The Goth Boy, an Emo and a Thug, Which One Is It That I Truly Love?

Angelina has dealt with a lot in her young life, but her next drama has to take the cake. She falls for three guys, all completely different and she has a tough decision to make. Which one does she love, The bad ass goth boy, the sweet emo, or the sexy ass thug ?
  1. Recalling the Past
    If the Greek Gods were Goth then Nick would have had a statue next to Adonis for crying out loud!
  2. Moving on without him
    Now due to Nick’s track record, well better put the judge was tired of seeing him. So my Nickels, my Nicko, the love of my life,
  3. Discussions with my mother
    With that I got up and left the table. School had to be better than my smile popping mother this morning. Its morning like these I bet that raise the homicides in the world.
  4. Kat's internal pain
    Lord if they’re going to be like this the whole time I better not eat anything because I may puke. So I sat there in complete silence and let her have her fun, well there wasn’t much I could do about it but oh well.
  5. the mall
    I put my head in my hands and prayed it wasn’t the hott one because if so I am ***ed more than a prostitute.
  6. Stuck with a thug
    Little did he know how wrong he was. I, well I should say we, walked to the fabric shop and I bought all kinds of fabric. Ladybug made fun of me the whole time. He he he I wonder if he’s mad that I am calling him ladybug?
  7. Ladybugs suck, well at least this one does
    For awhile I didn’t hear anything so I went back to work. Then all of a sudden, I felt hot breath on the back of my neck. I did my best not to shiver.
  8. this is a bad situatiom
    am laying on the floor in my jean shorts and my A7X t-shirt. Kat is on top of me in her 69 eyes tank, and her “emo” jeans. Then you’ve got the uberly smexi guy on my bed, who had lost his shirt sometime I don’t remember when but who’s complaining?
  9. He's gorgeous
    ell I actually am just starting to love this vacation, thanks to a certain group of skaters. The guy walking in front was gorgeous. He had long black hair and it was shiny, lol I am weird I know but his hair was Purdy.
  10. Pool tme fun
    Hottie was on the bottom, and was holding up the other guy. Speaking of him, he was quite sexy himself. He has long black hair,
  11. Meeting the family
    He has the dark emerald eyes that Ashley has also. He has snake bites, but the rings through his lip were rather dark color ring.
  12. Settling in
    “Thought so, let me take a look and see who it is, ah one of Ashley’s friends. He’s a cutie.” I looked at my cousin with cocked up eyebrows. He laughed.
  13. What to do?
    Excuse me for still being tired. When we walked up DJ had his arm draped over some girl’s shoulders. She was quite pretty, long brown hair, with brown eyes and a killer body. I should have known someone that hot already had a girlfriend
  14. Dinner with the family
    his rule I thought was utter bullshit, but I still said nothing, as desert was being served we all heard a large amount of noise that filled what seemed like the living room. I heard yelling and screaming
  15. Getting to know DJ
    We went and sat down and that’s when I realized it. This dude has been through so much, yet he still smiles. He started to tell me about everything, his cheating dad, all of it.
  16. Thinking things through
  17. Mikey's tragedy
    Then the line went dead. Oh my god I hope he is ok. Why in the *** was Mike in the hospital to begin with? I am so confused, who would want to hurt him?
  18. butterfly thong?
    had walked out of his room in a butterfly thing. It was a big as butterfly on the front of it and it flowed out of the fabric. I tried not to start dying laughing. He seen me and he just froze.
  19. another tragedy starts
  20. So Much in the next days
    I felt helpless all the way around. I couldn’t help him, I couldn’t help me. I remember the day I got the message that had made my world. The day he had asked me out.
  21. Embarrassing myself
    was going to visit Kat. She may not be too happy about it but I don’t care, we had to talk about my vacation, what she did and well basically everything in between. I couldn’t stop smiling. I
  22. I had forgotten
    He had that affect on me. Little did I know that it wouldn’t be as perfect as I wanted it to be. I sat around twiddling my thumbs for what seemed like hours
  23. the hospital
    “I don’t hate you, but I would like you better if you cleaned up your language a little bit because quite frankly I don’t speak Ebonics.” He smirked and then I seen Joker who had his head in his hands.
  24. The faygo bottle
    turned to look at Kat who had fallen asleep. I sat next to her bed and just smiled at her. She is such a bitch but she is my best friend ever. She me into so many messes I swear. I can’t change her; I don’t think I could if I tried.
  25. a kiss?
    I smiled and gathered my books. I wonder what she was up to now. I had no idea. I smiled at the librarian on the way out and left.
  26. chillin with Jason... I meant Ladybug
    I swear today is going so well I could just die, hence the sarcasm. I decided to leave shortly after. I went home and had a nice and relaxing day for once. I laid down in my bed and fell asleep; only to be woken up at four in the morning
  27. The package
    I didn’t have to read anymore. At that point I couldn’t keep fighting back the tears. He had the tags on the night he got picked up. I still had his; I didn’t want to admit it to myself at the time. I had kept them in my bag or where ever I was to ke
  28. Crazy ass ninjas
    looked at him and cocked an eyebrow. If it helps I had Faygo in the car, but she wasn’t getting the shit it was mine. I guess I was making funny faces because home boy started to laugh. I don’t get what was so funny, that Faygo was mine.
  29. The argument about Faygo
    “Well you might as well chalk that up as a loss because you aint getting it back.” I looked at him like he was ***ing retarded. Was I supposed to let this crazy ass bitch that tried to beat me up slide with stealing my Faygo?
  30. Confusion comes easily when you are me
    I pulled into my drive way and I was so scatter brained that I couldn’t unlock my door. I dropped my keys like four times and all I kept seeing was Nick’s face in my head.
  31. wifey?
  32. planning
    I sat there watching the girls talk. I know they don’t think they will take down me. I gathered the guys around. The all would listen to me because I am like a god around these parts
  33. the scheme
    I was having the best dream ever; I was lying in my cell and was rereading a letter from Angel. You know how in those crappy romance movies you can hear her voice reading the letter? Well I heard her soft voice;
  34. moments like these are rare for us cherie
    I sat on a concrete wall like thing and Nick was standing in front of me. He was of course showing off for his boys. At the time I was thirteen, I would be fourteen in December. The funny thing was so would he.
  35. the confrontation between jason and nick
    They still stayed at it. I did a very stupid thing at that moment, I jumped in between them. Jason drew back to hit Nick but stopped as soon as I came between them.
  36. Leavin
    Ooh Joshua you are in so much trouble!” Everyone turned to look at me. “You know I am pregnant, and I needed my pickles and Ben & Jerry’s. What the hell took you so long huh?”
  37. the things you do for love part 1
    Jason is willing to give up the one thing he can always count on… the streets. Tad kissed me holy shit. If this was just one task imagine the other two that are coming.
  38. he lied
    Dat som bitch needs ta die. How dare him do dat to you! Wherez you at ya aint ridin home wit him?
  39. Tad, Pixie, and Niko
    “For you my darling princess, know this Cherie if you pick me I will treat you like the queen you deserve to be.”
  40. The surprises the day brings
    welll sadly this is the second to last chapter
  41. epilogue
    the sad and tragic ending