Highlight and Contour

Santa Monica

“At some point, you have to make a decision. Boundaries don’t keep other people out. They fence you in. Life is messy. That’s how we’re made. So, you can waste your lives drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them.” – Greys Anatomy

Every heard of the cat ate the canary? Right now, I could relate to the bird. My heart wouldn’t allow me to walk away from the situation with Joe. So, like a fool, I cornered him at the live event forcing him to speak to me. His appearance at the moment intimidated me. He was dressed in all black that made up his ring attire. His hair hung around his face, dark and glistening. He reminded me of a dark lion. I chewed on my lip nervously and allowed my eyes to follow a droplet of water as it traced down a strand of his hair and absorb into the material of his vest. Silvery orbs stared at me sternly through the dark curtain of hair. He was a primal animal taking in the weak, wounded animal that had just entered his domain.

“I just don’t want you to walk away with a bad taste in your mouth about me.”

My voice was soft and weak, twisting my ring as my eyes watched my movements. Joe simply crossed his arms and continued to stare down at me as he responded.

“What did you have in mind?”

“Well,” I thought tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “If you still want, we can go out. I mean it doesn’t have to be like a date or anything just as friends if you want. I’ll even pay to make up for-“
I felt my eyes widen and look down at Joe’s hand that now covered my mouth and back at him. He smiled amused. I couldn’t help but notice how large, warm , and calloused his hand was against my lips.

“You gonna let me talk for a second?”

I just simply nodded, still staring up at him through large doe eyes. Joe pulled his hand away and I raised my hand to fix my wine colored lipstick.

“First off” he began, checking his palm for lipstick before rubbing his hands together “ If we’re going out, its going to be on a date. Secondly, no women I take on a date is going to pay for it.”

I smirked a little not being able to contain my smart ass comment. “So you only make the men you take on dates pay, huh?”

Joe’s stonewall face broke into an amused smug grin. “Haha very funny.”

I smiled back at him relieved to see the tension was easing up.

“So meet you in the lobby tomorrow night. Seven ok?”

“See you at seven” I smiled as an assistant ran down the hall towards us. “Looks like you’re up Reigns..”

‘I could kill Skyler. Why the hell did I agree to this?’

I continued to rant in my head waiting as the elevator reached the lobby. My manicured nails gripped into my palms. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply lolling my head back and releasing the breath. Opening my eyes I groaned again seeing the ceiling of the elevator was mirrored, my reflection starring back at me.

Gemma Teller would be proud. Black leather leggings hugged my legs paired with a burgundy sheer off the shoulder chiffon blouse. My curls lay on my shoulder in an intricate scalloped braid and my eyes were surrounded in a sultry black. I made sure to contour my cheekbones and chin for a slimmer appearance. As the elevator reached the right floor I walked with shaky stilettoed legs into the lobby.

My blue hues scanned the waiting area of leather couches and gazed over into the café area all empty. I sighed and checked my watch.


“Can I help you with something?”

The blonde behind the desk asked.

“No thanks I’m just waiting on someone.” I said offering her a small smile. She returned it before going back to her work.

I exhaled and felt the anxiety rope my ribs as I sat on the one of the couches and made myself comfortable. I pulled my smartphone from my clutch and swiped open the lock screen and began a text to Skyler.


The phone whistled as the device sent the message and I leaned back watching the Fox news report being broadcasted on the large flatscreen TV.

My phone buzzed and I looked at the message.

‘be patient Corey. And remember theres a reason you can’t wear underwear with those pants. Put that knowledge to good use ;)’

I felt my jaw slack at the message before deciding not to reply.

Minutes dragged by and my 7:45 I was done. I stood and collected my clutch and fought back the tears.

‘He probably forgot.’

As I stood I caught the attention of the blonde who gave me a sad smile. ‘Great even she knows I’ve been stood up.’ I couldn’t even return a polite gesture I checked my phone to make sure Joe hadn’t tried to reach me and explain why he was late.


