Status: This is something I've been working on

Extra Ordinary

Extra Ordinary (Chapter 4)

I pulled him as deep as I dared. When I stopped I let his hand go. I smiles as I watched his hair fan out around him. I swam in circles around him trying to show off.

"Cool huh?" I smiled as his eyes widened. "Can you hear me?" He nods slowly then puts his finger to his nose. I was a little disappointed but followed him to the surface anyway.

"You sound amazing under water!" He exclaimed.

"I would hope so, I am a mermaid." I said. "Come on I want to show you something." I say and dive back under the water. He follows. I go pretty deep before I decide it's a good spot. he starts to float up so I grab his hand so he stays still.

I open my mouth and sing. The sound ripples through the water and a few minutes later a school of fish swim to me. They circle around us in cool patterns. When I stop singing they immediately swim away.

"They usually stay longer but they don't like humans." I say. He taps his nose again and when he gets to the surface he's gasping for air.

"That as the coolest thing I've ever sound like I'd imagine a siren to sing. How did you do that?" I shrugged but I couldn't stop the smile that spread on my face. I'm so glad he liked it.

"I don't know. I just sang one day and they came to me." I watch as he tried hard to keep himself above the water. The ocean was pretty calm today but I forget how much harder it is for him. I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him back towards land.

"Thanks." He says getting out of the water. He looked down at me and smiled weakly. "I wish I could show you things too." What I'd give to be able to walk on land. The things I could learn and do. I could run, dance...I shake my head and look up at him. He's smiling at me.


"Wait right here. I think I have an idea." I nod and he runs off. What could he be doing? I think as I pull myself up on the rock. I let the end of my tail soak in the water as I take in the heat of the sun. It must be nice to sit under the sun all day. I sigh glancing in the direction Reed ran off in. A few minutes later I hear a loud noise coming towards me. I smile when Reed comes around the corner pulling something behind him. He stops next to me smiling.

"What's that?" I asked curiously. I've never seen one of those before.

"A wagon and a bucket." he said as he takes the bucket out of the wagon and fills it with sea water. Then poured it into the wagon. I watch until he fills it halfway full. "I'm gonna pull you around in this." He said and I nod.

He leans over me putting one hand under my tail and one behind my back and lifts me up. I hold onto him tightly. I've never been this far above the ground before. He places me in the wagon and takes the handle.

"Ready?" I nod eagerly. He puts all his weight into pulling it. I laugh as we start moving. This is so amazing! I reach over the edge of the wagon and touch the dry sand. I grab a hand full and let it fall from my hand. He glances back at me and I smile excitedly. This has to be the best thing that's ever happened to me.

"Thank you Reed." I say happily. I truly and grateful.

"Don't thank me yet, we haven't gotten there yet."