Maiden of Darkness

Chapter 8: A Match Against Destiny

You Point Of View

After the sponsor said "Go", Riku went straight towards Seifer. Seifer pulled out his struggle bat and swung it at Riku, but it missed. Riku had jumped back to dodge the attack. Seifer came straight towards Riku and swung the bat...left, right, left right...but, Riku had been dodging all the attacks. Riku then collided his bat with Seifer and started pushing Seifer down. You were jumping up and down. full of excitement.

"Yay, go Riku! You can do it. Show Seifer what you got!". You continued cheering for him.
Kairi and Sora looked at you jumping up and down. A little kid, they thought. They smiled and continued looking at the match. Kairi started yelling Riku's name with you, while Sora was staring at the match intensely. He was really into it.
"Come on, Riku". you screamed while jumping up.
"Yeah, go Riku". said Kairi bursting of laughter.

You both looked like little sisters full of excitement. Your voice was almost fading from all the shouting you've done.

On the platform, Riku was still trying to push Seifer down. Riku made Seifer get on his knees, until Seifer moved his leg and slide it across the floor and through Riku's leg, taking Riku's leg with his. Riku lost balance and fell, He was on the floor.

"Huh, oh no! Riku! He's down". You covered your mouth with your hands now. You didn't expect this, at least, not from Riku.
"Riku, get up! You're not losing this match now", you heard Sora scream at Riku.

His eyes were completely serious. You knew that Sora really wanted Riku to win. You turned your head back to the platform. You noticed that Riku was trying to get up, and Seifer was hovering him with his struggle bat in the air. He was ready to finish the match.

"It's over, loser. This match's mine". He rose the bat even higher.

He swung it and Riku, but, Riku immediately swung his bat and collided with Seifer's bat...twice as hard. The bat went flying to the other side of the platform. Seifer was without a weapon. Riku smirked at that moment and swung the bat at Seifer, sending him to the ground. Riku walked next to Seifer, picking up an orb that Seifer had dropped when he fell.

"I win, Seifer". Riku looked at the sponsor guy and saw that he had raised his hands.
"Time's up. This match belongs to our newcomer, Riku".
You cheered to the top of your lungs when Riku's name was announced. You ran up to him when he got off the platform. You wrapped your arms around him, and smiled.
"You won, Riku. That was so close. For a minute there, I thought you were gonna lose, but you won".
"Wow, you thought I was gonna lose, that's some confidence you got in me", he said teasing you.
You sticked out your tongue at him, and laughed.
"Well, you should of seen the way you were send to the floor. You had me going there".
You saw Kairi and Sora walking up to where you and Riku were standing. They waved at you and Riku and stopped in front if you.
"Hey, Riku. That was a tough match. You had us worried", said Sora, crossing his arms. Kairi was giggling.
"At least he won. It was a great match, Riku. You were great". She said smiling at Riku.
Riku smirked and said staring at Sora," Well, at least one of us has a chance of getting the trophy. Unlike Sora, I might actually win".

You turned your head at Sora, you saw that he was embarrassed by Riku's comment. You started giggling at him.
"Alright, stop it, Riku. Don't get your confidence high. You're now going up against Hayner. So, don't think you just won yet".
Riku looked at you and rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the fact that you teased him.
"Yeah, alright. You'll be sorry for doubting me, Aniko".

He started to walk away to get ready for his other match. You ran to him and stopped him by standing in front of him. You quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek, and smiled.
"I doubt that you'll lose, Riku".
You walked back to Sora and Kairi, and noticed that Ollette and Pence were with Hayner. You rushed up to them and stopped in front of Hayner.
"Hey, good luck, Hayner". You smiled at him and walked by Ollette's side. Ollette giggled and started talking to you.
"Hayner's really nervous.He doesn't know if he'll win. I think he's just over exaggerated", she said as she blinked at you.
"I just can't wait to see who wins the match". You said as you saw Sora and Kairi, getting ready to watch the match. You all turned your heads towards the platform, as the sponsor guy walked to the center.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the finals for the Struggle match is about to begin. The final match is with our very own, Hayner, against our newcomer, Riku".
You saw Riku and Hayner walking up to the platform on opposite ends. Hayner was swinging his bat all over the place, while Riku was just standing casual with one hand in his pocket, and the other one holding his struggle bat.

"Contestants, take your positions. On my signal..."
Riku and Hayner were getting in their fighting positions. The sponsor guy raised his hands.
"3...2...1...Go...whoa, what's happening".
Suddenly, on the platform, these white creatures started to pop out of nowhere. One by one, more kept coming out. The sponsor guy quickly jumped off the platform, screaming. The people watching the match, started to run away, screaming and panicking. You turned your head to talk to Kairi.

"What's going on? What are those things?", you said in a panicking tone.
Riku jumped off the platform and went straight to where you, Sora and Kairi were standing. Hayner went to Ollette and Pence. Riku faced Sora.
"It's the nobodies again, why are they here?", said Riku in a unpleasant tone. Sora nodded.
"Yeah, no doubt the heartless will be here soon", said Sora grabbing Kairi's hand.
Kairi, stay here with Aniko, we'll fight them off, okay", he said as Kairi nodded. You shook your head and grabbed Riku's arm.
"I wanna help you guys", you looked at Riku straight in the eye, trying to convince him, but he shook his head.
"No, you'll stay here with Kairi. Sora and I will handle this".
You let go of his arm, as he and Sora ran to those creatures. You stood there helplessly, wishing in your mind that you could help them.

"I wish I could help you guys. I'm always the one who's forced into doing things that I don't want to. The same way my father forced me".
You suddenly closed your eyes and your mind was send to another dark room. You looked around, and saw the blond girl who helped you before. She was drawing in her notebook, until she saw that you were staring at her. She smiled and opened her mouth to say something.

"Here, you want to help your friends, right. Take it. I know it'll help you". She handed you the piece of paper she was drawing in. You took it and saw a picture of two black and purple bordered chakrams. They had a gold symbol of a moon and a star in the center. The weapon had five sharp blades around it's round outer border.

You looked at the drawing once more and looked at the blond girl. "What good is this drawing?", the blond girl smiled again and said to you, "Open your eyes".
You opened your eyes, and saw that you were back in the Sandlot. You saw Riku and Sora fighting the white creatures You turned to see Kairi looking at you with such shock.

"Aniko, what are you holding?",said Kairi pointing at your hands.
You looked to see that in one hand, you were holding a chakram in each hand. It was the same ones as the ones in the blond girl's drawing. You lift them up, to find that the weren't as heavy as they looked.
"Wow, amazing. This is incredible". You looked at Riku and Sora fighting, and nodded to yourself.
"Kairi, I'm going to help them. Wait for me here, okay".
You didn't wait for her answer. You quickly ran up to the platform to enter the battle.
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Wow, You got a!! Too bad you couldn't see if Riku or Hayner won!! Sorry! Anyhow, I can't wait for Axel to come out again. I want to see a chakram against chakram battle!! YAY!! Sorry if there are alot of errors, here.