A Relaxing Bath

you're adorable

With a sigh she knocked on the door to the bathroom. She had been generous, postponing her bedtime routine for as long as possible because she knew that his day at work had been much longer and harder than hers, but she had to get some sleep soon.

“Babe? Can I come in?” she called and a response in the form of a grunt was given. She pushed the door open and headed straight for the sink to grab her toothbrush, but her gaze was quickly diverted to the man sprawled out in the bathtub. When Sebastian had said that he was going to take a bath, she hadn’t expected him to have one like a woman. He had apparently dug into her bath supplies and filled the warm water with her bubblebath solution and relaxing herbal oils, and even lit candles along the edges of the tub. His dark hair, grown out for the film he was currently shooting, was twisted into a lazy bun at the back of his head, and she had to stifle a laugh at the sight of him. Sebastian heard the noise and cracked one of his eyes open.

“What?” he questioned, voice quiet from his exhaustion. Being a winter soldier for days on end and having Chris beat him up was proving to be draining, and he had only wanted to soothe his muscles and try to prevent more bruises from forming.

“You’re adorable,” she admitted before focusing back on her original task of brushing her teeth. “Did you want me to grab you a rubber ducky too?” She shoved the toothbrush in her mouth and leaned against the sink, smirking as Sebastian smiled from the joke.

“That would be great, actually. Anything to help,” he replied before resting his head backwards and closing his eyes. She continued to brush her teeth but couldn’t prevent her eyes from wandering. The bubbles in the bath were parting at convenient locations, allowing her to catch glimpses of the finely toned muscles that Sebastian had worked so hard for so long to achieve. And just like every other day, they were making her hot and bothered. Reminding herself that she had work the next morning and needed to get to bed, she spat out the toothpaste and then cleaned her make-up off. Once she was done, she crouched next to the bath and leaned over to kiss Sebastian’s cheek.

“I’m going to go to sleep now. Enjoy the rest of your bath,” she said softly with a smile before standing up.

“Wait,” Sebastian called and she hesitated, watching as Sebastian slowly lifted his aching body to sit up. “You take baths more than me, can I ask you a question?”

“Yeah, of course,” she said with a nod. Sebastian then lunged towards her, gripping her hips and pulling her down. She lost her balance and crashed into the bath, sending water and bubbles flying. With a loud gasp, she got on her knees in the bathtub and looked down at herself, noticing that she was completely soaked. Her attention then turned to Sebastian who was grinning widely, clearly quite pleased with his antics.

“I just wanted to know if having sex makes the bath more relaxing,” Sebastian explained rather innocently and she laughed at his obvious acting.

“Well I do have to take these clothes off, they feel terrible now,” she agreed before pulling her shirt over her head. Sebastian’s hands gripped her naked waist and he pulled her into a kiss.