in Elle’s love life.

‘I don’t know yet.’ Elle shrugs, briefly glancing over at Liam from across the sleek bar.

As Liam goes to reply to Elle, Bobby comes from the back wiping his hands on a white towel. He throws it over his shoulder and leans against the bar beside Elle.

‘Are you two ready for tonight? I heard that it’s going to be quite a few people here just to watch your set Liam.’

‘Oh yeah? That’s ace man.’

‘Some of my friends asked if I could get them up, close, and personal with the performer.’ Elle laughs, sliding Liam’s favorite beer over to him after pouring herself a glass.

Liam clearly smiles to himself, pleased – he definitely didn’t mind all the attention he was getting. On the other hand, he couldn’t shake the idea of how much he wanted to be with Elle. Every single time she was in front of him, it’s all that he could think about. It absolutely consumed him. Whenever Elle was around, he couldn’t breathe. He was constantly fearing that he would say something stupid and embarrass himself. He couldn’t help it – Elle was just so absentmindedly beautiful. Her smile was so enduring. All he could is stare at her.

‘Alright, let’s get started everyone.’ Bobby claps his hands heading over to the door to unlock it for the people waiting outside.

The bar soon fills up, lots of people going towards the front to watch Liam perform. Elle watches from the bar, where she served all the customers. She smiles to herself as Liam closes his eyes getting into one of his newest songs. It was Elle’s favorite. She found herself humming the chorus on her way home last night. She slowly sways back and forth, getting lost in his voice.

‘Has anyone told you that you’re to hot to be working in a place like this?’ Some half-drunk frat boy slurs, nearly falling as he tries to lean against the bar.

‘Has anyone told you that you shouldn’t throw yourself at a girl, especially when she hasn’t given you any indication that she’s interested in you?’ Elle fires back, rolling her eyes, hoping that he would take a hint.

‘Aw come on, don’t be like sweetheart.’

‘I have a boyfriend.’ Elle snaps, with narrowed eyes, ‘right up there – that’s my boyfriend.’ Before she knew what she was doing, she pointed her finger over to Liam.

‘Oh you’re into musicians, huh? I dabble in the drums a bit myself.’

‘Look you seem nice but again, I have a boyfriend. I think he and I would appreciate if you stop attempting to hit on me.’

The stranger mutters under his breath, leaving Elle at the bar alone. Elle allows her eyes to scan across the room, noticing that he didn’t go far. Liam finishes up with his set then makes his way to the bar for a refill on his drink. The stranger notices Liam leaning against the bar so he peers over with an intrigued stare. Without an okay, Elle wraps her arms around Liam’s neck, hoping this would work.

‘What are you doing?’ Liam stiffs out a nervous laugh but he doesn’t pull away.

‘There’s this customer who will not take no for an answer. I may have absentmindedly told him that you were my boyfriend.’

‘Oh really?’ Liam tilts his head back with a genuine laugh, carefully placing his hands on Elle’s waist. Liam knew that this didn’t mean anything but he was enjoying every second of it.

‘Thank you.’ Elle murmurs releasing Liam the moment the stranger stalks towards some other girl.

‘Any time.’ Liam runs a hand across his soft brown stubble. ‘Let me know if any of these other assholes give you any trouble.’

Liam finishes off his drink before making his way back to the stage. He sits down on the wooden stool, getting a perfect view of Elle. She removes a strand out of her face as she bends over to fix someone a drink. Liam briefly smiles to himself, grabbing a hold of the microphone in front of him. A harsh feeling of guilt washes over Liam suddenly – he was with Claudia. Even if he was falling for Elle, there was no way that he could ever act on it.