Status: Please tell me what you think!


I'm Dying In This Summer Heat

It was the hottest day of the year. Jack was lying around the front lounge of the bus, and Alex, Rian, and Zack were sitting at the table playing poker.

Jack couldn't believe that it was still almost 80 degrees at eight PM. He needed to get to bed, and quick, but there was no way he'd be able to explain going to bed while the sun was still well and truly out.

He couldn't stay out, though. The heat was undeniably taking a toll on him. His binder felt tighter than usual, and it was chafing every time he moved. He felt dehydrated and short of breath. He'd accidentally fallen asleep in his binder the night before, and he'd been wearing it all day. His ribs felt sore and his chest was falling numb.

"Dude," Rian said, snapping his fingers in front of Jack's face. "Are you okay? You're panting for breath."

"Just hot," Jack gasped out, but he was still struggling to get a breath in edgewise.

His strangled voice seemed to get the attention of Alex, who looked over in concern. Soon after, Jack felt himself being lifted off of the couch and carried off to the bunks. When he looked up, Alex's worried eyes met his own.

Alex set Jack down on his bunk, then sat next to him and stroked a hand through his hair. When Alex moved to pull Jack's shirt off, Jack arched his back to let him.

"You need to take this off, baby," Alex said, tapping Jack's binder. "How long have you been wearing it?"

"Since yesterday morning," Jack grumbled, lifting his arms to indicate that he wanted Alex to remove it for him.

"Sweetheart, you know that's bad for you," Alex sighed, pulling the binder over Jack's head and cuddling into his side. "Look at those bruises. Promise you'll take care of yourself this summer."

"I promise, baby," Jack consented, kissing Alex's forehead.