See You at the Show


What about you?’ Liam questions, as the two of them are coming off of their adrenaline highs. His long, slender fingers carelessly tangle themselves in Elle’s hair.

‘What about me?’ Elle wonders, briefly raising her head to look him in his deep brown eyes before letting it drop again on Liam’s bare chest.

‘Well, tell me about you.’ Liam shrugs simply, glancing over at the clock. It was nearly five in the morning and neither of them had slept at all.

‘What do you want to know?’ Elle fights back an oncoming yawn, feeling her eyes grow heavy.


‘I don’t know, Liam.’ Elle says, knowing she was on the verge of a deep, peaceful slumber. A tired smile grew on her face as she thought to herself just how comfy Liam’s bed was. She forced herself not to think about his ex, Claudia being in his bed – in the exact same spot possibly. ‘I’m not good at talking about me.’

‘Okay, just one thing – you know how I am with my music and what I want to do with it one day. Tell me one thing you love.’ Liam knew that it was late, or early actually but he couldn’t help it Elle was this walking mystery and he wanted to know more.

‘Well, I love to write. One day I would love to work at some publishing company or have my own even. I finished with university and I hate asking my parents for money so I started working at the bar. Sure, it’s not glamorous but it’s not permanent.’ Elle quietly speaks, her voice getting slow and tired.

‘Do you write about me?’ Liam wonders, a small grin growing on his face.

‘I can’t tell you.’ She lets out a small laugh, snuggling up to his chest even more before finally falling into the warm slumber she so desperately wanted.

When Elle wakes up in the morning, Liam is gone. The subtle smell of bacon filled her nostrils as she walks down the hall after slipping into Liam’s flannel top. Elle sneaks up behind Liam, snaking her arms around his waist and leaving small kisses on his back.

‘Good morning.’ He speaks using a free arm to pat her back, ‘how did you sleep?’

‘I slept wonderful.’ Elle gushes, feeling giddy. The last morning, they woke up together, Liam was rushing back to check on his then girlfriend. This morning, he’s actually making breakfast. ‘I didn’t know you were a cook.’

‘I’m full of surprises, babe.’ He taunts while reaching up in his cabinet to get down plates, ‘go make yourself comfortable and I’ll let you know when it’s done.’

Elle takes the opportunity to slip into the toilet room and fix her hair then throw some warm water onto her face. Just as she carefully rolls up the sleeves to Liam’s super long flannel, there was a harsh knock on the door.

‘What are you doing here?’ Liam questions as Elle hovers at the end of the hallway to see Elle.

‘Here’s the rest of your shit.’ She scoffs throwing a rather large brown box at his feet. ‘I knew it.’ Claudia glares at Elle where she stood. ‘It’s nice to see what a year’s relationship meant absolutely nothing to you anymore – you moved on so fast.’

‘Claudia, you know that we haven’t be happy in a long time.’ Liam groans, pinching the bridge of his nose, ‘Is that all you wanted?’

‘You’re such an asshole.’ Claudia storms off, swaying her hips as she walked. ‘I guarantee that you’ll miss me before I miss you, you dick.’

‘That was, intense.’ Elle comments sitting down at the table set for two.

‘Yeah, Claudia’s intense. I’m sorry about that.’ Liam replies, ‘now let’s eat.’

Elle shamelessly devours the plate of food in front of her, she had no idea just how hungry she was. Once, they’re finished Liam throws on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt to give Elle a ride home. Liam nervously grips the steering wheel, trying to find the courage to ask Elle out on an actual date.

‘So, I guess I’ll see you later.’ Elle smiles, kissing his lips before opening the door.

‘Yeah definitely.’ Liam nods, exhaling deeply, ‘Elle?’

‘Yeah?’ Elle pauses in her movements to face Liam.

‘Well, I wanted to see if you wanted to go on a date with me maybe sometime? I mean I like all the other stuff we do, I like it a lot actually but I want to take you some place nice or something. Shit, I’m rambling right now. Now I’m going to stop talking so you can talk if I didn’t just completely shatter my chances for a date.’

‘Breathe.’ She laughs, causing Liam’s stomach to swell. ‘As much as I like the other stuff too, I would love to go on a date with you Liam.’

‘Great, great.’ He breathes a little easier, feeling a huge weight lifted from his chest. ‘So I’ll think of something and let you know later on at the bar.’

‘I look forward to it.’

Liam leans forward to kiss Elle’s lips once more before she slides from the car with a schoolgirl giggle. She practically dances the entire way up to her front door. After a shower, she gets dressed to head to work later on today. Before, she knew it – it was time to go to the bar for today’s shift. Liam makes it there not too long after her and goes to set up his guitar. He makes it his way over to Elle’s station with a grin on his face.

‘What are you so happy about?’ She wonders leaning across the counter, hating the distance in between them.

‘I know exactly where I’m taking you on a date.’ Liam boasts, feeling quite pleased with himself. ‘and I guess you just make me happy, I don’t know. It’s weird.’

‘Do I get a hint about this date?’

‘No.’ He speaks, nearly immediately. ‘No hints whatsoever.’

‘Well, how will I know what to wear? I definitely want to dress accordingly or do you want me to show up in holey jeans and scuffed up trainers.’

‘I think you would beautiful in anything.’ Liam smirks, not budging.

‘When is this date?’

‘I’ll let you know.’ Liam speaks coyly before kissing Elle’s cheek just as Bobby opens the doors to let people inside.

As Elle’s watching Liam’s set in between serving drinks, a tall leggy-model-type girl strolls over. Elle nearly chokes on her own tongue as Claudia leans against the counter with two of her equally beautiful friends.

‘So, you think you’re pretty clever, huh?’ She speaks, her eyes narrowed tightly directly at Elle. ‘I bet you think you and him have something really special.’

‘Look, I’m on the clock right now so if you’re not going to order anything – please move.’

‘You probably think you’re so different and unique. Silly girl, this is Liam’s game. He goes from bars to bars, hitting on waitress, bartenders, anything with a pulse. He’ll make you fall for him with his stupid songs and his stupid voice, that you can’t stop thinking about. He takes you to his flat and seals his hold on you. Once he gets you in his bed, it’s practically over. I met him at the club I used to work at, I was a hostess and he was the talent. In the beginning of our relationship, he broke up with his girlfriend and I didn’t care because I was the one who ended up with him – until someone more interesting came along.’ Claudia speaks, causing Elle’s head to swirl with a thousand different thoughts. ‘If I were you, I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Sure he’s attractive and a musician but he’ll drop you as soon as he moves on to the next place.’