Status: Brand New And Active <3



Alex and I have been engaged a month when we decide to throw ourselves an engagement party, all our friends were conveniently finished with touring or had that coming Saturday off of work so we were planning like crazy to get everything planned.

"Babe, have you filled in the paper work for the marriage licenses yet? I finished mine last night and I thought we could take them tomorrow whilst we were in town?" Alex asked, strolling back into our bedroom wearing just a pair of sweats and eating coco pops. He raises an eyebrow at me as I unsubtly check him out grinning like I'd won the lottery which, lets face it, I practically had.

"What, see something you like Liv?" he goads, grin sly as he places his bowl on our chest of draws and seductively crawls up the bed towards me, caging me in with his toned arms.

"Hmmm, pretty much everything."

My fingers tangle in his hair as I drag his lips to mine, arching my hips up as he presses down, grinding together with the most perfect friction.

"Fuck babe, you don't know how much I want you, but I've got to get to the Glamor Kills offices before they shut to sign some paper work."

I groan and make grabby hands at him as he pulls away to get dressed.

"Don't want you to go." I pout causes him to chuckle, dragging a plain grey tshirt over his head messing up his hair even more then my fingers had. He pauses his search for jeans to look in the mirror, frowns and puts on a black beanie to cover his hair.

"I'll be gone an hour tops I promise." he says leaning over the edge of the bed to kiss me sweetly, spotting his jeans on the floor my side of the bed as he pulls away with an "AHAH!"

"I'll make brunch while you're gone. Bacon and waffles"

Alex grins, "This is why you're my favorite Liv." he says sliding on his jeans and noticing my unfilled marriage license on the dresser, "And fill that out! The quicker you do the quicker you can be my wife." he laughs, now fully dressed and ready to go. "I'll be back soon future wifey."

I flop backwards on the bed as he blows me a kiss and leaves our room, listening to his footsteps to and then out the front door before I squeal in excitement, wriggling all over the bed like a puppy.

Mrs Olivia Abigail Gaskarth. Eeeekkkk!!!

[center ] ******

Form Of Consent - Please confirm all information.
Whole Name: Olivia Abigail O'Callaghan
D.O.B: 20.11.88
Address: 119 Woatsmore House, Thames Street, Baltimore City, Maryland
Religion: none
Same sex marriage: no
Previous marriage:


The pen fell from my hand hitting the table before rolling straight off it and onto the hard wood floors.


I grabbed my laptop from where it sat on standby on the kitchen counter next to me and pulled up my hotmail page. My heart was pounding in my chest, my palms were sweaty. Ughh come on Liv, women up! It's just an email:


John, sorry to bother you but I'm getting married and I was wondering if you ever sent your divorce papers? I can't remember if I ever got the confirmation is all as I was moving at the time... So yeah, if you could get back to me asap that would be great.

The email was sent before I could even think about it. Oh God, Oh God.


I jumped in my seat smacking my knees against the underside of the kitchen table.

"Ow fuck! Alex! I didn't hear you come in!" I shout almost hysterically. Calm down Liv, for fucks sake.

"Yeah, you looked like you were out of it, whats wrong?" he questioned cupping my face in his warm calloused hands. My eye slide shut of their own accord.

"Liv baby, whats wrong?"

I take a deep breath in through my nose and out through my mouth before opening my eyes and meeting Alex's confused stare.

"You remember I told you about my ex?" I ask so quietly if Alex had been any further away than right in front of me he wouldn't have heard me.

"John?" he says, face still screwed up in confusion. I bring my hands up to cover his against my cheeks.

I nod gently, a lump in my throat, " His erm, his name is John O'Callaghan." I almost choke on the words as they leave my throat.

Alex doesn't react for a second, "Wait, you have the same surname as your ex? I mean that's a bit of a coincidence but I don't get why you're..." My eyes widen as he talks and after a second I see it hit him like a blow to the gut. He instantly drops his hands and takes a step away from me.

"WAIT! YOU'RE ALREADY MARRIED!" He cries so loud I wince before I nod, one tiny jerk of my head.

The sound he makes is guttural. He tugs on his hair in distress before turning to the fridge and grabbing a beer. I give him a second to breathe and he uses it to down half the bottle.

He stands with his back to me, his shoulders showing that hes breathing deep before he turns to face me, stony faced and just says. "Talk."

I push myself up onto the counter so my feet are dangling, "Can I get one of those too?" I ask pointing at his beer. He nods sharply and quick as a blink I have a full one in my hand. "Thanks," I mumble and take a deep breath.

"I met John when I was 16, my brother Garrett, you've met Gary," Alex nods, him and Garrett met at Christmas last year and got on like a house on fire. "Well Gary and John started a band together, The Maine, and me and John just clicked straight away, we were best friends until we were 18 and then we went to prom together and I don't know, we fell in love I suppose. Stupid, all consuming, bad for you love. We were always with each other it probably wasn't very healthy." I pause to sip my beer and see Alex has already finished his, he doesn't look as angry anymore which is good, he smiles softly and tilts his head as if to say 'carry on'.

"Anyway, The Maine went on their first tour when we had just turned 21 and we played in Vegas and we got married, just us two and the band. Our parents went nuts but we weren't kids anymore so they couldn't do anything. We rented a flat in Arizona and things were great but then The Maine got big and they were touring 9 months of the year and John started drinking and forgetting to call and... Well... We lasted two years as husband and wife, we had a pretty awful argument and I left, packed up my shit and moved to Baltimore, met Frankie who owned The Wolf back then and started my new life."

"I think I was 24 when I sent him the divorce papers, I was just filling out our licenses when I realized I don't remember him ever sending his back... I've just emailed him asking for them, you can read the email if you want it isn't much."

I gesture to my laptop weakly and Alex catches my wrist, using it to drag me to his chest. I fit perfectly under his chin, like we were matching puzzle pieces.

"I'm so sorry babe." He whispers drawing patterns with his fingers against my back. "He didn't deserve you, and I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with you making you happy and he'll regret everything he ever did."

I didn't realize I was crying until Alex gently pushed me away to look at me and brush the tears from under my eyes.

"We'll sort this all out and you'll be my wife." he says with a smile, his chocolate eyes glistening.

"I love you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey chap 2 up! I'm on a roll! Let me know whatcha think! <3
