Sequel: Hear Your Heart

Run Away With My Heart

40: You’ll Come To Regret It

Typing the final sentence onto her latest report, Olivia smiled, glad that it was over with. Things were quiet, Iker was away with Madrid for the weekend and Olivia was almost relieved in a sense. She loved having him around, he had a tendency to brighten up any situation that they found themselves in, but in the last few weeks he had started to irk her slightly. She knew that he was just thinking ahead, they were going to have a future together and Iker clearly wanted it to start as soon as it could, but Olivia was still slightly apprehensive. She loved him, she had no doubt in her mind about that, but still she remained slightly unsure. The notion that Iker would be the only man in her life for the rest of its duration was dizzying and she still needed a little time to get her head around it before she conceded to his request to move in with him.

Ensuring that she had sent the report to her editor, she closed the computer down and padded into the kitchen, retrieving a pot of ice cream before she returned to the living room, flicking the television onto Real’s match against Valencia. It had been a while since she had been able to watch the match on television as opposed to in person and she was a little excited about it. She much preferred the quiet tranquility of watching the games at home as opposed to the rambunctious experience of watching it in the stadium. Snuggling into the couch, she opened the tub of ice cream, only to pause as the doorbell of her apartment echoed. Sighing, she placed the ice cream onto the coffee table and padded towards the door, pulling it open to Callie who grinned at her, brandishing a bottle of Olivia’s favourite wine.

“Callie” Olivia mumbled “What can I do for you?” she posed.

“I bought wine and have already ordered a selection of pizzas to this address. I thought we could have a girly night before your boyfriend comes home” Callie explained. It had been a long time, since she had started dating Iker, Olivia had been pretty absorbed in their relationship, and Callie wanted a night to relax with her friend. She missed hanging around with Olivia.

Olivia smiled. “That actually sounds pretty good” she mused “I have the Real game on in the lounge” she added, allowing the other girl over the threshold of her apartment.

“You seriously watch Madrid play even when San Iker isn’t about?” Callie teased, setting the bottle of wine on the coffee table whilst Olivia collected some glasses from the cupboard.

“I support the team” Olivia noted “It’s just a bonus that when they play, I get to see Iker in his kit which, for me, is incredibly attractive” she commented with a nonchalant shrug.

Callie shivered playfully. “That was an unwelcome glance into your sex life” she teased.

Olivia rolled her eyes. “It’s not like that at all. I just love it when he’s wearing his kit and has his captain’s armband on” she added softly.

Callie noticed the look on her friend’s face and shook her head. “You’re so cute” she cooed “I mean, I have seen people in love before and I know I love Jacob, but you? When someone mentions Iker you grin like a little girl who’s been given a bag of sweets” she enthused.

“I do not do that” Olivia murmured, sipping on her wine.

“Yeah, you do and everyone is always saying it” Callie giggled.

Olivia rolled her eyes.

“You and Iker are easily the cutest couple I know, which does beg the question, when are you two going to take the next step? People are already betting on the fact you’ll be engaged by the turn of the year” Callie noted, sipping on her drink softly.

Olivia’s cheeks warmed. “What would you say if I told you Iker asked me to move in?” she murmured.

“I’d say when do you need the boxes by” Callie noted “Why?” she posed.

“Because he did ask, and I didn’t exactly say yes” Olivia mumbled.

“Why not?” Callie enquired “Do you not love him?” she added.

“Of course I do” Olivia refuted firmly “Of course I love him” she added.

“Then why are you not jumping up and down for joy at the prospect of moving in with your boyfriend? You two are meant to end up together” Callie noted.

Olivia shrugged. “I guess a little part of me is scared” she noted “He’s been in this phase since he found out that Isobel’s son wasn’t his where he seems to want to move everything forwards at a ridiculous pace. He’s constantly talking about marriage, and children, and this wonderful future and whilst I know it is what I want in the long run with him, I am just kind of struggling with wrapping my head around it. Barely 9 months ago, we were stuck in the friendzone and I am having a tough time rationalizing the notion that Iker will be the guy I spend the rest of my days with” she explained.

“Have you told him that?” Callie enquired.

Olivia sighed. “I’m worried it will upset him if I do” she admitted gently “He’s been really happy lately” she added.

“Liv, he’s a nice guy and I am sure he will understand if you’re hesitant” Callie explained.

“I don’t know” Olivia sighed “I would kind of feel as though I was letting him down” she noted.

“Iker’s rational, Liv” Callie smiled “And if you explained that maybe you need to slow things down, he’ll understand that. He’s not going to throw what the pair of you have away just because you’re a little nervous. But, if you want my advice, I’d say go for it. You two messed around for 5 years, you’ve done the whole dating thing, and now it is time to get serious. You two are by far the best couple I know and if you started to settle down, I don’t think you would regret it for a second. You’ve got a good guy there, Liv, a wonderful guy who would easily make a fantastic husband and father and if you don’t start taking the chances to settle down with him, then I think you’ll regret it. You are exceedingly lucky” Callie smiled.

Olivia blushed. “He is adorable” she commented “Last week, he bought me flowers just because” she cooed.

“Then why are you so scared?” Callie posed “You’re smitten and you should really stop second guessing yourself. It’s easily the reason you’ve never had a serious relationship before” she commented.

Olivia sighed. “I’m an idiot” she murmured.

“I’m not going to fight you on it” Callie giggled “But just make sure you don’t mess around anymore OK? I’d hate to see you lose him” she added softly.

Olivia smiled. “I’m not going to” she commented gently.

“Good” Callie grinned “Now, your relationship issues dealt with, can we watch some football?” she posed.

Olivia giggled and nodded her head, feeling slightly more assured.
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Thanks to FootieJo for the comment :)