Status: Work in progress

Queer Maria.

Chapter 5

"So, do you wear, like, dresses and stuff? Or is it just makeup?" Rian was laying on his bed, phone to his ear, one hand behind his head. He felt relaxed, glad that he was able to talk to Alex without feeling weird again. Alex was telling him exactly what his deal was with his crossdressing and how far it went. Alex sounded so happy to be talking about something that he loved to do and it made Rian happy. He still couldn't believe that his friend felt as if he couldn't tell Rian this before now.

"No, I wear dresses. I pretty much love everything to do with crossdressing. I don't quite know why yet. Is that OK?" Rian rolled his eyes at that. Alex needed to know that he didn't have to look for validation from people. Rian hoped that his accepting attitude to this would help Alex realise there's nothing wrong with it.

"Of course it's OK. It's all OK, Alex. None of this changes how I feel about you. You've become one of my best friends and it's gonna stay that way, OK?"

"OK. Thanks, Ri. This means a lot to me." Rian smiled. Alex was worth more to him than the older boy knew.


Jack was on the phone to Zack. It had been a great day and Zack was now part of the band. Zack had gone home now and Jack was sat in his room, talking over the day with the bassist.

"So what did you think of Rian and Alex?" Asked Jack, eager to know how Zack found his new bandmates.

"Yeah, they're great." Zack said and there was a short pause before he spoke again. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Jack was curious now.

"Are Rian and Alex, like... together?" Jack almost laughed.

"What?! No!" He couldn't hold in the giggle anymore, feeling bad for laughing at what seemed like a genuine question. Jack composed himself. "Sorry, it's just... why would you think that?"

"I don't know!" Zack cried defensively. "They just seemed really close. They were giving off those relationship vibes." Jack thought for a moment, deciding to tell Zack something he was not even sure Alex knew that he knew.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Sure." Now it was Zack's turn to be curious.

"I think Alex is gay. Rian's a little more closed off and doesn't really show who he likes but Alex, he's more of an open book. I think he thinks I can't remember but... he's kissed me at parties. I've seen him look at a few guys at school. He hasn't said anything but I have literally never seen any evidence of him liking a girl. I think he either doesn't know himself or is scared to say it." There was another pause before Zack spoke.

"Damn. Well, if he is, he can talk to you, right?"

"Hell yeah!" Jack cried. "I would never judge that boy. He's my best friend, I don't care who he sleeps with."

"Then let's hope he knows that." Jack hummed in agreement. He really hoped that Alex did, indeed, know that.


Alex awoke the next day with a huge smile on his face. He had, had such a long conversation with Rian last night about how happy crossdressing made him and about how he had made up this alter ego called Maria and how he would make up dance routines as her sometimes. It made him so happy to be able to talk about this stuff with Rian. He found himself thinking that Rian was even easier to talk to than Jack. Jack never judged him but he never took an interest in it either. Rian was really intrigued by it all and wanted to know more about the thing that made Alex so happy. It filled Alex with so much joy to know that there was someone out there who would let him talk about his feminine side for hours on end without so much as a grumble. Rian had even told him that he would love to see Alex perform a routine for him sometime and something about that filled Alex with butterflies. And that's why he was going to Rian's today. He was going to do it. He was going to let someone else see.


"Hey." Alex smiled as Rian opened the door. Rian stared at the bag on Alex's shoulder, knowing that there were girls' clothes and makeup in there.

"Hey." Rian said, a shy smile creeping onto his lips as he looked at Alex's wide one and moved aside for Alex to step past him and into the house, Rian closing the door behind his friend.

"Are you sure about this?" Alex said, smile never leaving his face no matter how hard he tried to get rid of it. His stomach was doing flips and his heart was pounding in his chest. He had never shown anyone any of his routines before. He had never even willingly dressed up for someone. This was all new to him. Rian was no better, nerves filling his gut. He wanted so bad to see Alex in his element but he had no idea what to expect. He just knew that he loved the smile on Alex's face right now and that it was the one thing telling him that this was absolutely the right thing to do.

"Of course." Alex's smile grew even wider at that. "My parents and brother aren't home but we should lock my bedroom door just in case." Alex nodded as Rian began taking the stairs, the older boy following close behind.


Alex was stood in front of Rian, his heart pounding in his chest as the music started. Rian was sat on his bed, watching intently as his friend began to dance, swaying his hips to the rhythm. Alex was wearing a mini skirt and crop top, a stuffed push-up bra and women's underwear underneath. He was wearing his mom's stilettos, his legs shaved. He had make-up on but his hair was normal. Alex had told Rian that he hadn't yet been able to afford any wigs so this wasn't a surprise to the younger. Rian found himself thinking that Alex looked gorgeous as he danced. The drummer was unable to take his eyes off his friend. He was so good at this, Rian thought. And he looked so happy doing it. It made Rian smile. Alex looked like such a diva up there and Rian loved it.


Alex's butterflies had all washed away by the time the song had started to slow down and all he felt as he looked at Rian's smiling face was happiness and relief. Rian still liked him and still wanted to spend time with him. Rian was interested in what he had to say and as the song came to an end, Alex felt his heart thud in his chest as Rian began to applaud. He put it down to the dancing he just did, not the feeling the younger boy's stare gave him. He walked over to Rian, kneeling down in front of him as he tried to catch his breath.

"What'd you think?" He asked Rian eagerly and there was that smile again.

"Come On Over? Really?" Rian chuckled. He was referring to Alex's song choice.

"What?!" Alex threw his arms up in defense, them landing on Rian's legs when he brought them back down. "Christina's a great singer!" Alex pouted, jutting his bottom lip out, and Rian caught himself staring at it. Now Rian's heart was the one thudding as he forgot about everything else and leaned forward, pressing his lips to Alex's. Alex's eyes widened but soon relaxed as he began to kiss his friend back. This was not where he saw this day going at all.
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