See You at the Show


Liam sits on the wooden stool, gripping the mic stand in front of him. His deep brown eyes scan the crowded room in search of Elle. For some odd reason, Bobby was in the back serving drinks where Elle usually watched Liam’s set. Nervously, Liam drags his tongue over his bottom lip while wiping a sweaty palm on his faded black jeans. Things were over with him and Claudia, all he wanted to do was find Elle to let her know. The last time they spoke, just before the doors opened for the night, she harshly blew him off. Rightfully still upset at how Liam rushed back to Claudia after rolling around in Elle’s sheets the night before. A rush of relief waves over Liam once Elle falls into his line of vision. She was back, right where he wanted her. Over the last few nights, Elle unknowingly became some sort of comfort for Liam. Whenever he was feeling anxious about playing new material, she does something like throw her hair over her shoulder or smile cutely at a customer. Liam didn’t understand it but she just made him feel at ease. He picks up his guitar and carefully places it on his lap.

‘Alright, everyone.’ He calls, finally feeling like he could breathe again, ‘This is something new I was working on today actually. It was probably one of the quickest songs that I’ve ever wrote so I hope that you enjoy it.’ Liam introduces, catching the attention of some of the tipsy people in the bar.

‘I’m fallin’ in. I’m fallin’ down. I wanna begin but I don’t know how, to let you know how I’m feelin’. I’m high on hope, I’m reelin’. I won’t let you go. Now, you know. I’ve been crazy for all this time. I’ve kept it close, always hoping with a heart on fire.’ Liam sings, his eyes closed. Partially trying to remember the lyrics he scribbled down in a rush after his morning with Elle. Partially, because he was afraid to face Elle.

While Liam sings, Elle never takes her eyes off the stage. She clumsily hands a customer their drink, afraid she’ll miss what Liam says. She hated how kissable he was right now, her anger beginning to fizzle.

‘I was shy, down, closed up. You opened up the door. I don’t know where you came from, but you woke me up. Left me wanting to more. Everything about you, and everything you do. I won’t let you go. Now, you know. I’ve been crazy for you all this time.’ Liam sings passionately strumming his fingers against the chords of his guitar.

Elle scrambles to collect her thoughts as Liam makes his way over to the bar after the song dies down. He gets a few drunken cheers as he passed the tables.

‘I’m sorry.’ He mutters before reaching an arm over the bar to grasp Elle’s waist pushing her closer to him. His dark stubble tickles her face as he kisses her softly. Elle pulls away, startling Liam.

‘Do you think that you could just come over here and say sorry after performing your song, thinking I’ll magically forgive you?’

‘You wouldn’t be you, if you did.’ Liam laughs sneaking in another kiss, causing a smile to form on Elle’s lips. ‘Am I forgiven?’

‘I don’t know, are you?’ Elle questions. She knew that she was making Liam sweat, and she was enjoying every moment of it.

‘Please?’ He sticks his bottom lip out, making Elle’s stomach flip a solid dozen times.

‘You’re lucky you’re cute.’ She caves in, even if she tried to fight it.

Liam gracefully slides across the bar to wrap his toned arms around her waist. ‘I won’t hurt you again, I promise.’

‘And it all makes sense now.’ Bobby smirks knowingly, leaning against the wall.

‘What are you talking about Bob?’ Elle coyly moves away from Liam, only to be pulled right back into his chest.

‘I better get back up there but I will see you after, yeh?’ Liam is sure to leave a kiss on Elle’s head before strolling back up to the stage. ‘I am so sorry about that unannounced intermission folks,’ Liam announces as he lifts his guitar up, ‘I just had something I needed to take care of.’

‘You’re smiling.’ Bobby points out, giving a small poke.

‘Am not.’ Elle falsely defends, unable to fight it.

‘Are to.’ Bobby mocks before walking off to make his usual rounds in the bar.

Elle happily wipes down her area as soon as Bobby shuts the door at the end of her shift. Liam doesn’t waste any time packing up his guitar before meeting Elle on the other side of the room.

‘Do you have any plans tonight?’ Liam inquires nervously. He knew that Elle only just forgave him so he hesitantly tested the waters. All he wanted was to take her home with him, even if they didn’t end up having sex. Last night was actually the best sleep he got in a while. Liam wondered if that was because he didn’t have to toss and turn in bed thinking about Elle because she was fast asleep curled up next to him.

