Maiden of Darkness

Chapter 30: Overtaken

Aniko's Point of View

Your body was moving on its own. You weren't aware of what was going on, your mind was fast asleep in a dark abyss, not knowing the situation that was about to occur. You raised your hand to create a portal that lead to the castle entrance. The portal appeared, as you slowly approached it and disappeared through it.

Riku's Point of View

"Damn, what is taking Maleficent so long?", you argued as you were getting irritated. Maleficent was suppose to meet with you a while ago for a new mission. "That witch has some nerves", you decided to ditch her and head back to your room. A portal opened in front of you went through it, leading you to the front of your room. As soon as you got there, you headed up the stairs, and sighed.

"What a mess?" you thought to yourself. Aniko gave herself to the darkness and who knows what Maleficent is going to do to her. "I'm going to have to protect her even more, now that Maleficent has an eye on her. I never thought it would end up like this", you stopped in front of your door and examined your hand. Your hand had turned completely dark, and remained the form of a shadow, only this time, it was worse. It was already spreading up to your arm, the only thing that hid it was your coat. You looked back to your door, and opened it quietly, remembering Aniko might still be sleeping. You looked inside carefully, only to be surprised that Aniko wasn't there anymore.

"Aniko?", you looked around in panic. "Aniko?!", you froze only to imagine where she could've gone. "Maleficent!", you thought, without a second to spare, you disappeared into a portal.

Sora's Point of View

"Aniko, no!", you spun around with your keyblade blocking Aniko's chakrams, making your weapons collide with each other. "Aniko wake up! It's me, Sora!", Aniko moved away to strike you again, but you moved out of the way, making her chakram hit the floor. while the other remained in her hand. She couldn't remember you, Aniko didn't get through.

King Mickey jumped from behind and tried to attack Maleficent. Maleficent smirked and raised her staff summoning fire from it. She fired straight at the king, but he dodged it. "What did you do to her Maleficent?", the King shouted to her. Maleficent chuckled, "What do you expect from one who sells herself to the darkness. They all become mindless puppets".

"Aniko, wake up!", Kairi shouted, Donald and Goofy attacked from behind Aniko but she released a dark aura from her body, repealing them back. Leon attacked Aniko's chakram with a fireball from his gunblade, launching it to the air. Aniko spun her body throwing her other chakram straight at Leon, sending him to the ground. She quickly caught her other chakram as it came back down with her left hand. She then turn her attention back to you. You got back up from the floor and collided weapons once again.

"Aniko, remember me? It's me, Sora. You don't want to do this, we're your friends", you shouted out to her, as she pushed you, and threw her chakram at your leg, making you fall to the ground. She caught it back, and slowly approached you. You looked at her, trying to see if she recognized, but it was no use. Her eyes were glowing purple, she was overtaken. She raised her chakram slowly, you hesitated to move. You closed your eyes, this was the end.

"STOP!", you heard someone call out. You opened your eyes to see who it was. You saw Aniko's chakrams colliding with someone else's keyblade, only to realize it was the person you least expected.

"Go after Maleficent. The king needs your help!", Riku shouted, you hesitated, as he yelled out to you again, "Get your butt off the floor and go help him, NOW!"
"Right!", you nodded. As you ran out of the way and went to help the king.

Riku's Point of View

"Aniko, wake up!", you yelled to her, but she pushed back and strikes you with both her chakrams. She scratched you arm, but you ignored the pain, as you jumped behind her. You didn't want to hurt her, this wasn't what you expected to be doing. She swings her whole body, and kicked your torso, pushing you back. "I'm not trying to hurt you, Aniko", she summoned a dark aura into her chakrams. "I'm not your enemy, Aniko!", she launched her chakram at you. You saw her chakram coming straight at you, but you repelled it with your keyblade.

Everything went slow for a moment, as Aniko teleports the second the chakram hit you, to two feet away from your body, making her move, and making her attack. She strikes the dark aura from her chakram into you. Your body paralyzed as your body was sent back to the ground.

"Aniko...", you whispered as you saw Aniko hovering your body, raising her arm to strike. She moved her arm downward, you thought she was going to finish you, until Kairi yelled.


Aniko's hand froze, and her chakram was an inch away from your face. You looked at her until your vision failed you and it became dark.

Aniko's Point of View

You woke up, as your eyes scanned the figure below you. You dropped your weapons and hesitated. Your eyes still glowed, but your soul was fighting to get control. "What?", you whispered. Kairi yelled out, "Don't do it, Aniko! Don't hurt him!", you slowly examined the figure again. He laid motionless on the ground. You slowly knelled down to his level and your hand made it's way to his hood. You carefully grabbed it, and revealed the figure's identity.

You backed away, and gasped. You put your hands on your head to gain control of your actions. "What's going on, what did I?" You fought to get full control of your vision, and you did. Your vision slowly returned and your eyes returned to normal. You looked down only to reveal the identity of a familiar face.

"Riku?", you fell to your knees, you tried to place your hand on his face, but your hand refused to let you. Your body started to shake. "Riku, Riku...", you whispered as you started to sob. Your senses broke, and you started to cry. Your eyes began to glow again, as a pool of darkness started to form below you and Riku. Kairi started to run towards you but the dark aura repelled her. She yelled, "Sora, help!"

Maleficent, who was fighting with the King, Leon and Sora, looked at your direction, and laughed.

"You fools will pay for coming here!", she then released fire from her body, sending everyone flying back. Sora, Leon and the King fell to the floor, as they watched Maleficent laugh. You continued to cry not realizing the pool of darkness under you was spreading to the whole room, making everyone fall through it.

"NO!", Sora shouted as everyone fell through it. Maleficent laughed maniacally as you laid your forehead on Riku's and whispered, "I-I'm sorry..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow! It tool forever, and I think it's the longest too. But yeah, I finished it today. Yep! I loved how my ipod helped me with the scenes. You will not believe the songs that came up while I did this chapter.
"Incomplete" backstreets boys
"What I've Done" Linkin Park
"Bring Me to Life" Evanescence

And more. It was ironic. But yeah, more coming soon.