Sequel: Hear Your Heart

Run Away With My Heart

37: Never Again

Wrinkling his nose, Iker let out a small grumble, his ears doused by the irritation sound of his house phone. It was early, too early for the keeper who had found himself exceedingly comfortable beside his girlfriend, but he knew it couldn’t be ignored. Isobel’s due date was approaching fast and there was a large chance that the phone call that morning was to inform him that the baby had either been born or was close to being born. Yawning, he swatted his hand over the end table and picked up the phone, pressing it to his ear as he quietly climbed out of bed, ensuring that Olivia was still soundly sleeping. “Hola?” he grumbled, quietly closing the bedroom door as he padded into the hall.

“Iker?” Isobel’s voice was quiet “Iker, the baby is here” she whispered, causing Iker’s stomach to tighten a little.

“He is?” he murmured.

“He is” she confirmed gently “He’s so tiny, so cute…You have to come and see him” she rambled, her voice light and gentle.

Iker nodded his head. “I will be over as soon as I can, Isobel” he noted lightly “I just have to wake Oli up” he added.

“Does she really need to come?” Isobel pressed, her voice irked. She didn’t like it, the idea of Olivia being anywhere near her newborn son, but she knew that Iker would insist. The brunette was his girlfriend and it was going to take a lot more than a polite request to keep her away for Iker to decide that he didn’t need Olivia around. Iker wrinkled his nose. “Of course she does” he replied firmly “She’s my girlfriend” he added.

“And? She didn’t just give birth to your baby” Isobel muttered in a tone that meant Iker could practically hear her eyes roll.

“I will see you soon, Isobel” he muttered before he hung up the phone, gently padding back into his bedroom where Olivia sat, her blue eyes peeking up at him expectantly.

“Well?” she posed.

Iker smiled. “Isobel’s given birth to a little boy. We’re going to see him now” he noted.

“We are?” Olivia posed.

“You do want to come and see the baby don’t you?” he posed gently “I mean, I just assumed…” he stammered

“Iker, perhaps it is best you go on your own” Olivia murmured, peeking down at her hands “I mean, Isobel’s not exactly going to be fond of me being there and holding the baby” she added.

“I don’t care about her” Iker noted “I care about you and you being there with me when I meet what could possibly be my first born boy” he explained, his hand lightly brushing the dark hair out of her eyes.


“Oli I am going to get her to do the paternity test, even if I have to swab his cheek myself” he interjected gently “I am going to make sure” he added.

“And I appreciate that” Olivia replied “But even if you do the test, the last thing you want to do is antagonize the woman whose baby it is. She’s going to have a pretty big role to play in your life if it does show that you’re the baby’s dad” she explained lightly.

Iker sighed, knowing that she was right.

“Go and see the baby, Iker” Olivia smiled “And make sure to take a picture so I can see him” she added.

Iker smiled and pressed a little kiss to her forehead. “I love you” he breathed lightly.

“I love you too” Olivia noted softly before she let him go, her stomach turning a little. She didn’t like it, the idea of Iker being alone with Isobel, but she didn’t want to upset the blonde girl. If her son was Iker’s then there was no way she was going to make it easy on the keeper and Olivia didn’t want to make things worse. She wanted Iker to have a good relationship with the baby if he was his son.

“Look, Ethan, it’s papa” Isobel cooed as she watched Iker step into the room, his dark eyes immediately drawn to the little boy who was curled up in the blonde woman’s arms, his tiny nose twitching as he slept. He was beautiful, even if Iker did feel a little strange about being around him, and he couldn’t stop himself from looking at him. Ethan was a beautiful child.

“He’s gorgeous right?” Isobel fawned “The nurses won’t stop cooing” she added.

“He’s a handsome boy, Isobel” Iker muttered stiffly “You must be very proud” he added.

“We should be proud” Isobel replied “We made a beautiful little boy, Iker” she added.

Iker sighed. “You know what I need to ask now, Isobel” he commented gently. The blonde girl rolled her eyes. She couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t just take her word for it.


“I want a paternity test done on Ethan, Isobel and I am not prepared to take excuses. I have found a doctor, he says he can have the results within the day and then we can put the matter to bed. I just want to be sure, Isobel” Iker noted firmly. He knew it was pushy, the dates did line up and he should have been able to take her word for it, but Iker couldn’t. There was something about it, something off, and his mind would not be able to rest until he had written proof that Ethan was his son. He wanted to be 100% sure that he was the father before he started to contribute.

“Iker, please. You don’t need a test done” Isobel muttered, gently peeking down at Ethan who stirred slightly in his sleep.

“I do” he replied firmly “And if you have nothing to hide, you should be prepared to give me one. Why won’t you let me do the test?” he posed.

Isobel shook her head. “Because I am not a liar” she replied.

“That’s a crap line and you know it” Iker snapped “So, let me do the test” he added.

“No” she replied.

“Why?” Iker pressed, leaning a little closer to her.

“Because I said so” she sneered.

“That’s not a reason. Why not?” he demanded, trying to keep his voice low so that he wouldn’t disturb little Ethan.


“Isobel, Ethan’s not my son is he?” Iker commented, leaning away from her.

Isobel scoffed, shaking her head. “Of course he is” she noted dismissively.

“Then prove it to me. Put my mind at ease” Iker encouraged.

“No” Isobel noted “I have nothing to prove to you” she added.

Iker shook his head. “Isobel, I am not doing a thing until you show me proof that Ethan is my son” he commented “I can’t trust you, not after what you did to Oli when we were together and I am not going to take your word over something this major. If Ethan is my son, then you’d get a test done, you’d have no hesitation, but you’re rejection of the mere idea suggests to me that you’re hiding something. I can’t trust you, Isobel” he explained with a slightly regretful look.

Isobel blinked. “You…don’t trust me?” she whispered.

“You’re a two faced witch who tried to convince my best friend that my life would be better without her” he replied.

Isobel shifted. “Ethan’s early” she confessed lightly.

Iker frowned. “What?” he posed.

“He was due 3 weeks from now” she confessed lightly “I lied about my due date because then…”

“Then it made the dates line up” Iker spat “You lied to my face” he added.

“I had to” Isobel protested “I miss you Iker, I just…I wanted to be close to you” she whimpered.

Iker shook his head. “You put me through hell” he snapped “Do you have any idea how close Olivia came to leaving me?” he added.

“It would have been good” Isobel squeaked “We could have gotten back together and raised Ethan” she added.

Iker scoffed. “I don’t love you” he noted bluntly “I don’t think I ever did and I don’t want to be with you. Isobel, I love Olivia and I want to be with her, you having my baby wasn’t going to change that, and you having a stranger’s baby and lying about it certainly isn’t. I knew you were bad, but this, this is just despicable” he snapped before he stepped towards the door, storming out of it.

Isobel watched after him and closed her eyes. She had been so close, if Iker hadn’t kept asking questions, she would have gotten away with it and now she wasn’t quite sure what she would do. Part of her had really thought that she would get Iker back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to FootieJo for the comment :)