Slytherin Princess

Chapter Twenty-Two

My dearest Lennox,

I suppose by now you have learned the truth about your family. I am sorry to have kept from you for all these years, you deserved to know the truth.

Do not worry about your school work- due to your father's recent arrest, I have pulled you and Draco out of school for the remainder of the year. With this in mind, you are more than welcome to come home and spend time with us.

I have been informed that you were invited to stay with your god-father for the time being, if that is what you wish to do then you are more than welcome to do it. I want you to do whatever it is you feel is going to make you happiest. If you need time away, then take it. I know things here have been stressful for you.

Draco and I completely understand that this whole ordeal is a lot for anyone to have to go through. We love you Lennox, and we always will- we just want you to be happy.

I hope even if you decide not to come home, that you will write. Even though you are not my daughter by blood, I will always love you as such.

All my love,
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry its been a while. this is pretty much just a filler