Skyler : 5
Stephanie McMahon : 1
Mom: 3

I opened the messages as I waited for the elevator, agreeing to help Stephanie with an interview appearance, promising to call my mother before beginning to read the ridiculous, graphically risqué messages Skyler had sent. I skipped the last two and typed out.

‘he didn’t show.’

I locked the screed and shoved it back in the clutch as the elevator opened.

Joe practically fell out of the elevator looking exasperated.

“I’m so sorry.” He breathed heavily. “I had called Joelle to say goodnight and she wanted an opinion on my clothes so we had to go through my entire suitcase.” He said looking sheepish.

I couldn't help but let the thought pass of how sweet it was that his daughter wanted to help him find an outfit.

“Well she has good taste” I chuckled. Dark jeans hung low on his hips fitting in the right places, a heather grey tshirt with a business blazer over that. His hair pulled into a pony tail at the nape of his neck.

“Still feel like going out?” Joe asked a hopeful glint in his eyes.

“Sure why not. Are we even now?” I asked. Joe looked at me quizzically. “We’ve both felt like we’ve been stood up by the other.”

Joe smiled slightly and shook his head wrapping an arm around my waist reminding me to straighten my back and hold my breath to eliminate fatrolls. We walked through the lobby to the parking lot. The blonde behind the desk giving an encouraging thumbs up.

The light danced off of Corey’s eyes as they scanned over the menu. We hadn’t said all that much since we arrived at the bar and grill but I was taking advantage of the silence to admire her. Corey was different. She didn’t have the ‘Kardashian’ look but still looked beautiful. She looked real. She set the menu down and reached for drink. Jack Daniels and diet cherry coke. Her dark colored lips wrapped around the brim and never in my life had I envied a piece of glass. She took long, deep gulps and I found myself impressed. Her eyes scanned across the balcony we sat at that overlooked the beach and part of the marina where the yachts were docked. Her eyes locked with mine before widening self-consciously.

“What?” she squeaked.

I smirked at her uncertainty. “You’re beautiful.”

Her face flushed as she sipped more of her drink clearly at a loss for words.

“So Jack and cherry diet coke? Any good?”

“Been a favorite of mine for years. Jack Daniels is my all time favorite, love cherry anything and diet makes the alcohol more potent that regular coke.” She answered before her eyes widened and she began to splutter. “Not that I’m trying to get drunk or anything I just-“ She dropped her head and covered her eyes with her hand.

“Hey” I said reaching across the table and taking her hand in mine. “Its ok. Just be yourself don’t think about what you say around me. Just say it. Besides I like a girl who can handle her whiskey.”
She sighed and dropped her hand looking at our entwined fingers. “I’m sorry. Its been awhile since
I’ve had a successful date. I always seem to screw things up.”

“Bad boyfriends?”

She sighed and chewed her lip seeming to contemplate her answer before nodding. “One. The rest never made it past date two. Guys these days just seem to either want a trophy girl to show off or just a physical relationship” she shrugged “That’s not how I was brought up. If you’re not dating me with the intention of being in it for the long run I don’t see the point. I can control some things that happen to my heart and when I meet Mr. Right I want to give him my heart with as little damage done to it as possible. He shouldn’t have to clean up the pasts mistakes.”

“Wow” I breathed leaning back absorbing her words. This girl was real, raw and full of emotion. I was definitely intrigued.

“I’m sorry for the crappy monologue.” She laughed.

“No, its cool. Diving straight in to the deep stuff really tells what kind of person you are.” She gave me a genuine smile and I could visibly see her frame relax. We ordered our food and soon the conversation shifted to Joelle.

“She was a surprise I’ll admit. Her mom, Laurie, and I were together in college. She got pregnant. It was time to grow up. Laurie decided she didn’t want to be apart of her life once she was born so I’ve been a single dad.”

“I know that’s rough.” She commented. “Especially in this business.”

“I wouldn’t be able to do it without my family. Don’t want Joelle raised my strangers while I’m not there.”

“I think I would be the same way If I were in your shoes. I love kids I worked at a daycare through high school and college. Want a big family someday.”

