Mau Loa (Forever)

umikūmālima (fifteen)

"Lani let's go!" Sage yelled

"Be quiet" she yelled back, Sidney smiled from the couch, Roxy layed her head in his lap, Sidney scratched her and she stretched out.

"She made a new friend" Lori said, Sidney smiled

"Beautiful dog"

"Andy gave her to Lani for Christmas right before he died. She was 6 weeks old"

"Oh" Sidney said, Lori nodded

"She is Lani's world" Sidney smiled and pet the dog again.

"She's so calm"

"Until Lani goes into the water and she can't see her, she goes crazy"

"I'm ready" Leilani said walking down the stairs, bikini top and board shorts on. "You going to swim or hang on the beach?" She asked leaning over the couch, she pet Roxy and looked at Sidney

"I'll do both" he said, she smiled and kissed him before standing up. They turned to look at the door as they heard the sound of barking.

"Patterson" Leilani said leaning down to pet the dog

"You guys ready?" Talan asked

"Yes let's go, the waves aren't gonna surf themself" Sage said. They walked out the back door and down the steps. Leilani smiled as she saw the beach.

"Gnarly. 6-7 footers" Talan said

"You ready Champ?" Sage asked, Leilani looked up and smiled.

"Oh ya"

"Let's go" Talan, Leilani looked back at Sidney before running to her board. She picked it up and chased her brother to the water

"And there they go" Lori said with a smile "come on" she said, Sidney followed her down towards the water and looked around

"What's passed those rocks?" Lori looked at him before looking away

"Bonzai" she said softly

"What's that?"

"A death trap. It's where Leilani's father was killed" she said staring out into the water

"Oh I'm so sorry" Sidney said mentally kicking him, he had completely forgot that Mario and Nathalie had told him that.

"Its ok, it's a big reason Lani bought this house, she can see the pipeline from her room, she says it's the closest she can get to Andy without being in the water"

"Is that why she loves to be in the water"

"Kinda, surfing has been her passion, when Andy died she was at her own competition in Africa. It was her first competition without him, we didn't tell her till she landed back on the island. We told her she was getting on the first flight out, we needed her home ASAP, and only before word could spread and she heard that way. When we told her, it was like the world stopped spinning, watching her was the most heartbreaking thing in the world, it took her 6 months before she would surf again, Kelly got her back out there, that was only a year and a half ago, she didn't want to be around anyone, she sat on the beach with Roxy and at night you could hear her sobbing" Lori said watching her daughter, she smiled "she has her dad's soul that's for sure"

"She looks amazing out there"

"She is complete on that board" Lori said wiping away a tear "Sidney that's my whole world out there, she's a big deal in the surfing world. If they don't know her by her own surfing they know her by her dad. I'm hard on her, and I'm going to be hard on you. She is going places and I don't want you to get in her way"

"I wouldn't do that"

"Your 2 completely different people in 2 completely different worlds" Lori said

"In all due respect Mrs. Carraday if Mario and Nathalie didn't think I was good enough for her, they wouldn't have let us get together" he said standing up, he took in a deep breath and started to walk down the beach alone.


"Where's Sidney?" Leilani asked towel drying her hair

"Oh umm he went down the beach about 30 minutes ago" Lori said standing up



"What did you do?"

"Nothing! We were just talking"


"Look Leilani you need to take things slow with this boy"

"Which way did he go?"


"MOTHER! Which way did he go?"

"Towards Bonzai" she said quietly, Leilani sat her towel down and began to walk down the beach

"Lani" Lori called, Leilani continued to walk ignoring her mom. When she saw Sidney she stopped and looked at him, his hat was on backwards, and his arms where around his knees. She took in a shaky breath and walked towards him.

"I haven't been here in so long" she said sitting down, he looked up at her.

"Leilani I would have came back, you didn't have to come here"

"But I did, I wanted to" she said leaning her head on his shoulder "it's so beautiful"

"That it is" he said

"Dad and I use to come down here every week when I was little and watch the surfers" Sidney looked at her, she sat up and looked out at the waves

"What's so dangerous about this area?"

"The waves out there are 9ft minimum and it breaks right above sharp reefs. It's not the wave you really have to worry about it's what's under it, that's the problem. Well no sometimes the waves turn on you and you drown, but usually the coral gets you first. Shaun died when we were 15, a wave brought him down and he hit his head, we weren't suppose to be out here, it was after dark. We were all so young and dumb, they didn't find his body till morning and luckily he was washed up on some rocks so the sharks didn't get him, Kalua died when we were 19, he hit the bottom and the coral reef got him, he died several days later from infections and dad...." she said stopping to take a deep breath "he was during a competition, I was surfing down at Jeffrey's bay in Africa. And umm" she paused again and looked out at the water, Sidney sat quietly staring at the girl before him, the pain on her face was now showing "he was in first place, he had surfed it 3 times already that day, and the last heat, which he didn't need to surf because he had already won and everyone knew it....he made it to the bottom of a 12 foot wave when another wave came from the outside and slammed into him, they said he had no chance, 2 more waves slammed him while he was already under. Uncle Kelly got to him 15 minutes later when his body finally floated and they tried CPR, they shocked him, they did everything they could" a tear rolled down her cheek "he was pronounced dead June 6th and 1:43 right here" she said touching the sand "I arrived June 7th at 7:30am and found out....I didn't surf for a long time after that, and I haven't touched this area either" she looked over at Sidney who was still silently staring at her "I gave up my title that year, but dad's legacy lived on, he was still a world champion even after he was gone" she said with a smile. "I miss him" she whispered "sometimes I come out here when I feel alone or I'm sad. Nobody knows that though"

"Lani" Sidney whispered

"It's ok" she said with a sideways smile "he's with me all the time" she said touching her heart, she frowned and looked at Sidney


"I wish he was here all the time though" she said breaking down, Sidney grabbed her and held her close, he wiped away a tear that had fallen from his eyes and let her cry.