Status: Brand New And Active <3



"What do you mean they dropped off four crates of vodka?! I only needed four bottles!" I groan, sandwiching my phone against my ear with my shoulder so I could shove my key into my front door.

"No, no Tay it's okay don't worry, I'll ring them first thing and get it sorted. Yes I'm sure." The door sticks so I slam my shoulder into it and it opens wide into my hallway. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

I tap the door with my foot and it closes behind me with a bang. I drop all my bags by the door with a sigh, curling my scarf around the cluttered coat rack and taking a deep breath, the scent of cooking chicken enough to make my mouth water.

"That smells delicious babe!" I shout out to my boyfriend of 18 months, he doesn't shout back but I can hear the smooth sounds of Frank Sinatra coming from the kitchen so I make my way there.

"Alex?" I say again, quieter this time, my breath catches in my throat as I push open the kitchen door. The lights are off but the room is lit by hundreds of candles skattered on every avaliable surface, our tiny table set for two and strewn with rose petals. Alex stands in front of the oven wearing a white dress shirt tucked into black skinny jeans, his floppy brown hair as neat as he can possibly get it, (which means its a mess), a red rose clutched in his hand.

His caramel coloured eyes shine brighter than all the candles combined.

"Suprise!" he exclaimes with a chuckle, jesturing to the room, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Oh my god, Alex!" I pretty much squeal, giddy like a little kid, "This is amazing!"

He laughs gently, further messing up his hair with his free hand. "Well, you're amazing so fair's fair."

I blush and smack his chest playfully before reaching up on my tippy toes to press our lips together, just like always he curls his arms around my back and tugs me closer sending shivers down my spine. He sighs happily as we pull away.

"So, what's the special occasion?" I ask with a grin, before panic zaps my head, "Oh shit it's not our anniversary is it? Wait no, we met in November and it's June..."

A flicker of what looks like nervousness crosses his face before he smiles, small and secret and takes my hand in his, places the rose on the table and leads me to the closes chair, pulling it out so I can sit.

"Alex, what...?"

"Shhh, baby, let me do this before I lose my nerve." He almost stutters, dragging his palms down his jeans, his fingers shaking. I quirk my eyebrow in question and he grins, takes a deep steadying breath and drops to one knee.

"Holy fuck!"

"Liv..." he chastises, grinning still making me giggle.

"Sorry, sorry I'll shh I promise." I mime zipping my lips and throwing the key over my shoulder. Alex laughs and gets comfy on one knee, clearing his throat comically before gently taking my hand in his, his thumb stroking across my knuckles. My heart is pounding in my chest and the butterflies in my stomach feel like full on bats or something.

His eyes meet mine and I feel like I'm gonna melt. My lord he's beautiful.

"Liv, these last 18 months have been the best of my entire life. I can honestly say I've never been happier. You make me feel complete, content... Whole." he pauses pressing a chaste kiss to my hand and I squeeze his hand in reassurance. "When I met you that first night at The Wolf, I just knew you were the one for me, as cheesy as it sounds. You were just... So alive, it was like I could feel myself being drawn to you. Your kindness, your humour, your sexy ass." We both laugh and I weakly push his shoulder causing him to wobble slightly but I can feel tears prickling my eyes.

"But seriously Liv, you're the love of my life, and even though you're so unbelievably out of my league, you make me a better person and I want nothing more then to make you as happy as you make me, every day until I die. I love you. So I guess what I'm getting at is."

His eyes bore into mine and I can't catch my breath as he reaches in to his back pocket and pulls out the most gorgeous vintage diamond ring I've ever seen, my hand not encased in his flies to my mouth to cover my gasp.

"Olivia Abigail O'callaghan, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I'm pretty sure dogs were the only ones that could hear the sound that comes out of my mouth.

"Hell yes!!" I shout flinging myself at him sending us both sprawling across the floorboards.

Alex's laugh shakes my entire body before he brings my left hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to my second to last knuckle and sliding the ring onto my finger. "Perfect fit." He whispers, his grin stupidly wide, a mirror of my own.

"Just like us."


"I'm so jealous you and Gaskarth are getting married." Tay my assistant manager at The Wolf, music club, says as we we're lugging boxes of merchandise up to the main floor of the club.

I'd brought The Wolf two years ago from my previous boss and I was now owner and manager of the busiest live music venue in Maryland.

"I mean," Tay continues, "You guys are suppperrrr hot together! And here I am, just super hot on my own, y'know?"

"Tay you're terrible." I giggle, hip checking her as we make our way to the merch booth that was set up in the back left corner, she laughs and hip checks me back harder almost making me drop my box.

"I'm just saying Liv, you guys are so lucky. Alex is a rockstar, you're the owner of a very successful club, you're literally perfect together and your kids are gonna be beautiful, talented lil shits."

"And poor Tay will be the lonely cat lady who baby sits our gorgeous kids whilst me and my rediculously good looking wife are out getting smashed."Alex announces, strolling through the staff entrance doors with his trademark shit-eating grin on his face, his lanky best friend Jack at his side, both of them carrying guitar cases.

"Oh har har ASSkarth." Tay mutters at the same time I shouted "Damn straight!"

"Well hello soon to be Mrs Gaskarth." Alex greets me, placing his guitar on the floor before wrapping me up in his arms and into a not so chaste kiss.

"Hello to you to, my soon to be husband." I mumble against his lips.

"Ugh, you guys make me sick."

I span around in Alex's arms at the sound of a new voice and see Rian and Zack, All Time Low's drummer and bassist walking towards us.

"Ri Ri, you're just jealous! I annouce sticking out my tongue and getting the same back before the drummer tugs me out of Alex's grip and into his own muscly arms, startling a 'Hey!' out of the lead singer.

"Missed your face O'Callaghan." Rian mumbles in my ear, rocking us side to side.

"Missed you too Dawson."

Rian had become my best friend in the almost two years I'd known Alex and All Time Low.

"Okay, okay, hands of the fiancee." Alex jokes wedging his skinny body between us and kissing Rians cheek sloppily.

"You're so lame Alex." Zack laughs, pushing his fingertips into Alex's ribs making him squeal like a toddler.

"No! No! NO ZACK!" he giggle/screams sprinting away from the bassist towards the stage, Zack close behind.

"That's the man you've decided to spend your life with." Jack says bumping me with his shoulder.

"I know, right." I reply gazing at the man of my dreams as he goes head over ass, tripping over his own feet.
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Hey peeps! This is the first story I've written in a long time so hopefully you like it! I'm really enjoying writing it so Yay :)

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