Her words lit a warm feeling in my gut that licked its way into my chest. She liked kids. No not liked Loved! The guys on the rooster had nothing but good things to say about Corey singing her praises of how amazing she was. She was only proving them right. Sure, I had known her all of two weeks and talked to her a total of five times two of those being slightly harsh but I couldn’t help but need to know more about her.

After indulging in the amazing seafood, I knew I would regret later, Joe and I walked along the water. As we were getting ready to leave Joe got noticed by a few fans. He politely signed autographs and took pics before deciding we would take a walk to get away from the crowds. Soft waves crashed against the shore and salt water was soothing to the senses.The cool, wet sand sun between my toes as we walked laughing and joking about my family history.

“You can’t be serious?” Joe laughed.

“No really. Our family is one of the oldest in the town. My great great great great grandfather Archibald was a plantation owner in a little bitty town. The confederates came in and set up camp in the town. They had a battle on the outskirts. The commanding chief was mortally wounded and the army was just about to give up but my Archibald grabbed up his gun and lead the army to victory. Our family became like the local heroes. Then my great great grandfather started the tradition of keeping a successful line of lawyers in the family, prosecuting or defending high profile cases. I was the exception. “

Joe smiled laughed at me as I walked forward and spun around.

"I remember the day, when you left for Santa Monica" I sang softly looking at the lights of the Santa Monica pier.

“Southern Belle likes Theory of a Deadman , huh?”

“Well I do declare” I exclaimed allowing the thick Southern accent to slip through. “I may not be no Scarlett O’Hara but I tell you one thing I’m the best thing you’ll get south of the Mason-Dixon line.”

“And abovie it, too.” He smirked.

I smiled at him again at a loss for such sweet words he pulled my closer by our intertwined hands. My hands wound around his waist as his did mine. Joe’s hand slid under his jacket that I was now wearing to fight off the chilly air, and pressed into my hips. We stared at each other long and hard our lips centimeters apart. I could hear my heart thudding loudly as I could almost feel the prickle of his facial hair. Just as I closed my eyes to lean in Joe pulled away.

He coughed and looked out at the inky water. “We should probably get going.”

“Yeah” I whispered failing to hide the disappointment.

The car ride was silent back to the hotel and Joe decided to walk me to my room. The ride up to my room remained as quiet as the car ride. We finally stood infront of room 604 and I felt awkward.

‘I thought things were going well.’

“I had a good time tonight.” I smiled unsure, trying to gauge a response.

“I did too.” Joe nodded stuffing his hands into his pockets. Nodding as he did so.

I pulled my lips into a tight line and nodded. “Well I guess I should get some sleep. Thanks again for everything tonight.”

“Yeah no problem. I’ll call you?” Joe seemed so unsure lacking the cool confidence he possessed earlier.

“I’d like that. “ I smiled.

I fished the room key out of the wallet and opened the door before going inside. I sighed leaning against the closed door as I kicked off the heels near the bathroomand shouldered out of the jacket and top leaving my black cami on. I pulled out of my phone and text Skyler.

‘Just got in.’

Just as I had released my hair from the braid a knock sounded at the door.

‘Damn Skyler works fast.’

I pulled open the door and just as my body showed through the threshold I was grabbed and kissed. I stood in shock not able to respond. My captors lips were warm and soft their beard burning my mouth. I realized it was Joe. I began to kiss back gripping onto his forearms as his hands caressed my face. I could feel his muscles ripple under the skin as his fingers tangled into my curls.

My God was he a fantastic kisser.

“Don’t think I’m crazy for moving so fast.” He pleaded breathing heavily once he finally pulled away. “But I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing I had passed that up.”

My cheeks were ablaze at his confession. Joe Ano’i. Roman Reigns a Roman god of a man had just admitted he wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing he hadn’t kissed me. This isn’t how this is supposed to go? I convinced myself that until things changed, I wasn’t going to protest. I had to admit this was the best date I had had in quite some time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Let me know what you think? What would you like to see or what do you think will happen!