Status: This is something I've been working on

Extra Ordinary

Extra Ordinary (Chapter 3)

I've been searching most of the morning for the perfect shells to use. I didn't realize that not covering my breasts was such a bad thing but if it makes him feel better I'll cover them. I search the sea floor and finally spot what I was looking for. I'd only seen these types of shells a couple of times. They were rare but I only wanted the best shells. I pick but the black shells, testing them to see if they'd fit. Perfect! I think smiling to myself. I grab some sea weed and braid it so I can attach them to the shells and keep them on.

When I finish I swim as fast as I can back to his spot. I'd gone pretty far away to find these shells. I was still disappointed about last night but I don't know what could have kept him away. It could've been a good reason. I'm tired when I get back and I take a moment to catch my breath before surfacing. I'm excited to see he's already there.

He looked weird though. He was laying down and the closer I got I realized that his eyes were closed. I swim to the edge of the rock. He looks so beautiful while he sleeps. I think happily. His skin looks so soft I couldn't stop myself from poking his cheek. He groans and his eyes flutter open. I sit there frozen my mind going blank.

He slowly sits up rubbing his eyes. He looks at me again and smiles.


"H-hi." I mentally scold myself for stuttering.

"I'm sorry about last night. I tried to get away but my parents wouldn't let me go anywhere. They said I should be spending time with my sister. I had to sneak out early this morning just to get out of the house." He says sighing.

"That's alright." I knew there had to be a good reason. I think smiling to myself.

"Want me to help you up?" He asks holding out his hand. I nod taking his hand. I sit proudly showing off my shells but he wasn't looking at me, like he expected me not to have anything. I smile.

"Look." I say happily pointing at the black shells that sparkle in the morning sun light. His face goes red as he glances where I'm pointing. He quickly looks away but does a double take.

"Those are beautiful, I've never seen shells like that before." He suddenly looks away embarrassed. Did I don something wrong? "What's it like? Living in the ocean?" He asks suddenly.

"It's pretty boring." I say, thinking about my lonely home.

"It can't be. What do you and all your friends do for fun?" I sigh.

"I don't have any friends...or family. I haven't seen another mermaid in a while. Actually I don't think I've ever seen another mermaid..."

"Oh, what about your parents?"

"I don't know, as far back as I can remember I've always been alone." I glance over at him to make sure I'm not boring him but he's just looking at me funny. I look away feeling self conscious.

"Well you have a friend now." He says. I look at him excitedly.

"Really!" I couldn't help but hug him. He laughs and hugs me back. When we break apart an awkward silence falls between us. "Wanna swim with me?" He looks at me uncertainly. "Come on, it'll be fun." I grab his hand and dive into the water.