Status: This is something I've been working on

Extra Ordinary

Extra Ordinary (Chapter 1)

So this is it. This is how I'll spend the rest of my life. Alone and always watching from afar. Every day I swim to the same spot where I'd found a private beach a few years back. A house sat a little farther back on the beach but it was the only one for miles. I watched everyday from the ocean as the family grew. A mother and a father with three kids. The youngest was just a baby and the oldest a daughter just moved out to go to college. The middle child was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. He was somewhat rebellious and his father hated it. When ever they fought the boy would come out and walk a little ways down the beach till his house was out of sight. There he sat on a rock that hung over the ocean. It wasn't very high and I had to be really careful so I wasn't seen.

I didn't have a family or a home. I used to just roam the ocean looking for something. I didn't know what it was but I felt like I was missing something. After I found this place that feeling has gone away. I sleep not to far away from this spot. He sat here today throwing some sea shells back into the ocean. He did this a lot when he was angry. It didn't bother me much, he wasn't really harming anything.

He threw another shell and watched it land far away into the ocean. The next one came close to hitting me but I quickly moved to the side.

"Hey!" He said. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there!" Oh my gosh he saw me. In a Panic I dive back under the water.

I can't believe I let him see me. I'm not supposed to be seen. I swim back and forth trying to decide what to do now. Since he's already seen me then what's the harm in actually talking to him. I've been dying to talk to him for a long time but we're from two different worlds...Maybe I will. I swim back to the surface a little farther away than I'd been the first time. He was still up there scanning the water. When he saw me he waved for me to come closer.

"I won't hurt you." He said. I never thought he would but what if I make a fool of myself? He waved again so I moved until I was a few feet from him. He quickly sat down getting a closer look at me. I suddenly felt self conscious and tried to smooth out my long black hair. He smiled. That one smile took my breath away.

"You're a mermaid." He stated. I shrugged wondering if he knew that or if he was just guessing. "I saw your tail..." He stares at me wide eyed like he can't believe I'm actually here. " Can you understand me?" I nod. He laughs and I couldn't help but smile. He's so much more handsome up close. It's a little weird to see his hair so dry. Mines always wet. I wonder what my hair would look like dry. I've never tried to sit above the water before.

"I'm Reed." He smiles holding out his hand. I tilt my head to the side. I don't think I have a name...I have always been alone so I didn't have parent to give me a name. "What's yours?"

"I...I don't have a name.." I say embarrassed.

"Oh. Then what do you want me to call you?" I think for a moment.


"It's nice to meet you Willow..."

"Reed!" Someone calls from farther down the beach.

"That's my me here tomorrow." He says and runs off. I watch him until I can't see him anymore. Smiling to myself I dive under the water. I did it.