What Hurts the Most

No Matter What Happens...

"Kill m-" I stopped myself. Probably not the most appropriate time to say, 'kill me.'

I looked across the room at Seth, who was looking back at me bashfully. It made me grin just looking at him; he is THE most adorable kid I have ever seen.

I opened my mouth to say something, but he cut me off, already knowing what the question was going to be. I would've accused him of being psychic, if not for the fact that I had been asking the same thing for twenty minutes straight.

"I don't think they'd've come to a conclusion in five minutes, Nat," he said with a chuckle, shaking his head but grinning all the while. I had grown accustomed to him calling me Nat despite the fact that I've only known him for a couple days now.

Jake was talking to Sam...again. I was hoping that he would take Seth with him, to soften up the stubborn wolf, but he said no.

"Two things," I recalled him saying. "One, I can handle Sam on my own. And Two, I need someone here to watch you besides my handicapped father."

"I resent that!" Billy yelled from down the hall.

"Anyone that has ever met Billy," Seth began, crossing his arms. "KNOWS not to mess with him."

"That's my boy."

"Hey!" Jake yelled in protest, furrowing his eyebrows. "You've never said that to me before!"

"That's because there are rarely any moments where you are being a proud-worthy son," Billy responded. I couldn't help but chuckle.

So, me and Seth have been stuck here for the passed hour and a half trying to find ways to entertain ourselves.

"Ya never know..." I mumbled back to Seth. I was getting ancy just sitting in Jake's room, waiting to find out whether or not the wolves were going to help us and what exactly they're going to do about the whole Bella thing. I didn't think it was a big deal. I mean, she just had a kid, that's all. Not like she murdered an entire town or anything.

"Would me checking every five minutes make you happy?" Seth said sarcastically.

"Indeed," I answered complacently.

Seth obediently walked out the door into the living room and transformed. It only took him a few minutes until he came back, fully human. He, unlike Jake, walked in fully dressed and NOT still pulling up his pants or buckling them. Unlike Jake, Seth had manners.

"Anything?" I asked hopefully, biting my lip.

He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "Nope. But there was a lot of yelling going on."

"About what?" I questioned nervously, my heart starting to pick up slightly.

"Me popping into their top-secret conversation." He answered, looking at me pointedly.

"Oh," I said guiltily, with a small smile.

"Relax Nat!" he advised, creasing his forehead concernedly. "After all that's happened, how could he say no?"

"I s'pose you're right," I said, defeated.

There was silence in the air. I sprawled myself out onto Jake's bed, leaving no space whatsoever. It smelled like him; that wonderful, musky smell. I tried to imagine that the bed was him, but it was hard, considering that Jake was ten times hotter than this squishy divan.

I heard Seth walk over to the corner of the bed and felt the mattress sink down.

"Get off," I mumbled, my voice stifled by the bed.

"Why?" he asked. He honestly sounded confused and a little distressed.

I looked over my shoulder and glared at him, saying "Cuz you're sitting on my foot and it's starting to disappear."

He immediately jumped up and the extreme pressure that was over my foot was instantly released. Seth was laughing at me; honestly LAUGHING.

"You think almost crushing my foot's funny?" I inquired, flipping over onto my back and folding my arms, glaring at him childishly.

"No," he said through his man-giggles, and he started to regain his composure. Well, his laughter began to cease. Seth never really HAD any composure to start with. That's what I liked about this kid; he was still a kid, even if he did looked twenty.

"Of course not."

"Well how do you like this!" I yelled out a loud battle cry and leaped at him. He didn't move, didn't stumble, or anything like the latter. I simply hanged flaccid off of his shoulder.

He looked down at me and arched his eyebrow. He picked me up by the back of my shirt and dropped me on the bed. Seth knelt down alongside it and rested his head on his arms. I continued to lie on the bed and stare at him.

"Nice try," he said finally.

"A for effort?" I asked, my face lighting up.

"You never give up do you?" he said, chuckling and covering his face in his arms. "You're as stubborn as Jake."

"Speaking of Jake..." I mumbled, my voice trailing off. A very subtle hint, hint.

"Alright, I'll go check on them."

"And if they yell at you again," I hollered down the hallway as he disappeared. "Tell them it's been SIX minutes!"

My comment was responded with a simple laugh.

It surprised me how much like Jake Seth was. They even looked the same, on a certain degree. The only difference was Seth's hair was longer. Oh, and Jake's wolf-form was orangish while Seth's was a sandy-brownish.

No matter what happens, though, I will always choose Jake. Sorry, Seth.
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yay! another chapter successfully completed. and guess what guys? because you guys have been SO wonderful, this story is now officialy...wait for it...

SIX STARS!! woo hoo! thanks you guys! if i get enough reviews, i will DEFINITELY post a new chapter tonight or tomorrow. thanks! you guys ROCK.