Sequel: 02; Hinter Die Welt.

Durch Den Monsun.

The Night Has Lost Me...

Tom knelt down to look at Bill's nose.

I did what my heart was telling me to do and kicked Tom as hard as I could in what I could reach of his groin. He cried out in pain and clutched between his legs, falling over in the process.
Then myself, knelt down next to Bill to examine the damage.

His nose was out of shape and looked swollen while his cheek was coming up with a bad bruise, his lip burst and bleeding also.

All this in just one punch?
"Why did you get in the way, you idiot!" I yelled.
Bill coughed.
"To stop him from hurting you."
"I don't care! I've been hurt several times since moving here. One more time wouldn't make any difference."
"It does to me." he croaked.
"Yes. It's all good you caring for your friends, but now look what's happened." My harsh tone softened.
"Are my parents in?"
"Shit. Um... We need to get you to hospital. Are your parents in?"
"Should be..." he mumbled, eyes closing.
"Bill, stay awake. You might go unconscious." I worried.
He opened his eyes again and looked up at me.
"Lola... Did you know that I love you?" he smiled and giggled. I frowned.
"You're starting to say things. I'll help you up. Hold my hands." I held out my hands and he reached up and connected them.
I heaved his tall form up and he leaned onto my shoulder, having to bend his knees because of my shortness.

We slowly made it down the few meters to his house.
I knocked on the door and his Mum answered.
"Oh my... What happened!?" She took us inside and I sat Bill down on the couch.
"Um... Could I explain later? His nose looks broken and he's saying things." I explained.
"I'll get my keys and drive you to the hospital." she rushed off into another room and came back out a couple seconds later with her keys.
We headed out the door - Bill once again on my shoulder - and into the car.
She sped off to the hospital and we got out and got Bill into the waiting area while his Mum explained what was wrong.

He was taken into another room with 2 doctors and me and his Mum were shut out and left in the waiting room.
♠ ♠ ♠

Billies hurt!

Dedication to: Blut
Because she gave me this idea. (: