What I Like About You


When I got back to our seats, Jasmine raised an eyebrow at me.

"What took you so long?"

"I just ran into a cute guy smoking and I was talking to him."

"Ooh, get it girl!" She laughed.

I stifled my own smile and watched as the music stopped and the guys took the stage to a roar of applause. I focused my eyes on Calum and watched as he moved along to the beat of the bass, his fingers effortlessly moving along the guitar. I had to admit, I was enjoying the music, and I watched as Jasmine danced and screamed along, having the time of her life.

I watched Calum's eyes scan the arena in front of him, and I stifled a giggle, hoping he was looking for me, but knowing that he probably wasn't.

They finished their last song, and then they all bowed, and left the stage.

"That was amazing!!" Jasmine screamed.

I laughed and looped my arms through hers as we walked out of the venue.

"It was actually really fun." I admitted as we got into the car.

Jasmine beamed at me.

"Told you!" She smiled. "You know, they're playing here for a few more nights, maybe we can see them again now that you like them!"

"Yeah, maybe." I agreed.

We pulled into our driveway and went inside, sitting down on the couch as my phone buzzed with a text. My heart skipped a beat as I saw it was from an unknown number.

hey Kennedy, it's Calum. hope you enjoyed the show! I looked for you from the stage, but I couldn't see you :(

My heart fluttered and I must have grinned outwardly, because Jasmine turned and looked over my shoulder before I could stop her.

"Kennedy, please don't tell me that's Calum Hood texting you."

"Um, surprise?"

"What the fuck, Kennedy Marie, how did this happen?!"

"He was the hot guy I met outside while I was smoking."

"And you didn't think to mention that you interacted with one of my idols?"

"Listen, Jaz, I'm sorry."

Jasmine sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"I'm excited for you, Ken, I am. Tell me everything, what happened?!"

I launched into the story, ending with the fact that I told him we'd hang out while he was in town.

"Ken, I'm so jealous of your life right now. You have to hook me up with Luke when you can. Text him back already!"

I laughed at her impatience, quickly typing out a reply.

I actually did enjoy it. We were pretty far away, that's why you couldn't see me.

Jasmine leaned on my shoulder as I waited for him to text back, and I tried to shove her off as it vibrated again.

well maybe tomorrow night I can fix that :)

"Holy shit!!" Jasmine cheered. "Is this really happening??"

I rolled my eyes.

"Jaz, you need to be cool, okay? He's a normal person, and if you want me to ever introduce you, you're going to treat him as such, and not squeal in his face. " I laughed, yawning. "I'm heading up to bed."

"But I wanna see what you say." She pouted.

"I'll tell you tomorrow."

I went up to my bedroom, getting ready for bed and snuggling under the covers before texting him back.

Maybe :) I'll call you tomorrow when I get out of class and we can go get coffee or something?

I nuzzled my face further into my pillow, scrolling through twitter before deciding that I was going to find Calum's twitter and follow him. Then, my phone vibrated again, two text messages in succession.

definitely. now go to sleep. it's late. goodnight, I'll talk to you tomorrow.
P.S. thanks for the twitter follow. your default photo is cute :)

I blushed beet read, not used to this attention. Flustered, I quickly typed out a response.

goodnight cal.

Then, I plugged my phone in and drifted to sleep, thoughts of the net day and a certain raven haired boy in my mind.