Beyond Shadows


We head back to our table were our food is now being served. Matt surprisingly pulls out a chair
for me then heads to his side of the table. It’s weird, before I have gotten into the restroom earlier
had a little talk with this woman who claims that her name is Michelle, he seemed like he was so
close in exploding and dragging me home where he could properly “discipline” me. Now we’re
back our table and acting all lovey dovey. This isn’t anything new, he behaves like this from
time to time, but I just wonder how long he is going to act this way. How long will it take for me
not to fuck everything up to make him explode?

“You haven’t said anything about how I look.” I pick up the fork and take a bite out of my salad.

“I thought I have, I didn’t like it.” Matt takes a sip out of his wine.

“I know, but I decided to let my hair down. I also took off the lips stick and put on my lip gloss.”
I reach for my wine glass.

“Oh, so you have.” Matt shrugs, eating his food.

“Do you approve?”

Matt drops his knife and fork onto his plate and picks up a napkin to wipe his mouth. “If you
insist on my opinion, then I very much prefer if you don’t use any make up at all. And as for
your hair, I think you should have it cut, short, and dye it brown or something. I hate seeing your
hair blonde. And next time when I reward you by taking you out the house with me, I’m going to
pick out your outfit. I don’t want anyone eyeing you and confusing you for a prostitute. ”

I want to tell him that he’s being ridiculous, but I know I should just shut up before I make things
worse. There is nothing I could do to make him content. Even if I object his thoughts, I am just
going to do anything as possible to keep him from being angry from me. Because I fear him
when he’s angry.

“Okay.” I set my wine back down without taking a sip and continue eating my salad.

“Hey Matt.” A man with spikey black hair, brown eyes, and dressed similar as Matt, playfully
smacks his hand on Matt’s shoulder. Right by the man’s side, is Michelle, the strange woman
that have spoken to me earlier. “What a coincidence on seeing you here. Mind if we join?”

The man takes a seat next to Matt and Michelle helps herself and sits by my side, giving me a
small sympathetic smile. I don’t smile back. Instead I stare at Matt who beamed his eyes out to
me, as if he were angry at me. But can’t do anything to me because of the man whom I’m
assuming to be one of his friends is with us, along with Michelle.

“Yeah, what are the odds?” Matt fold up the napkin and grips it tightly, while making contact
with me.

Both the man and Michelle notice Matt’s expression. “Okay so this is my husband, Brian. Brian,
this... ”

“I’m Claire, Matt’s wife.” I force on a smile, offering my hand to Brian’s.

He kindly smiles, shaking my hand. “Nice meeting you. I just wish Matt would have introduced
us years ago. Matt is a lucky man to have you, you are beautiful, isn’t she Michelle?” He looks
up to his wife.

“Very.” She nods.

“Thanks” I could feel my cheeks turning red, but as soon as I turn to Matt, it all seemed to fade.
He seems like he wants to kill us all. He probably thinks that Brian and Michelle wants to have a
three way with me.

“Brian, I’m going to the restroom, would you like to tag along?” Matt grinds his teeth.

“Sure, be right back ladies, please don’t kiss make out without me around. Don’t want to miss
any girl on girl action.” He gets up and winks at the both of us, leaving both Michelle and I

Matt got up his seat. “Claire, wait for us outside the men’s room.” He grips my arm, and
whispers my ear. “I want you away from her as possible.” He sounds pissed.

“Okay.” I don’t object. I get up and follow the two men. The two men head in the restroom while
I wait right outside the men’s room.

My eyes wonder around, spotting Michelle writing something on a piece of paper. She puts the
pen back into her purse. She folds up the paper as if it were some kind of note you’d pass in class
and stand up. She heads my way and passes me the note. “Don’t let him see this.”

“What is it?” I ask.

“Time and place we’re going to meet. I still haven’t finished talking to you about Matt. Just stay
safe and be careful, okay?” She hugs me and walks back to our table.

I look down at the piece of paper she has given me, and began unfolding it. The paper reads,

Meet me at the park tomorrow evening,

when Matt is out golfing with Zacky.


For sure she’s going to tell me about Val and what had happened to her. Or maybe this Val chick
is going to be there at the park, that way she’ll tell me what is going on. I’m sure it can’t be that
bad, right?

And who is this Zacky? Is he also another friend of Matt’s? How many friends does Matt even
have? I’ve only met his family. Plus our wedding wasn’t elegant, it was small, private, and
simple. The only ones at our wedding were our parents and siblings, and the judge marrying us
was gay.

“Don’t let her on a lose leash, Brian. Discipline her and keep her away from Claire!” I could hear
Matt tell Brian.

I quickly crumble up the piece of paper and place it in my bag. I look over at Michelle and gave
her a nod as a way of telling her that I will be there.

“Matt, I’m sorry but I’m not you. I’m not going to prohibit Michelle from seeing anyone. That’s
not my place.” I hear Brian.

“She wants revenge, Brian. She blames me for what had happened to Val. Now she wants to
poison Claire’s mind and turn her against me.” I hear Matt.

“Matt, I am your friend and all, but please, have some trust in your relationship. Have faith and
see that things aren’t as you assume to be.” I could hear Brian’s voice soften.

Matt didn’t reply. A few moments later, I see Brian stepping out the restroom. “Hope to see you
again, Claire. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

“Have a good night, Brian.” I reply.

“I will.” He gives me another wink. And walks over to his wife.

I spot Michelle getting up and joining her arm to Brian’s as they make their way out the

Brian seems quite the charmer. I won’t lie, he is hella fine. He doesn’t seem anything like Matt.
And Michelle doesn’t seem to fear her husband at all. The two seem like if they are madly in
love. Matt and I aren’t like that. I fear him and yet I love him. There are times when he shows his
love for me and seems desperate, and then there are times when he’s violent, but that’s because I
deserve it.

Matt finally gets out the restroom, furious. He gabs my arm and drags me outside. He doesn’t say
anything, but he certainly is gripping onto my arm hard. “Matt, you’re hurting me again.” I cry

He still doesn’t say a single word. Instead, he drags me across the parking lot, opens the car door
for me, throws me in, and aggressively slams the door. He gets in to his side, starts the car, and
head on home.

When we arrive after a long quiet drive home, he gets out the car, opens my side, grabs me by
the wrist, and takes me all the way inside the house. “What did I do this time?” I whimper.

“You know what you fucking did.” He shoves me off to turn the lights on and closes the door
behind him.

“I don’t.” I respond in fear.

“I saw the way you were looking at him you fucking slut.” His hand moves to my neck. “I take
you out for dinner and how do you repay me? By dressing up like a whore and flirt with my best
friend.” He pins me against the wall, struggling to breath. “Don’t even fucking deny it, you
fucking bitch.”

“I didn’t”. I try gasping for breath.

“Liar.” He lets got off my neck and repeatedly punches me across the face.

I start to weep. My face stings and I could taste blood in my mouth. “I’m sorry.” I cry.

“Thant’s not good enough, I have to punish you, Claire. Now take off your fucking clothes.”

I do as told and unzip my dress, letting it fall to the floor. Since I didn’t wore a bra, I slid my
panties off. I know what he’s going to do to me next, I am scared.

Matt grips my arm, dragging me down to the cold basement. “You’re going to stay here for the
night.” He shoves me in and locks the door behind me, leaving me here in the cold dark