Status: ON HIATUS!

Shatter Me


(b)Somebody shine a light
I'm frozen by the fear in me
Somebody make me feel alive
And shatter me(/b)

"Hey do you want to go to lunch today?"

"No. I'm busy" He grumbled. She didn't flinch , she didn't cry. She was beyond used to this.

Nothing new.
He still didn't care.

Maybe he's never loved her?
Maybe it was all pretend?

"I'll buy" she said softly hoping to convince him into going on a date with her. She knew it was a far cry but maybe she can convince him to , well , talk to her.

"I said I'm busy! Fuck this you're really a fucking pain in the ass." He screamed and stormed out of the room.

With a sigh and a eye filled with watery tears she nodded her head and then left the house. She was tired but she wasn't giving up.

Without even noticing where she was going she ended up at Brian's house. She parked the car in the driveway and walked to knock on the door.

A few minutes later she heard the bark of Pinkly and smiled when she heard rattling of keys.

The door opened and Pinkly lapped into her arms.

"Hey beautiful girl. You're so pretty. Yes you are yes you are"

Brian laughed at the way she talked to Pinkly.

"Come in babe" he said softly and held open the door for her.

"Thanks. I didn't bother you , did I?"

"When on earth will you ever bother me?"

With a blushing smile she sat down on the couch. Pinkly immediately jumping up on her lap.

"Did Matt do something?" Brian asked after a while of talking about non-important things.

"Yeah but that's not why I'm here. I just wanna hang out."

"I'm down with that baby girl. You want anything to eat or drink?"

She laughed softly , "no I'm fine but thanks Bri bear."

For the next 5 hours the to talked and hung out together , watching movies eating popcorn and candy and basically having a great time.

Just like it should be with her and Matt.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short...enjoy.