Petals of Thorns


She waded waist deep in the calm river. It was cold, but not cold enough to keep her from bathing. After all the travelling she's done and with the lack of proper water facilities out here in the wilderness, she needed one -- No! She deserved one.

She shivered at feeling the flowing water passing through her lower regions. It was almost sensual.

She knew she was watching from behind some nearby brush or from high up in the branches of a tree. It unnerved her a bit, knowing that she was being peeped on.

Oh well. She better enjoy the show. That pervert. She breathed in deeply before lunging into the water, sinking deeply into its depths.


Just in the brush a little ways away from the river bank, she was crouched down with the palms of her hands barely touching the ground and her legs bent. Her blue eyes watched as she just stood there waist deep in the water, constantly looking over her shoulder. What was she worried about? Enemy wolves? Nothing could get into her territory. They wouldn't dare think of even trespassing into the Southern Wolves territory -- her territory.

A few brown and cream colored wolves came to her side, both sniffing at her hands, sensing her own worries. It was getting annoying. Their cold, wet noses pressed into her hips.

A soft growl left her lips and the wolves immediately backed off. She is their Alpha so they had to obey.

When her blue eyes flickered back to the river, she saw her sink into the water. It was in that moment that she begun to panic, fearing for the human's life. She immediately jumped out of the shrubbery, calling out to her, "Jennifer!"


She heard something calling out to her, a muffled voice, as she closed her eyes under the water, enjoying the cold sensation as she hugged herself. But that voice --- It was so damn loud and nearby.

Jennifer opened her eyes at seeing something diving into the water. Her heart leaped in fright at feeling something swim up behind her. For a moment she opened her mouth, the big gulp of air, she had swallowed prior to submerging herself, disappeared and she was left with swallowing nothing, but water as she struggled to break free from whatever had a hold of her.


She was held tightly to her body, her lips immediately going over hers in order to preserve what little air was left from her startling Jennifer. She felt the tension leaving her body as she stopped struggling. Instead, her small hands gripped her shoulders, as she accepted the breath of air passing between them.

Her own body felt a bit heavy and she knew why. She had forgotten her inability to swim and so they began to sink to the bottom of the river.

How did they get out this far anyways?


Jennifer didn't know when she stopped struggling. Maybe it was when she realized who it was that had grabbed her. She knew Amelia despite having only known the female werewolf for a little over a year, she knew Amelia might have panicked at not seeing her and jumped to the conclusion that she was drowning or in some sort of trouble. She breathed in deeply, gripping the wolf's shoulders even tighter.

When she opened her eyes, Jennifer found herself staring into a pool of blue. Even though they were sharing breaths and that Amelia wasn't human, Jennifer knew the older girl would soon be reaching her limit. Not even a werewolf in human form can survive underwater for long.



Amelia held Jennifer in her arms now, bridal style, as they finally touched the bottom of the river. Taking in a deep breath shared by the younger teen, Amelia gathered all of her strength in her legs and took off, clumsily swimming with Jennifer holding onto her. She was able to move all four of her limbs as Jennifer deepened their kiss. It would be an insult to Amelia's pride if she didn't at least try getting them to safety.


The minutes ticked by, the cold water making Amelia's arms feel like lead. Jennifer broke their kiss, unable to stand her girlfriend's failing attempt at saving her. She grabbed Amelia by the waist, despite her being taller, and together, they swam towards the surface.


The two girls finally broke through the water's surface, breathing in the cool dusk air. Amelia, somewhat exhausted, allowed herself to be carried to the riverbank by Jennifer. They both collapsed onto the ground once they were in shallow water.

Amelia laughed weakly. "I guess we made it outta that scrape, eh, Jenn?" Her smile faltered at seeing the anger in Jennifer's green eyes. "Why you looking at me like that for?"

"You--You're an idiot, Amy! You nearly got us both killed! We almost drowned!" Jennifer's voice was loud and hysterical. She only gets worked up like this when Amelia does something she deems stupidly dangerous.

Amelia just rolled her eyes, sitting up now. "We're still alive, aren't we?"

"Yeah, thanks to me!" Jennifer replied huffily.

All anger seemed to melt away as an odd look flashed in Amelia's eyes. Jennifer felt her cheeks flushing as the she-wolf leaned in close to her.

"A-Amy? W-what-!" Her words were cut off by a kiss from Amelia. Light kisses rained down her face as she felt the arms of the older girl snaking around her waist, drawing her closer. The trail of kisses soon reached the side of her neck and one of Amelia's hands reached down to her waist, stopping at the apex of her thigh. Amelia smiled against the skin of her neck, imagining the flushed skin of her girlfriend's face. This wasn't the first time they've shared a sexual experience together, but it sure won't be the last.

"A-amy, I don't think we should be doing this now." Jennifer mumbled in her squeaky tone she always used when she gets embarrassed or aroused.

Amelia chuckled into her auburn hair, smirking against the side of her neck as she held Jennifer in her lap. "You're sayin' 'No,' but your body says, 'Yes.'"

That teasing tone made Jennifer's heart skip a beat. She gasp at feeling a finger gently slipping into the folds of her passage, the finger curling and moving slowly. Her body tensed up, only to relax as Amelia found sensitive nub just inside the lips. The sensation of the slender finger massaging her clit sent shock waves of pleasure rippling through her, making the girl cry out and moan, her body arching and writhing in time to Amelia's finger.

"Ah-Ah! Ooh." Jennifer bit down on her lips as another finger slipped inside of her, both digits continuously pumping in and out of her and massaging the sensitive jungle of nerves in her core. "A-Am-Ameli-a!"

Amelia smirked , her face softening as she worked her fingers inside of her lover, already feeling the younger girl close to her peaking. "Just a few more strokes..."

Her entire body tensed and writhed, heated pressure beginning to build within when--- Everything seemed to happen all at once. She came with Amelia's fingers slowly ceasing their actions. The sixteen year old was left a trembling mess, gasping for hair, skin flushed with heated pleasure, and her mind buzzing in confusion.

Amelia chuckled quietly, finally withdrawing her fingers and kissing her human lover's temple. "That's my girl." She whispered, cradling the younger girl against her body now.

Jennifer was scarcely aware of when she fell asleep within a few minutes of climaxing, but when she did, she fell into a peaceful slumber, held in the loving embrace of the one she loved the most in this mortal world.
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That was certainly interesting. I did this as a test run for an upcoming femmeslash story. I hoped everyone enjoyed it.