I Knew You Were Trouble

Chapter twenty two

Josh's POV

The doctors rushed Oli into the emergency room where they needed to perform surgery on him straight away. With hysterical cries I begged the doctors to let me go with him but I wasn't allowed to go in and then, I was being ripped away from Oli's side and shoved into a overly cleaned waiting room by myself as I needed to be checked out by a doctor for any injuries.

After I got off the phone to Jordan, he said that he would call for an ambulance as it was more likely to get to us first than he or any of the others. So I was currently alone in this hospital building going out of my mind with worry and desperate to see a familiar face that would calm me from my wild anxiety. I was trembling. I think I was still in shock from everything that's happened and I kept pinching myself to see if I'd wake up from this horrid nightmare.

Thankfully I wasn't in the waiting room for very long because a doctor came in for me shortly after and took me into another room. They performed an X-ray on my arm and ran other tests and check ups on me too to see if everything was okay.

I didn't care about my arm, yeah, it was really painful and had swelled up like a balloon and obviously needed to be looked at but, Oli's injuries were far worse than mine, I think I could handle a sore hand.

All I wanted to know if Oli was okay but my doctor ignored all of my questions about him and continued with their examination on me which only upset me more. Turns out I had sprained my wrist from where I fell when Oli pushed me out of the way of the car. Which I thought was a bit ironic. I get a sprained wrist whilst Oli is in another room fighting for his life. I wished it was the other way around.

I felt sick and hopeless not knowing anything. I pray to God that he was alright because if he wasn't I'd never forgive myself.

The doctor wrapped a bandage around my wrist and ordered me to rest it for the next 48 hours and to put an ice pack on it for 20 minutes twice a day for the next two days to help the swelling and tenderness go down. After that I was free to go back to the waiting room and wait for someone to come tell me some dreading information about Oli.

I felt more alone than ever. I cradled my sprained wrist to my chest and slowly dragged my feet along the floor back to the room to feel sorry for myself and wait for a doctor to hear over bearing news..

When I opened the door to the waiting room I was shocked yet relief to see Horizon in there already waiting. My puffy eyes meet with Jordan's and before I can tear up again I walk straight over to him, avoiding the others.

"Have you heard anything?" I ask eagerly my tone full of hope.

But before I could reach Jordan though a very angry and distraught looking Tom stepped in front of me.

"What the fuck were you doing in the middle of the road?!" he yells in tears and shoves my chest which made me stumble backwards.

"I...I don't know." I mumbled and adverted my gaze to the ground.

I didn't want to tell him the real reason behind why we were standing in the road. I wasn't sure how he would react to my confession for my love for his brother but I had a feeling he wouldn't take it well. So I kept quiet.

"I swear, if anything happens to him Franceschi I will run you over and kill you myself!"

I whimper from Tom's harsh threat and Jordan wraps his arms around me protectively and holds me away from him.

"That's enough Tom." Jordan warns.

"Shouldn't you be raiding some doctor's cabinet or something, that's what you do best, right?" he seethes at Jordan.

"Tom," Nicholls says putting his hand on Tom's shoulder but he shrugs it off aggressively.

"No!" he cries to Nicholls and points a finger directly at me.

"It should have been him that got hit by that car, not Oliver! He's the only family I've got left... I can't lose him, I can't Matt, he's my brother!" Nicholls manages to wraps his arms around Tom and pull him to his chest to comfort the crying boy.

Just like that time in the kitchen when he broke down because I mentioned his mum, he lost it. His hard shell cracks at the mention of losing his family and it reveals the scared fragile boy he really is underneath... I believe Oli Is the same but he has a much tougher shell than his little brothers. I saw a glimpse of it once before, when he threaten me to never mention his mum again. It was a frightening threat but I saw the sorrow in his eyes that night at the mention of her and that was first time I saw a glimpse of the real Oli.

It was heartbreaking to witness whenever it happened. I just needed Tom to believe me that I meant no harm to him or his brother. I cared about Oli so much he had no idea how much.

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt him." I say under my breath and Tom whips his head around catching my words.

"Bullshit! I've never trusted you from the start, Oliver might be blinded by your fake innocence but I see right through you! You have too many connections with opposite gangs who have tried to screw us over in the past before and I will find out you what you're up to Franceschi, mark my words. Oliver might let you run around freely without supervision to whom you go back to but I know better than that, I know you're up to something!" Tom accuses, untangling himself from Nicholls and holding a firm stare on me.

