Status: Rating will change.

Now You See Me, Now You Don't

A Friend?

I heard everyone flee the room. I stayed behind, as Mr. Stone ordered. I felt him next to me. "Darious, do you know vhy I kept you here?" I shook my head no. "I like you Darious, you are a very interesting person." I blushed at the praise. "I'm not special, I'm boring, plain, and most of all I'm blind." Mr. Stone made a very sad noise. "Vhy do you think zhat about yourself? Zhat is a horrible thing to think." He assured me. "Do you have any friends?" He asked suddenly. I faced him and shook my head. "No one wants to hang out with a depressed blind kid." He made another sad sound. "Vhy are you depressed?" He asked curiously. I turned away from him. "I don't have to share that kind of personal information with a subsitute teacher."

He moved closer so me. "Is zhere anyone waiting for you at home?" I shook my head. "My aunt doesn't get off work until 7:30. Why?" I was slightly surprised by the question, why does this man care so much for me? "Do you vant to do something?" He questioned. I felt my face heat up. "Why would I want to do anything" He moved closer yet again. "I vas just wondering, you seem kind of lonely." I frowned at his words. "If it will make you stop asking so many personal questions I'll do something with you." I sighed. He chuckled at my words,"Vhat do you vant to do? Are you hungry?" I thought about his question, I was kind of hungry. I nodded my head. "Follow me zhen." He walked out in front of me. "Wait!" I called out to him. "Vhat?" He asked me. I signalled him to come to me. When he was close to me I wrapped my left arm around his right. He made kind of a flustered noise,"I'm sorry I forgot you can't see me." He apologses quickly. I smiled and assured him it was fine.

He took me to what I assumed was his car. I climbed in the passenser seat and he drove off. "Where are we going exactly?" He chuckled slightly,"Geheimnis!" I pouted, I hate secrets. We came to a stop and I reached to open my door, but my hand was grabbed. "We are in a drive through." He explained. I blushes in embarrassment. "Sorry." I mumbled. "Nein, you did not know." He assured. I smiled, I've never had any one reject my apology. "Danke, you are very kind for a stranger." I thanked him. "I'm not a stranger, I'm your teacher. Vhat would you like to eat?" He inquired. "I'll have anything really." I answered him, smiling.

"You smile alot for someone who is zo depressed." He said quietly. I frowned at his words. "I'm still depressed, you just happen to make me smile alot." He laughed at my response,"I make you smile? Me?" I flushed at his teasing words, "It's your fault for being so funny." He laughed again. I heard some crumpling noises, like a bag being handled roughly. "Here, give me your hands." I held them out cautiously. I felt something warm being pushed into my palms. "What is this?" I questioned. "I bought you hushpuppies and crab rolls. I hope zou like them." He answered sheepishly. I grinned,"I love hushpuppies!" I took a bite out of one, moaning in pleasure. Only then did I realize how hungry I really was. "Danke Mr. Stone." I sighed in joy. "You are welcome, Darious." He laught quietly.

"Auf Weidersehen!" I called out to Mr. Stone, stumbling my way to my front door with my eye stick in hand. "Guten Tag, Darious." He replied. I opened my door and went inside. I turned on my phone and it read the time to me, 6:37. I felt my way to my room, took off my clothes, changed into pajamas, and climbed into bed.

I woke up a bit early in the morning, I still decided to get ready like any normal day. I didn't wake up auntie to help me pick out clothes or food, she's not a morning person. I pulled out my eye stick and started on my journey to school. I still enjoy my walks even thought I'm not a me to see any of it, the sounds are interesting enough. I finally came upon the familiar landmarks of the school. I sighed sadly when I heard what time it was, 7:45 . I decided to sit down for a bit, school didn't open until 8:35. I heard familiar voices off in the distance, giggling and bad jokes. All of the perfect, popular kids showed up early, more time to 'talk' they said.

I sighed and moved away from them, not wanting to be near them. Being blind made you an easy target for insults and teasing. They usually leave me be when I shy myself away from their area, but I never know where they are truly sanding. "Hey Darious, come here!" Conrad called out me. Conrad was always the one to take things a bit too far with the bullying. I sighed and slowly made my way over.
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Second chapter! Third coming soon.