Status: This is something I've been working on

Extra Ordinary

Extra Ordinary (Chapter 2)

I wake up the next morning and hop out of my make shift bed. I did it! He wants to see me again, I think swimming in circles. Alright calm down. I stop moving and attempt to smooth out my wild hair. Taking a few deep breaths I swim to the spot he always sits. He's already there and I watch him for a little before moving closer.

"Hey Willow!" He says when he sees me. "I was wondering if you'd come back." I smile nervously. I was happy that he was excited but still afraid I'd say something stupid. "So can you sit out of the water?" He asks.

"I think so.." I say. He moves farther down the rock to the part that was closest to the ocean. I follow curiously. He bends down and holds out his hand. I tilt my head to the side wondering what he was doing.

"I'll help you up." He says with a smile. I hesitantly and I'm surprised to find myself being hauled out of the water and onto the rock. I sit there smiling but when I look up at him his face is all red and he quickly looks away.

"What's wrong?" I ask. What if he doesn't like the way I look?

"Um...I can see...uh...could you, um cover up." I see his face get even redder as he talks. I look down at myself not seeing anything wrong. I've always looked like this. what does he want me to cover?

"I don't understand?" I say completely confused. He sighs and moves closer to me but he stairs at at my face while he moves my hair to cover my breasts.

"You mermaids don't mind showing off, do you?" He says sounding a little more like himself. He sits next to me and takes in my tail. "You're beautiful." He breaths looking back into my eyes. I blush not knowing what to say. I try to keep the smile off my face. This couldn't have gone any better.

I look up at his hair. I reach out to touch it but quickly pull my hand back feeling embarrassed.

"My hairs never been that dry." I say feeling the need to explain myself. He smiles and puts my hand on his head. I smile running my fingers through it. It's so much softer than I imagined. I reluctantly pull my hand away.

"I-" He starts to say.

"Reed!" Someone calls from around the corner. My eyes go wide and I quickly jump back into the ocean. I quickly swim behind the nearest rock. "Hey bro, they told me I'd find you out here. What are you doing so far away from the house." His older sister says. She must be visiting. she's never here. I watch as Reed jumps up and hugs her.

"Hey, what are you doing home?"

"I thought I'd make a surprise visit. Oh and mom told me to tell you lunch is ready." He glances back to where I jumped into the ocean. " Whatcha looking at?" She asks looking around and I duck farther into the water. Why did she have to come now? We just started talking.

"Yeah well you go ahead and head back. Tell mom I'll be there in a minute." His sister shrugs and heads back to the house. "Are you still there?" He whispers. I slowly move out from behind the rock. "I'm really sorry but I have to go...I'll try and come back later." I try not to let my disappointment show.

"Bye." I watch as he runs off towards his house.
It was starting to get dark as I waited for him to come back. What if I was too weird and he doesn't really want to come back? This thoughts swirl around in my head as I swim back and fourth.

When the sun goes down completely I finally give up and dive back under the ocean.