See You at the Show


Liam couldn’t tell what had changed with Elle in the last twenty minutes but something definitely changed. Claudia walks through the crowded bar with a triumphant smirk on her face. It was suddenly making sense. It had to be her doing. Elle notices his eye contact and quickly focuses on the bar, with a disgusted eye roll. During the rest of his set, Liam impatiently bounced his leg dying to get over to Elle. The moment he excuses himself, he nearly pushes bar-goers out the way.

‘What’s the matter?’ Liam wonders curiously running a hand across the nape of his neck, ‘Was it Claudia? What did she tell you?’

‘Liam, please, I’m working.’ Elle scoffs sliding a drink over to some guy leaning against the bar, ‘You should be too, instead of trying to get with every cute girl in each bar you come across.’

‘What? Who said I was-… Claudia.’ Liam nods knowingly, ‘Elle, I swear whatever she told was bullshit.’

‘I believe it was something along the lines you serial humping girls at various bars.’ Elle chimes, still not making eye contact with him. ‘I’m sorry, this is all just too much drama for me. Maybe we should just end it now.’

‘No.’ Liam blurts, catching Elle off-guard. Liam was done trying to play it cool and not seem to obvious, it wasn’t helping. ‘Just give me a chance to show you I’m not whatever Claudia made you think I am.’

Elle purses her lips, finally finding the courage to look into Liam’s deep, dark eyes. With slight hesitation, she nods her head several times. Something rested in Liam’s eyes, something genuine. Something Elle believed. Of course, Claudia would say anything she could to make Liam seem less appealing.

‘So stupid.’ Elle mutters to herself, about herself. She looks in front of her as Liam eyes her hopefully, ‘I am so sorry. I usually do not scare this easily.’ She promises with a small smile. ‘If you’re still willing, I would love to go on a date with you.’

‘Since we both work at night, how about tomorrow morning?’

‘I usually sleep in.’ Elle taunts with a smile interlacing her fingers with Liam’s.

‘Aw come on,’ Liam throws his head back with laughter, ‘I’m sure I am a bit more interesting than your bed.’

‘I’m not sure about that, you have seen my bed, right? Very interesting.’

‘Honestly, I was more focused on the naked girl in it.’ Liam speaks with a hushed tone as some group of guys lean against the bar to order.

‘I’m working.’ Elle repeats, feeling herself go warm all over. ‘We can talk about this later.’

‘Fine, I’m holding you to it.’ Liam sneaks in a quick kiss, letting the group of guys that Elle was with him.

Once, the night was over Liam starts packing his guitar up for the night. Elle quietly wipes down the bar while Bobby’s in the back, running his usual numbers. Elle admires Liam from afar, taking in his presence. He raises his long arms in the air to yawn causing his shirt to slide up on his toned torso. The waistband of his Calvin Klein briefs is exposed causing Elle to involuntarily bite her lip, a simple impulse.

‘I mean, I don’t usually sleep with girls before the first date but I can make an exception for you, if you want.’ Liam teases from across the room, catching her stare.

‘I, however, will not make an exception for you.’ Elle throws her purse around her shoulder after retrieving her keys, ‘What kind of girl do you think I am, Liam?’

‘Oh, I’m still trying to figure that out.’ He confesses as he pulls Elle close in a swift movement, ‘I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning, alright?’


‘Drive safe.’

‘You too.’

The two share a long kiss before Bobby makes his way from the back. Liam waits for Elle to get into her car and drive off before getting into his Range Rover and heading home. He knew that he had a date in the morning but he couldn’t sleep. Liam found himself waking up several times throughout the night checking the time on his phone. Finally, when 8’oclock came, he decided to get ready. Elle destroys her closet looking for an outfit. Liam refused to tell her what he had in mind for the date. She wishes she knew even the slightest detail so she’d know what to wear. She finally decides to go with a long-sleeve white sweater and a pair of cropped jeans. She slides her feet into a pair of sandals the moment Liam’s dark Range Rover pulls into the driveway. A small smile plays on her face as he gets out the car to meet her halfway.

‘You look gorgeous.’ Liam was dressed in a simple black tee shirt and dark jeans. His dark, almond-colored hair was hidden under a black Fedora. Around his waist, a jean jacket.

‘You don’t look so bad yourself.’

‘Are you ready for a date with the Liam Payne?’

‘Well it’s too late to run, so I guess so.’

‘You are such a smartass.’ Liam laughs as he helps her into the car before jogging around to get inside.

‘Where are we going?’

‘You’ll find out.’ He speaks with an oncoming smile on his face, ‘soon enough.’

‘You just love suspense, don’t you?’

‘I do.’ Liam replies proudly.

The car ride was quiet and peaceful. Liam slightly hummed along to various songs on the radio. The car stops just beneath a steep hill on the outskirts of the city. Elle had never been on this area of town, it was new for her. She awaits at the back of the car where Liam grabs a basket of food and a blanket leading the way up the hill. She grabs a hold of his hand, scared she’d slip on the way up.

‘I got you babe,’ Liam briefly turns his head to offer her a smile, ‘I figured I could take you to some restaurant or something extremely cliché and predictable or I could bring you out here, some place that has meaning. I come here to write my music, to think, or just to get away from the chaos of the city.’

‘Wow.’ Elle stands in amazement once they finally get to the top. It had an incredible view, you could see all the city from a distance. ‘It’s so beautiful.’

‘I also got us some breakfast from one of my favorite diners.’

While Liam’s leaned back admiring his favorite location, Elle pulls out her phone aiming at him for a candid. Liam shyly covers his face shaking his head at her. ‘What are you doing?’

‘I want a picture of you before you become super famous touring stadiums all around the world.’

‘I doubt that could ever happen so you have nothing to worry about.’

‘I’ve heard you sing, it’ll definitely happen – now be still.’ Liam does as he’s told and poses for the photo to please Elle. The two of them finish the breakfast Liam bought before packing up to leave.

‘I bet I could get down before you can.’

‘What exactly are we betting?’

‘If I win, I get to take you out again and if you win, you choose.’

‘So, a date either way?’

‘Are you in?’ Liam extends his tattooed arm out towards Elle.

‘You’re on!’ She shakes his hand before laying down at the top of the hill ready to roll, ‘I am about ruin my favorite sweater with grass stains for you.’

‘I’m a lucky guy.’ Liam gets down as well carefully throwing the basket and blanket near the front of his car. ‘On 3.’

‘1, 2, 3 – GO.’ Elle squeals rolling down the hill.

Liam rolls by quickly, passing at halfway down losing his fedora on the way. At the base of the hill, Elle collides with Liam giggling wildly. He pulls her on top of him cutting her laughs off with his lips, ‘I win.’