Maiden of Darkness

Chapter 29: Shadowed by our Fears

*Aniko's Point of View*

You stood in the dark void again, whispering to yourself over and over, "Where are you"? It had been coming from your mind and yet, no reply. You were sitting in the void alone in the dark, but it didn't matter, it didn't scare you at all. All you wanted to do was to know the answer to that one question that kept repeating in your mind.

"Aniko?", you heard a faint voice calling your name, as you lift up your head, and slowly looked around, trying to see if you could find where the voice was coming from. You kept looking around, but decided to close your eyes and concentrate to where the sound came from...

You opened your eyes slowly revealing the darkness once again, only this time, you could feel the presence of someone next to you, you felt someone place their hand on our shoulder, only to look back and see a familiar face once again.

"Roxas...", the name that seemed familiar to you, he knelled next to you, and smiled.
"I see your in the void again? This is becoming a familiar place to you I bet?", he said sounding sarcastic. You looked at him, and smiled, but you felt tired at the same time. You slightly got up with Roxas's help. You looked around once again, to examine the void.
"Why am I here again?", you couldn't help but ask, it was becoming part of your nature, to wonder and know. He sighed, and then faced you.

"Do you know what this place is, has anyone ever told you why this place exist?", you moved your head side to side. Of course you didn't know, you thought this was just another dream, a familiar place in your mind.

"This is the place where people end up, when they slowly give themselves up to the darkness. Lately, you've been doing that, Aniko, you have..."
It made sense now, why this place was appearing most of the time now, it made up to the darkness. Now that you have promised to join Maleficent's side, the darkness was going to be around you, the void was simply going to become a very familiar place to you.

"I'm getting tired of this...", you replied quite angry as you backed away from Roxas, he looked surprised. "I'm getting tired of this. Why am I getting so involved into these problems, it's not my fault I have these abilities. I didn't want any part of it, so why now? Why me?", you asked yourself, raising your voice every second. Roxas took a step forward and said, "Why not you?"

You looked up to him, confused, as he smiled, "You're not the only one with such abilities, many of us have to go through this. Sora, Kairi, Axel, even I have had to got through the same thing as you. But we all got through it together!"

For some strange reason, you felt guilty, but he was right. What haven't they gone through that you haven't. You also have friends who were willing to help you. You looked up to Roxas and simply said, "Thank You!". He nodded, and said, "Just don't give in to Maleficent, she's tricky, and she'll do whatever it takes to have it her way. Control yourself, don't let others control you!"

You nodded, as he started to walk away, "And, if you ever get stuck in this place again, you know I'll be here!", he looked back and waved as everything blurred out.

*Riku's Point of View*

You placed Aniko in your bed, for you thought the dungeon wasn't the right place to leave her. You backed away, and looked at her, you took a deep breath and sighed.
"You've always been the type to do what you're not suppose to", you said to her, knowing she was fast asleep. You turned around to let her sleep in your room, while you roam around the castle once more. You turn around and hear Aniko moving, you hesitate.

She slowly opened her eyes, and blinked twice, looking drowsy. She lifted her head, and place it back on the pillow. She looked directly at you, and went back to sleep. "Just a dream...", you heard her whisper to herself, as you took another deep breath, and sighed.
"That was close...", and without thinking it twice, you left the room.

*Sora's Point of View*

"They're everywhere!!!", you shouted out as heartless started coming from all around. You had finally reached the keyhole, which Leon was planning to get to all along. Yuffie, Leon, and the King were all together, while you, Donald, Goofy and Kairi were together fighting off the heartless from one end.

"She knows we're here!", Yuffie yelled out, as Donald started getting annoyed. "This is taking forever!!" Goofy came over and blocked a heartless yelling, "Sora, let's do Trinity Limit. Maybe they'll all disappear at once..."
"Good idea!", you yelled out as you, Donald and Goofy hurdled together to form the Trinity Limit.

"Ready, GO!", The three of you released a strong attack and a series of combos, getting rid of most of the heartless around the keyhole. As your attack finished, heartless started to disappear, and flee.

"Quickly, your majesty, close the keyhole!", you yelled out as King Mickey didn't hesitate to, he quickly aimed his golden keyblade to the keyhole, and a beam of light flashed from the keyblade to the keyhole, closing it for good.
"Did it work?", Kairi had to question it. Everyone looked around the hall, expecting heartless to arrive.

"Well, at least we know that the heartless wont be coming out of the keyhole anymore...", Leon exclaimed, as Yuffie jumped with joy.
"I don't think our problems are over yet, Maleficent can still summon heartless on her command, and as long as Aniko is here, she has double the control she had before...", Leon explained once again, as you nodded.

"Do you really think coming all this way, is going to help you destroy me?", a witch's voice was heard from behind you, as you all turned around in a flash. Everyone's weapons were summoned.

"I knew you were going to show up!", you shouted out as a smirk appeared on Maleficent's face. Which meant she had something up her sleeves.
"You're not going to do anything after I'm through with all of you", she said, as Maleficent brought in front her staff. The green crystal on the top of her staff started glowing, and on it, appeared a blurry vision of Aniko sleeping on the bed.

"Aniko!", Kairi was the first to yell out, as you glared at the evil witch. "What are you going to do with her?"
The witch laughed out loud, and then looked straight at the party.
"Just watch..."

*Aniko's Point of View*

You were fast asleep in the dark room, with not a single sound bothering you, when all of a sudden your eyes opened in an instant, and they started to glow purple again. You weren't aware of the situation, as you slowly got up, and thought of a making a portal of darkness to the specific enemy you were commanded to get rid of...
♠ ♠ ♠
........So what happens...I don't know...what is Aniko doing...I know, but only I can't You have to read the next chapter, LOL! yeah...anyhow, more chapters coming soon.