He was crazy, I swear. He was convinced that I was out to get them but I was just an ordinary boy who had immense feelings for some guy who was involved with some dodgy business. And that was the honest truth.

I give a quick glance up at Jordan and step away from him to face Tom. It was becoming so frustrating having to deal with his accusations all the time. I'm being framed for something I have no bloody clue about.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Tom, but I'm not involved with any body but Oli, I swear."

"Liar! You have connections with Sean Smith and Jack Barakat, enemies of ours and who have it out for Oliver!"

I frown at him in confusion. Connections that lead to Oliver?

Sean was my boyfriend back in sixth form but I haven't heard from him in years and I had absolutely no idea that he was involved with gangs... but Oli and I discussed him before and nothing seemed alarming so I guess it wasn't worth questioning anymore. And as for Jack, I only knew him through Alex and I've just recently discovered he's a gang leader from that night at the OM&M house party and I still don't know what the connection Jack has to Oli. It was simply a coincidence and nothing more.

"The second you're alone with Oliver without us around he ends up in hospital." Tom snarls.

"I didn't set this up if that's what you're trying to say!" I spat back in anger. There is no way I was getting accuse of this. I've been through hell tonight enough already.

"Don't fucking talk back to me like that, scar head!" he says throwing immature insults at me.

"Well maybe if you stop running your mouth and throwing false accusations at innocent people who you know absolutely nothing about, then we wouldn't have this problem!" I snapped angrily finding the courage to put this kid in his place once and for all.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" he growls at me.

The eye contact of our death stare broke and we both lash out at each other in fury but we both get held back by Nicholls and Jordan before World War Three breaks out between us once again.

"This isn't the time to be fighting!" Jordan shouts at the two of us but we continue to struggle against the others arms.

A doctor comes into the waiting room interrupting the heated argument which had broken out. The man stood in his long white coat with his arms folded across his chest and his eye brow raised. He didn't look very impressed with our behaviour and I'm surprised he didn't call security on us.

Tom and I both stop struggling to rip each others eyes out and payed our full attention to the doctor as he was the one with information about Oli's condition.

"Is anyone here a blood relative to Mr Sykes?" he asks in his professional doctor voice.

"I am! He's my brother, is he going to be alright?" Tom literally leaps forward to the doctor, demanding answers.

Me and the rest of Horizon stepped closer to the doctor also to hear what he had to tell us about Oli. The room quickly grew tense and quiet and that triggered my anxiety to rise greater.

"The surgery went as well as it could have and he's stable for now but however, he's suffered from a rather fatal accident and received several injuries all over his body and during the surgery Mr Sykes slipped into a coma."

"A coma?" Tom questions in a small voice.

My heart literally felt like it died and fell out of my chest and onto the hospital floor to rot away at the word coma.

"Mr Sykes took a nasty impact to his body this evening and received intense swelling to the brain which caused his body to shutdown because of the overwhelming pressure to his brain. Over the next 48 to 72 hours me and the other nurses will keep a close watch on him and analyse his recovery carefully. We won't know of any further brain damage until he wakes up." He explains making my heart leap up into my throat.

Brain damage?! Please God no, anything but that.

"When will he wake up?" I ask earning a glare from Tom.

"I'm sorry but us doctor's don't know the exact answer to that I'm afraid. It could take him days, weeks or even months to wake up from this sort of trauma. So, I suggest you all to prepare yourselves for a long wait." he says sympathetically.

This was all so much to take in and all of it didn't seem like it was real but it was, and it hurt like hell.

"If the swelling doesn't decrease or worsen in the next 72 hours we will have to take immediate action to perform brain surgery and remove apart of his skull to reduce the swelling. But for now, we're hoping for the swelling will decrease itself." The doctor added making a tear roll down my cheek.

"Can I see him?" Tom asks the doctor who nods.

"For now, only family can but the rest of you will have to wait until further notice on Mr Sykes recovery."

And with that, Tom leaves the waiting room with the doctor and my eyes follow after them wishing I could go also. But who was I to Oli? I was no one. I had no reason to be here.

"It's all my fault." I cried into Jordan's shoulder once the door closed behind them.

"Hey, don't say that, Oliver is tough as nails, he'll get through this, you'll see." He assures, putting his arm around my shoulders and giving me a light squeeze.

"He's in a coma Jordan, he might not even wake up at all!" I whine through my tears.

"And he might wake up tomorrow, Josh. He'll be okay I promise you. I've worked around coma's before, he's just having a really deep sleep, that's all." He was trying to make me feel better about Oli's situation but it wasn't working.

