Status: Some of these pieces do have explicit content. Mature viewers please.



She stared at the sight before her. Her eyes tripped out like a deer caught in front of headlights. There was nothing for her to say, nothing he could say to take away what had just happened.

Her eyes moved from his to the person beside him. She was petite, pretty, and totally not what she had expected. The girl stared her down like she had all the right in the world to be where she was.

“I can-” he started, getting up from the bed. The sheets fell off his body, and she broke down then, her eyes rimming at the brim.
“Don’t bother,” she said and collected her belongings from where she had dropped them on the floor upon her entrance. “And as for you,” she pointed to the girl. “I hope you’re fucking satisfied. I hope he was worth everything you’ve always dreamt of. Cuz what you did to me and to your family will haunt you for the rest of your life,” she gasped. “I hope you rot in hell.” With that, she turned and left slamming the door behind her.

He stared at the closed door and breathed in a heavy sigh. He didn’t want to turn around, for he didn’t want to see her face.

“Zac, I’m sorry,” she said. He couldn’t tell if she was seriously remorseful or not.
“You should be,” Zac said. “You should know better than anyone how much she means to me,” he said as he turned around to face her. He stood there, in his boxers, in front of a woman that should never be where she was. “I’m sorry, but you have to go now,” he said.
“You’re not serious, are you?” she asked, concern rising in her voice.
“Of course I’m sure!” he yelled. “What? Do you have no remorse whatsoever? Look at what we did for Christ sake!”
“Zac, I know it looks back, but do you know how long I’ve wanted you for?” she asked patting the spot where he once occupied. She beckoned him to sit by her. He slowly walked to her.
“You do realize that this affects everything now, right?” Zac asked sitting in the warmth of the bed.
“I don’t care, Zac. I’ve wanted you for so long-” she trialed and sucked his neck lightly. He rolled his head back, allowing more access. “I know you want me too,” she purred as she trialed kisses over his collarbone and jawline.

He couldn’t move, nor did his body want to. Her lips felt cool on his skin and he was beginning to enjoy the way it felt.

“Mmmm-” he moaned. When she began sliding a hand down to his groin, he jerked away.
“We can’t do this,” he said taking her hand is his, removing it from his body.
“Why not?” she asked, her eyes pleading with his.
“For one, you have a son and you’re married,” he said.
“So?” she asked. “Is it a turn-off that I’m a mother? Some people might consider me a MILF you know,” she taunted.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let this happen,” he said and stood up from the bed. “What would your husband think?”
“Does he really need to know, Zac?” she asked sitting up in the bed, holding the sheets to her bare chest. She stared at him and it was then he realized she didn’t care at all about his feelings, her son’s feelings, her husband’s feelings, or his family’s feelings.
“I’m sorry Natalie, but I have to ask you to get out,” Zac said and pointed to the door.
She smiled sweetly and rose from the bed, and Zac couldn’t help but gawk at what he was admiring. “If you ever tell anyone, especially Taylor, I’ll make sure to make your life a living hell,” she said while she dressed. She sat on the edge of the bed, and grabbed her shoes. She began lacing them. “Oh, and if you don’t mention it ever, I’ll be sure to repay you whenever you want,” Natalie finished and stood up, admiring herself in the mirror. She gazed at Zac’s reflection from the bathroom. “You’re so sexy,” she purred. Zac gave her a look and closed the door. She fluffed her hair and grabbed her purse. “I’m leaving, Zac.” There was no response. She wrinkled her nose and proceeded to the door.

She jumped back and grabbed her chest when the door swung open. Natalie’s eyes grew huge as she stared in fright at her husband standing on the other side.

“So everyone was right,” he said as he looked at her with disgust. “Why didn’t I believe them before?” Taylor folded his arms across his chest.
“What the hell? What’s going on?” Natalie asked in defense. “It’s not what it looks like! Zac came onto me, Taylor,” she pointed. “Look, he’s naked!” Taylor looked at his brother who emerged from the bathroom, fully clothed. “What the hell, Zac!” Natalie screamed. “What’s going on?”
Zac smiled evilly at Natalie. “Well, since you like to blackmail everyone you fuck behind Taylor’s back – I’d figured I’d do a little blackmail of my own,” he said. “So you see, I found out about all your victims. And I told them if they told me what they did with you, I’d reward them,” he smiled. “Oh Natalie, there have been so many. I’m very upset with you,” he teased, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Natalie, I can’t believe I called you my best friend,” Kate said moving beside Taylor. Natalie gasped in horror.
“You’re in this?” she asked, fear appearing on her face.
“Natalie, you’ve been doing this for so long now that people were bound to find out at some point,” Kate said. “Isaac’s been involved too, he’s done a shitload of researching and getting the proof we needed to pull this little stunt together,” she said. Isaac then moved to Kate’s side from his hidden spot behind the door.
“And I suggest you go home,” Isaac said crossing his arms over his chest. “Before we tell our folks and they get the authorities involved,” he said, staring Natalie down.
“And be damn sure you haven’t heard the last of me,” Taylor said. “Ezra will stay with me until we figure things out in court,” he said. Natalie’s eyes went wide.
“How else do you think we could get a divorce and settle things like Ezra and out shared belongings?” he asked in a sweet tone that made Natalie’s body twitch with fear.
“Is that what you really want Taylor?” she asked going up to him. She leaned on her tiptoes and kissed his neck lightly. He jerked her body away.
“Don’t,” he growled. He gave her a disgusted look. “And yes, I can’t be married to an unfaithful, cold-hearted bitch,” he said. To Natalie, those words went to her heart and stung.
“Fine. I don’t need any of you,” she said and took her wedding rings off and chucked them at Taylor.
She left then, pushing through Isaac and Kate. Everyone watched her leave.
“Thank you everyone. You were a big help,” Taylor said. “I’m sorry if this hurt anyone.”
“Taylor, I think this hurt you more than us,” Zac said. “She did have an awesome body though,” Zac laughed. Kate walked up to him and punched his shoulder playfully. “What?” he yelled. “I am a guy!”
“I know. And that is why I love you,” Kate said. Zac wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lips.
“Love you too, baby,” he said.
“Well, I’m glad this is over,” Isaac said.
“Yeah. But for some reason I don’t think we’ve seen the last of her,” Taylor said, eying the elevator.

Natalie listened to the conversation from behind a fake hotel tree. You have no idea how right you are, Taylor, she thought. She smiled and turned around on her heal. She laughed to herself as she walked into the elevator. The door shut tight, her evil snickers echoing down the hall.
♠ ♠ ♠
Started: February 1, 2005
Status: Complete
Rating: PG13