Status: HOLD.



The rain pelted of my jacket, my hood and when I looked down it was dancing on the streets. Is had managed to sneek out of my house undetected, tonight was a full moon and my family was busy with all of the new changers. Max had vanished from everyone sights so we assumed that he went back to his pack, just to make sure things were okay.

Half of the stores were closed, swing as most of the owners were wolves with children, they had to go an tend to their needs. I always felt bad for the new changers, it was always hard on the first turn, it was always hard in general. You had to make sure that you changed far from the city limits, you had to make sure there was a good source of food in the area as well, no humans around and no family pets.

The worst part was the psychical change itself, bones breaking, skin spliting, bleeding. It didnt take just five minutes like they show in horror movies, no this took time. It could take hours, it could start in the morning and end right when the moon came up. The change could kill you, the pain you endure is torture and some people give up without the proper care.

Others, they never learn to control their change and are forced to change on the full moon. No matter how hard they try, they still change and sometimes hurt others in the process of the change. Then there are feral wolves, the wolves that never learned a damn thing. The ones that when they change, they are dangerous. They don't even remember what happened during the change, they go about life as if its normal. But in reality theyve done horrible things.

Slowly my feet come to a hault as I stare up at the moon, I could feel my wolf wanting to burst and run. But tonight was to dangerous, every night was dangerous, but this night was one of the most dangerous nights. Me being out puts myself at risk of attack, however if they are normal just changing wolves, I was fine.


My phone buzzed softly in my pocket and I quickly ducked under an awning to check it, once my hands were dry and I wasnt dripping around my phone, I pulled it out.


My head tilted to the side in confusion as I stared at my phone, it was an a unknown number and I slightly freaked out. Closing out the text, I dialed my sister number.


I heard shuffling on the other side and then a huff.

"Angel this is not a time to be sneaking off, dad is furious! There is a rouge wolf and your in danger!" She sounded rushed and I could tell she was getting ready to shift and look for me, shaking my head I ran my hand through my hair.

"Don't shift. I'll be back, I'll take the long route. Its less likely to come into the city." I lied my ass off, but she didn't know that, she didn't need to know that. Before she could speak, I hung my phone up and placed my hood over my head.

Of course it would be the one night I choose to run out on a full moon.
I had been walking for a good twenty minutes, trying my best to stay in the lights if the city and not stray to close to the woods. But once I got to the city limits was the hard part, if the wolf was around then I would have to run for my dear life.

My phone buzzed again and I pulled it out. The same random number telling me to run, telling me to run for safety. My eyes narrowed and nose scrunched as I stared at my phone, the rain had let up a bit so I stood in the street confused. Another text came in, RUN.

A chill went down my spine as I heard the snarl come from behind me, my heart hammered in my chest as I slowly turned my head to see. Even though I should be running for my dear life, something was pulling at me to look.

A black mass of fur stood tall on four paws, the shackles raised and tail flat down and ears pinned back. The lips pulled back showing the slightly red tainted teeth, but most of all. The swirling blue and silver eyes staring back at me, he had been following me and I didnt even know it.

He had been stalking me for the past twenty minutes, his claws dug into the cement ground as he slowly hunched his body, ready for attack. My phone slipped from my hand as I twisted my body, my feet skidding in the floor putting me off balance but I quickly ran towards the woods. It was better in there. Rather then being out on the open.

I couldn't hear his paws on the ground, but I could feel his stare going right through me. My feet hit twigs, avoided rocks and jumped over broken trunks. It was like I was in auto pilot, I wouldn't stop moving until I was out of danger. Who knew how long that would take, quickly I ducked under a broken tree and stopped in my path. As I ducked, he jumped and was now standing in front of me snarling.

No one said just how smart they were.

I scanned my surroundings, only one shot and one chance. I had to get up a tree and wait until he left or shifted back, if he shifted back then I would be able to drag him home. Or leave him to suffer. His jaw snapped in my direction causing me to jump, his paws, one in front of the other swiftly as he slowly walked towards me. Ears pinned back.

There was no doubt in my mind that I was horrified, I was in danger. I was possibly going to die and this was not how I wanted to die, my thoughts went to Max. I sort of felt bad for the pain he would go through, even though I denied him so many times the chance to speak. He would still feel the pain, it would probably kill him.

The wolf snarled once more, a venomous deep snarl. I took my chance and ran to right, his paw swiping out and catching my leg but didnt stop me from moving, his footsteps shifted in the ground as I reached the tree and started to climb. It was always the one thing I was good at, climbing trees.

Once at a good stable brach, I took my seat. Watching as he tried to climb the tree, watching him wanting to eat me. I could feel my energy draining and my leg throbbing as my eyes started to drift close, my body fighting to stay awake. The last thing I saw was the silver blue hues staring at me from the ground, jaws snapping and claws scratching at the tree.