The Black Parade: Story of a Girl

Sweet Revenge and Skittles

SKIPPED MONTHS its NOW : June - 8--2004 (which means release date of 3 Cheers For Sweet Revenge!)

"This is SOO awesome guys!" I said jumping up and down with the band backstage at TRL.

"Yeah, its good to get out of California too." Frank says. And the whole band agrees.

"And to celebrate their new album coming out today......My Chemical Romance!" said the VJ dude. And i see everyone walk out but Gerard he's in he's own little world.

"Gerard get your ass out there NOW!" I yell at him. "What?" He askes cause he's listening to something. UH....quick decision............................................So I decide to pull Gerard out on to the stage. (hey its my story) And As soon as he sees where he is he thanks me and I try to make a quite and quick escape, but the VJ, Damien sees me.

"And who are you?" He askes. SHit. I don't want to take away from the boys on their big day.

"i'm no one." I say and try to walk back the way I came when I hear frank start talking.

"..She's our friend from back home. She's been with us though a lot. And she's not no one. She someone and her name's Reba." Frank Said. Aw he's the cutesy one that's for sure.

"That's great. So was she involved in the record." I heard the dude ask as I walk on.

You better believe I was. Running out at two in the morning for coffee for them. Tuning instruments. But it was all fun. Cali really grew on me. I even dyed my hair. Blonde with skittles streaks.
The guys dubbed me a new nickname, Skittles. Well, my hair is the frigging rainbow, so what do expect? And guess what Frank tried to do? Eat my hair. The Freak. Then to find out Gerard dared him to. Their both Freaks.

By now I'm back in MCR's Green room. What to do what to with Gerard's phone! He just got a new one and won't let me play with it and now I'll take it. HMMMMM. He has a notebook on here?.........password.....that's easy he's b-day 4-9-77.worked.He has a topic named ...............skittles.??? what's this? it was written yesterday......

I can't stop thinking about her. Idk y. I just can't after what happened last night when we got in to the hotel. She's all i can think of. I never thought of reba this way. Except for the night after gram's funeral. when she slept in my bed. but that was a long time ago. Helena always said we'd be cute together. but she don't like me that way.

"What are you doing reba?" asked frank. I quickly shut off the phone and placed it where it was. "Oh, nothing frankie." I said walking around him. "oh, sure skittles." He said but he left it at that. And the rest of the band walked in. which meant Gee. I looked at him and he stared back and we had our moment briefly. And i tried to remember what so special about that night.

Then about an hour later when we all having a late lunch. I remembered.

Me and Frankie were playing truth or dare and it was my turn and I picked dare.

"Okay Reba, I dare you to go up and kiss Gerard." He said.

I thought it over. I wanted to. But what if Gee read into the kiss?

"No way Frankie. I pick truth instead." I said and gave him a glare but he was staring back already. Huh, what was this.?.

"No, you picked dare and that's your dare go do it." He said he assuredness. God does everyone but Gee know that I like him?

"Hey Gerard!" I called. He was packing.
"Yeah?" He asked as he chuckled to himslef. Great he overheard.
"So you know the what's up. I need a kiss." I said and he nodded nonchanlantly. But when we did kiss for what was five seconds. It was pure heaven on my end. Did he feel anything? I don't know I quickly went back to Frank and asked him,

"Truth or dare?", but under my breath just loud enogh for him to hear i said, "truth or dare, asswhole?"

End Flashback

So what now? We both felt something. We have feelings for each other. But....what now?!