What I Like About You


Calum's POV

When we arrived at the hospital, we approached the front desk, and Luke rushed the girl's names out before he even got to greet the woman. She smiled in sympathy, and I wanted to vomit as she led us down the hall and into a small waiting room, where an older woman sat, taking in our presence when we entered the room.

She stood up and immediately walked over to us.

"Hi." She said softly, as if she thought talking any louder would break us.

Luke embraced her then, and I turned away to avoid seeing my best friend so broken.

When they parted, Rose looked at me and I cringed.

"C'mon, boys, come sit for a second." She motioned to the chairs on the other side of the room. We followed her and sat down on either side of her. "So, the girl's were in bad shape when they got here last night. The car hit them and they w-went flying on the pavement and uhm." She took a deep breath and I put my hand in hers, squeezing. "J-jasmine came in with a shattered arm and u-hm her back. They had to perform surgery on her back because she almost broke her spine so she wouldn't be able to walk again."

Luke dropped his head, and I sighed, moving over to sit next to my best friend and move an arm around him.

Rose wiped her eyes, but continued on.

"But they were able to successfully fix her spine, at least for now, so that she'll be able to walk again, but she's going to need physical therapy, because it's not going to be easy. They were able to stabilize her condition. S-she hasn't woken up yet, though. They seem to think it will be in the next 24 hours, but they don't know."

I let that sink in for a minute, and squeezed Luke's arm to let him know that I was there for him.

"But Calum." Rose said gently. "Kennedy is in surgery right now because she came in with a shattered arm and leg, but she also broke a rib, which punctured her lung and caused internal bleeding. They had to fix that right away, so that she can breathe again, but they said that she bled so much that they don't-" She covered her mouth with her hands. "They don't know how successful the surgery will be."

I didn't know what to think or say as Luke wrapped arm around around my shoulders, moving so that I could place my head on his shoulder.

"They're going to be okay, though." Rose said softly. "I know that our girls are fighters."

I felt Luke nod, and I moved closer to my best friend's solid presence.

Nobody said anything for a long time as we sat there.

I couldn't believe that this was happening. I couldn't lose Kennedy after she just came into my life. She so quickly became important to me, and changed my life for the better, and I already couldn't imagine my life without her. I needed to voice my thoughts out loud at that moment.

"I-I can't lose her, Lukey. I can't." I wiped at the tears falling from my eyes furiously.

"You won't." Luke said, rubbing my arm in comfort. "Neither of our girls are going anywhere, okay?"

"You can't be sure about that." I challenged him.

"I can and I am." He stated.

Rose got up and came over to sit on the other side of me, grabbing my hand.

"I am too." She said confidently.

I closed my eyes and reveled in the comfort of other people's sureness.

Wanting to distract myself, I pulled out my phone to see I had a notification of a tweet from the band account.

Cal & Luke had an emergency, so the shows have been cancelled until further notice. Sorry to anyone we have disappointed, we'll make it up to you! lots of love. xx

I sighed and decided to send out my own quick tweet, already feeling bad for disappointing the fans.

sorry to anyone we have let down. we are ok, but need a little time off. love you guys to the moon and back. xx

Once I sent out the tweet, I locked my phone and put it away, just as a doctor came out into the waiting room, shooting a soft smile in our direction.

"So Jasmine is now awake and conscious. She wants to see you." He pointed at Rose. "And whichever of you is her boyfriend."

I've never seen Luke react as fast as he did then, standing up.

I smiled in relief at my best friend before they followed the doctor down the hall, and I was left with my thoughts, wondering if Kennedy would ever wake up.