"I wish the car hit me." I sobbed.

"Speaking of the car, did you manage to get a look at it all?" Vegan asks causing me to look up at him.

"Erm..." I trailed off, rewinding back to that horrifying accident in my brain.

"Did you see who was driving it? Was there anyone else in the car? What colour was it, did you get a glimpse of the number plate?" Nicholls began bomb barding me with questions and it became all too much.

I shook my head feeling useless to be able to help them at all.

"Well that's just fucking great, kid!" Nicholls yells making me flinch.

"Lay off him Matt, he's been through a lot." Jordan says.

"Well how the fuck are we going to find out who did this to Oliver if the kid can't even give us any clues to whoever's behind this. He's fucking useless!"

"I'm sorry." I whimpered.

"We'll just have to figure out another way to track down who did this." Jordan explains, finding excuses for me.

"The longer we wait the longer the fuckers have of planning their next move on attacking Oliver."

My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion at their discussion but then something popped up into my head which didn't seem fairly right.

"But... I was the one standing in the middle of the road, not Oli." I say timidly by interrupting their conversation.

"What?" Nicholls snaps.

"The car, it was heading towards me...it only hit Oli because he pushed me out of the way at the last second."

"So Oliver wasn't the target...you were." Lee said making all four of them stop and stare at me intensely. They're stares making me incredibly nervous.

"What does that mean?" My voice shook fearing the worse when I heard the word 'target'.

None of them answered me though, they just turned they're backs to me and began discussing things between them.

"I'm going to check if there was any CCTV that caught this, then at least we know what we're dealing with if we find a link." Vegan says getting out his smart phone and going to work straight away on it.

"Well, I guess that's a start." I hear Nicholls say but the room went all blurry to me.

My breathing suddenly went shallow and breathless as my hand tugged on my shirt when I felt my chest go horribly tight. I hunched over myself when I felt my body begin to tremble. I was having a full blown panic attack and I could feel the tears roll down my cheeks in fear of my life.

I was a target. Someone wanted to hurt me. Maybe even wanted me dead. And if it wasn't for Oli they would have probably succeed if he didn't throw himself in front of that car.

I had no idea why somebody was out to get me. I hadn't done anything wrong. I'm just Josh, boring old Josh that works at a lame pizza restaurant, who neglects his friends to have sex with a so called ruthless gang leader. Why would that piss anyone off enough to want to kill me?

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down, its okay." Jordan rushes to my side when he notices my panicked state. I couldn't breathe.

He sits me down on a chair and quickly gets me a cup of water from the water dispenser and encourages me to take a sip.

"Am- Am I gonna d-die?" I choked on a sob and split water over my jeans.

He kneels down in front of me and places his hands on my thighs as he fixed his piercing blue eyes onto mine.

"Remember the breathing techniques we did on the phone? I need you to do them again for me okay, Josh? Take a deep breath for me and breathe in through the nose and slowly out through the mouth."

I loosen my hand which had hold of my throat and slowly nodded at Jordan before taking a deep breath in and started doing the breathing techniques. I didn't take my eyes off his and he breathed in and out along with me and it wasn't long before it felt like I could breathe steadily again as my panic attacked died down.

I wiped the tears away from my cheeks and sighed heavily down at Jordan, still feeling terrified.

"You're under our protection Josh, Oli made us swear to always protect you no matter what the circumstances. As long as you're with us no one can hurt you." He says in a reassuring voice.

I nod, briefly remembering Oli scolding them all when Nicholls hit me and then, made them all promise to never lay a hand on me and to protect me from danger at all costs. Now I understood why Oli made them promise that. He knew a time like this would occur, when he wouldn't be able to protect me himself and needed others to do so. The thought tore me apart inside, I missed him so much already.

Jordan took a seat beside me and continued his discussion with the rest of the guys but I zoned out from their conversation and just waited to hear back from the doctor.


We were in the waiting room for hours waiting to hear news back from a doctor or from Tom about Oli's condition but we heard nothing.

My head lazily rested against Jordan's shoulder as I tried to fight against the sleep which adamantly wanted to snap my eyes shut and give in to my body needs but I wouldn't allow it.

I was gone for a few seconds though before I flinched myself awake and sat back up straight in my chair which caused Jordan to look at me.

"You should really try and get some sleep Josh, you need to rest." He says.

