What I Like About You


Calum's POV

I woke up to the sound of the door opening and closing. I sighed, sitting up in the plastic chair next to Kennedy's bedside. Rose tutted when she saw me.

"Calum, sweetheart-" She started, but I shook my head, not wanting to have the conversation about me needing to get out of that space again.

She sighed, sitting down next to me.

"Calum, you need to at least eat something. When was the last time you ate?"

I mentally counted the days, not really remembering my last meal, in my head before speaking.

"A few days I guess." I shrugged.

"Honey, Luke and Jaz are down in the cafeteria now. Why don't you go join them and at least get a little food in your system. I'll be here, and you need a break."

I really couldn't argue when his stomach grumbled, so I stood up, stretching my back before gently kissing Kennedy's forehead, brushing a thumb over her cheek.

"Call me if-"

Rose cut me off, raising her phone. I kissed her cheek before going out in the hallway. I got in the elevator and pressed the button for the cafeteria, arriving to see my two friends at a table, talking in hushed tones.

I walked over and Luke shot me a surprised look before standing up to hug me.

"It's good to see you out of that room." He mumbled in my ear.

I nodded quickly before letting him go and bending to hug Jaz in her wheelchair.

"Sit down, Cal, I'll get you a coffee and some food, yeah?"

"Thanks, Lu."

As Luke got in line, I looked across the table at Jaz, who smiled lightly.

"How're you feeling?" I asked her gently.

"I've felt better." She said, chuckling a little. "But Luke's really helping. He's such an angel."

"Yeah, he's pretty great." I agreed, looking over at my best friend, who was my rock this past week.

Jaz reached over and held my hand with her good arm.

"How're you doing, Cal?"

I bit my lip to keep the lump in my throat inside.

"It's been a week, and I just want her to wake up, y'know?" I asked quietly.

"Believe me, I know." Jaz replied. "But she will. Because she's strong. And because she needs to go on a proper date with you."

I laughed at that, and Jaz grinned.

"And he laughs!" Luke said, walking to the table and handing Calum a coffee and a bagel.

"Feels good." I mumbled.

Jaz squeezed my hand before letting it go so I could eat my breakfast.

"So, what were you guys talking about before I got here?" I asked my friends, bringing my coffee to my lips.

They shared a look that made me pause, putting my coffee down.

"U-uhm nothing important." Luke stuttered out.


"No, really, nothing to be concerned about, Cal." Jaz stepped in.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to call bullshit, my phone started ringing, Rose's name popping up on the caller I.D.

I answered, half out of my seat already.

"Calum, come back here, right now." Her frantic voice called.

And with that I was up and running to Kennedy's room, hoping I wouldn't be too late.