‹ Prequel: Obliques
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e·i g h t e·n l i t g h t e n

The burning in my skin has become soothing warmth. I can’t even remember the pain my body used to feel. There is none. It’s gone. It’s replaced with euphoric pressure.
Waking up slowly, I feel Kier’s hand stroking through my hair. He’s awake. His deep breaths nearly rock me back to sleep. I listen to his heartbeat. I’m not sure, but I feel like it’s always been synchronized with mine.
Whatever this is, it’s definitely a drug. My eyelids take slow blinks. I bite my lip that’s trying to smile.
So this is how it feels, huh? To feel complete…
I should stop thinking that this is a bad thing, though my mind keeps running off. I can’t think straight. Is this just infatuation, or something more? I open my eyes and glide my hand up his chest. His hand falls away from my head, as I push myself onto my elbows, staring down into his eyes. Kier looks back at me with a soft gaze, one I’ve never seen before. The high we give each other isn’t escaping. But what happens now? The day is breaking and I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to stay here in his arms.
“What are you thinking?” I ask, timid.
He brushes his hand over my shoulder.
“How amazing you are,” he says, landing a kiss. “How lucky I am.”
I sigh, pulling away. I know that’s just his dopamine talking. A clear-headed Kier would never think that. I get up and head for the bathroom.
“W-where are you going?” Kier comes after me.
“Nowhere,” I say, disappearing in the bathroom.

“You’re glowing,” Ame frowns, staring and squinting her eyes.
We eat breakfast in the cafeteria. I frown back.
“Yeah, how did you manage to get a tan in the dead of winter?” Deja walks towards us and sits by us suddenly. I only redirect my frown to her.
“What are you talking about?” I ask.
“You look different, like… less pale.”
“It’s because I’m eating better, that’s all,” I say, hoping to change the subject before Ame presses on.
She’s quick to figure things out. I don’t necessarily want her to put two and two together. Luckily, Deja opens her mouth.
“There’s an acclamation ceremony tomorrow night,” Deja dishes, “My father has finally decided to elect his successor.”
“Oh, and let me guess, your future husband?” Ame sizzles her tongue.
The two giggle, and I wonder how is it that I'm still sitting here.
Deja adds, “Everyone knows who it is—you don’t even have to second guess it.”
Ame nods in agreement. I feel out of the loop and force myself to ask.
“Um, who?”
They both look at me funny.
“Kier, of course,” Ame answers.
I hiccup and choke on my food. Once my throat clears, I rashly stand up.
“What?!” I scream. My voice echoes in the cafeteria, making all to stop and stare. How could this be? “He can’t!”
“Sage, calm down.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” I stomp out the cafeteria.

I look up and down for Kier, but can’t seem to find him. My hands shake, ready to strangle something. I decide the best place to go is to the President. I go up to the office. The guards let me through without confrontation. I burst through the door and find the President writing on papers. I retain my composure, but skip the formalities.
“Why would you decide to make Kier—”
“I know what you are going to say,” he interrupts me. He continues to stare into his papers. “But it won’t change anything.”
I bite my tongue.
“Then explain me the real reason,” I demand.
Leather sighs and stands up by his desk. He looks at me, straightening his jacket.
“All these years, I’ve been looking for a suitable leader who can take my place. I know I won’t live forever. But more importantly, I need someone who I know will follow the values of Quint. Merging forces, your people, my people, is the best way. I know you can’t deny that. Kier fits the bill. It’s as simple as that.”
I shake my head, pressing my feet into the ground.
“I feel like there’s more to it,” I say slowly, “I feel like you’re trying to merge more things together. Like Outliers and Perfects.”
He lightly grins.
“Alright, perhaps that’s true. But let me ask you this. Isn’t peace better than war?”
“What you’re doing is complying, assimilating with the Cygnus. You’re taking away everyone’s right to choose how to live.”
“Tell me, miss Sage,” Leather nods, “What are your choices?”
I don’t answer. I feel stuck.
“What are you trying to prove?” I ask instead, tense to the bone.
“I want to show the Perfects that we are finally equal to them,” he answers.
“Tampering our people’s genetics won’t do that.”
“It’s not tampering. It’s perfecting,” he says cockily.
“Becoming like them doesn’t solve anything,” I tell him.
Leather goes back to staring at his papers.
“Yes it does. Our science is at its best state. That’s why I’m starting to act on my plans for our prospering,” he says, smiling, “The doctors have revealed to me that Kier is an Oblique, as well as you. You two couldn’t have appeared at a better time. Carrying clusters of perfect DNA in your genes—do you realize the potential? Also, my daughter’s naturalization is our success story. With those two, we could show the Cygnus that we have just as much power and we can do what they can do.”
“What they’re doing is wrong! Why would you want the same?”
He walks around his desk and stares me down.
“You’re worried about Kier,” he convinces.
“If you now know that we’re matched, why would you make him marry Deja?”
“Naturalization erases match bonds. It also shows the Cygnus that they have zero control over us. If they’re both naturalized, then they’re free to marry,” Leather answers.
I roll my eyes, “You say free, yet you’re arranging their marriage,”
He grins, trying not to get annoyed with my pestering, “You should support this plan rather than scrutinize it. Perhaps the path is not your favourite, but both our end goal is the same. Freedom.”
I bite my lip, knowing that this is pivotal. He’s right… on some level. I wanted to find a way to be free from the Cygnus since day 1. Leather is showing me a way. How would things be, if I didn’t know Kier as my match? I know for certain that I would agree with the President. Every last point. But that’s not my reality. Kier is my match. My reality is much more difficult. From the stare the President gives me, I know that I have no say in his decision. I twist around, heading out. President Leather’s voice springs grimly.
“If you’re as smart as people say,” he returns to sitting at his desk, “You’d get off the path.”

I reach my compound and find Kier standing by the window. He stares in winter’s face. The night sky gives everything a blue sheen. His brows are lower than usual. His shoulders are up. My whole body shakes. I can’t pinpoint this emotion. I’m angry with him, sad for him, happy to see him… I care too much now.
“I was looking everywhere for you,” I say.
He turns, “I was in the dynamic station,”
“Do it,” I cut him off.
He clenches his jaw, glaring at me for my words. It’s as though we can read each other’s thoughts.
“Why should I?” he spits.
“Not for the President. Do it for the people, for their future. Maybe this’ll help—in the long run—somehow…”
He rushes towards me, gripping my arms tightly.
“I found out today!” he says.
“So did I,” I try pushing him away and failing in the process.
“I’m not going to do it,” he makes up his mind.
“You’ll be the leader of Quint. You’ll be the President. You’ll be able to make a change, far better than just being a soldier, Kier,” I explain, stuttering. “You’ll be able to save so many lives. You’ll be able to bring peace for everyone.”
“And where will you be?” he asks.
My eyes let the tears fall down. I try to ignore his voice.
“You’ll be able to bring freedom, like you wanted,” I tell him.
Kier shakes his head, “I want you.”
I lower my head, unable to face him.
“Why do you have to be so stubborn?” I mumble.
“You’re more stubborn than anything else,” he throws.
I can’t help but let a laugh escape through my sob.
“Kier,” I call.
“Promise me you’ll stay by my side, Sage.”
He wipes the few tears off my cheeks, forcing me to look at him. How can I make that promise? How can I tell him that I don’t have that luxury?
“What happens if I break that promise?” I ask.
He presses our foreheads together.
“Then I’ll die and you killed me.”