‘It’s almost three in the morning. The only plan I have is to go home and sleep.’ She teases, tossing her apron aside. ‘What about you?’

‘The same actually. If you’re going home to sleep and I’m going home to sleep, why don’t you just come to my place and we can sleep there.’

‘What?’ Her stomach flutters with butterflies. Sure, she practically drug Liam into her flat the night before but that was with the help of a little liquid courage. Elle hadn’t drunk a single thing tonight, making her timid.

‘I want to take you to my place, if I’m being honest.’ Liam concludes, staring at her intently.

‘Are you still with Claudia?’

‘That’s officially over and it honestly has been for a while.’

‘Well take me to your place.’

‘Goodnight Bobby.’ They call in unison, nearly tripping over themselves to get out of the tiny bar and into the parking lot.

‘So how are we doing this?’ Elle gestures to their cars parked opposite of each other in the parking lot.

‘I could follow you to your place and then give you a lift to my flat.’

‘Okay.’ She agrees wrapping her arms around his torso to say goodbye, even if she knew she would be seeing him in a matter of minutes.

After parking her car outside of her flat, Elle rushes to Liam’s Range Rover and slides in next to him. He looks over at her with a pleased smile on his face.

‘What on Earth happened to your back window?’ She blinks, clearly stunned by the plastic and tape.

‘Remember when I said Claudia and I were officially over? That was her parting gift to me.’

‘That’s terrible.’

‘Eh, it’s Claudia actually. It’s not the first time she’s gotten pissed at me and broke something. Once when I missed a sorority function, she “accidentally” cut the chords on my guitar.’


Before Elle knew it, Liam came to a slow stop in a small driveway that lead to a nice sized brick flat. He jogs around the car to take her hand and help her out.

‘Where does a struggling musician get a Range Rover?’

‘Hey, who said I was a struggling musician?’ Liam defends with a growing smile on his face, ‘It was a gift from my dad for finishing up university.’

‘Oh really what did you major in?’

‘Business and marketing.’ Liam says, completely catching Elle off-guard. Of course, she didn’t think he was stupid but she never would’ve guessed that he majored in business and marketing. ‘Dad’s idea.’ He answers after awhile of silence, ‘and I thought it would be pretty good to know about the business side of things if I wanted to pursue my music. I don’t know maybe one day I could open up my own studio or something.’

‘I think that suits you.’ Elle says with a smile, following Liam into his flat.

His flat was again surprisingly neat. Everything was in order and nothing was out of place. He drops his guitar by the door while shaking out of his jacket.

‘Make yourself at home.’ He speaks, already kicking off his shoes and pulling his shirt over his head. ‘I could get you a shirt or something – if you want.’

‘That’d be good.’ She nods looking around his flat while he disappears down the hall.

‘The toilet room’s right here, so you could change in there or in the bedroom if you want. It’s up to you.’

‘Okay be right back.’ Elle holds the flannel in her hands while walking down the hall into his bedroom. His room was simple and standard. A nice size TV plastered to the wall. Two more guitars in the corner of the room. A large desk full of papers, maybe lyrics. Elle slips out of her pants and shirt, buttoning Liam’s flannel and cuffing it at the sleeves.

‘Wow.’ He comments from the kitchen, setting down his beer. ‘My shirt’s never looked so good.’

‘You’re sweet.’ Elle giggles at Liam’s compliment as he snakes his arms around her.

‘You’re just that damn gorgeous.’ He murmurs, filling in the space between their lips.

Liam lifts Elle into the air with ease before carefully setting her down on the kitchen’s counter, never breaking the kiss. Liam is the first to pull away, eyeing Elle for a nod of approval while touching the first button of the flannel that covered her. She grins, with a slow yet steady nod. An amused laugh falls from her lips when Liam nearly rips the flannel in an attempt to get it off in a rush. He shows off his athleticism by throwing Elle over his shoulder and walking back to his bedroom. He’s careful to lay her down easy on the bed before hovering over her. His captivating brown eyes scanning her body, mentally soaking it all in.

‘God, I am so lucky.’ He laughs, pressing his lips to hers.