I yawned feeling extremely exhausted and shook my head no. I didn't want to sleep in case I missed hearing any news about Oli and I wanted to be awake for whenever a doctor came in.

"I'll wake you if there's any news on Oli, I promise." Jordan smiles softly at me and I couldn't hold off the tiredness anymore.

With sad tired eyes I glance back at him in defeat and slowly nod before he gestures for me to lean my head back on his shoulder. I do and feel him stroke my cheek in comfort with his fingers.

"Sleep." He whispers and wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him and this time I don't fight him on it. I close my eyes and within seconds I fall under the land of sleep.


I woke up in Jordan's lap with his arms wrapped around me and my head resting against his chest. I blush ever so slightly being this close to him but yet, it was very comforting and exactly what I needed right now.

I glanced around the waiting room and found Lee asleep on the row of chairs opposite us but Nicholls and Vegan were nowhere to be seen. Maybe they found a link and decided to go after it to find out more clues.

"Hey." I hear Jordan whisper down to me and I gazed up at him with big puppy dog eyes hoping to be met with some good news but his expression told me otherwise.

"No news I'm afraid." He sends me a sad smile.

I sigh in defeat and rubbed my sore tired eyes before sitting up and sitting down in the chair next to him.

"How's your wrist?" he asks and I find myself subconsciously rubbing it, feeling a twinge of pain throb around it.

I shrug my shoulders not really caring about it. There were more important things going on than having me sit and cry about a sprained wrist.

It seemed like we've been in this room for hours and all this waiting and worrying was very draining. I ran my good hand through my hair stressfully as my mind started to over think about if Oli would ever wake up... What if he didn't? What would happen then? What if months went by and he still didn't wake up and we had to pull the plug on his life support... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if it came down to that.

My eyes welled up and abruptly, I broke down into tears again and dropped my head in my hands and sobbed my heart out. This waiting and knowing nothing was absolutely torture, I just needed to know that he was okay or at least see him.

"It's all my fault." I choked and I feel Jordan rub his hand up and down my back soothingly. I should never have told him that I love him and then we wouldn't be here right now.

"You need to stop blaming yourself, it was an accident."

I shook my head and wiped my eyes with the palms of my hands and I looked over at Lee who was still fast asleep with his mouth wide open snoring his head off, before I nervously looked back at Jordan.

"I...I told him that I love him." I admitted witnessing Jordan's eyes grow wide.

"You told him that?" he asks in disbelief.

I nodded. I needed to get this off my chest before it ate away at me and Jordan was the only one I trusted in Horizon.

"That's what we were arguing about before..." I trailed off wincing at the memory of Oli's body flying over the roof of the car.

"But he doesn't love me back... that's- that's why I was in the middle of the road, I was trying to get away from him... I didn't want to hear his rejection but he came after me." I sobbed in between tears feeling my heart pound heavily in my chest.

I glanced back at Jordan wondering why he hadn't said anything or yelled at me for confessing my love to someone like Oli in the first place but instead he just gave me a sceptical look which worried me.

He reaches out and put his hand on my shoulder and a hint of a smile appeared on his lips.

"Josh, he came after you, he pushed you out of the way of an on coming car, that doesn't sound like the actions of someone who doesn't love you." He says softly.

I hiccupped and blinked back my tears and stared at Jordan confusedly and then frowned when I thought about what he just said.

Was there actually a chance that Oli loves me back? No, it weren't possible, not after what he said to me earlier. I also remember Alex saying to me the only reason Oli showed affection towards me and stuck by my side was because he didn't want my blood on his hands if shit like this ever happened.

"Oli isn't one for expressing how he feels in words, you should know that by now. But if you ask me, throwing yourself in front of a car to save someone who just admitted their feelings, screams I love you loud and clearly to me." he states making me even more confused than I already was about this whole situation.

I didn't know what to believe anymore. Did Oli really risk his life to save me because he secretly loves me too? I had a raging headache from thinking about it all and I just didn't want to think of it anymore, it was too exhausting. I sighed and leaned back in my chair and stared aimlessly up at the ceiling, feeling completely hopeless and lost.

"How about I go get us some rank hospital tea to warm us up, huh?" I gave him a small forced smile and he pats me gently on the knee before getting up and leaving the room.
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Hey, to whoever still reads this story I just want to say I don't come on mibba hardly anymore and have sort of stopped updating on here BUT I do have a WATTPAD account and I am very active on there, so please follow me (I have the same user name) if you would like to continue reading this story and any of my others. Thank you for reading, see you on wattpad :) xx