Status: :3 doing a rewrite. bare with me



His fluffy white hair fell in unruly bangs just over his crystal blue eyes. He had a lopsided smile and a deep dimple in his left cheek just beside his perfectly chiselled lips. He was trained to fight. To obey and observe the standards set by his master. Since he was young he had one sole purpose. To give his life up for the greater good. Or more accurately, evil. But the boy had other plans. Other dreams and aspirations. He wanted to escape. To free those dear to him and to live whatever pitiful life he could after “deferring” from his birth land, Atlantis. That was what he wanted, at least. Until he met her…

That pretty, dark haired girl next door who was quiet and kept mostly to herself. Olive coloured skin and deep blue eyes. A perfectly proportioned body. What was not to love? The best part was that she could see him. Interact with him. Touch him. He relished in the comfort of knowing that someone could see him, hear him, touch him. After nine long months of invisibility, not being able to meet or interact or touch anyone. It was a wonder that he didn’t go made after that long.
Simply watching people as they went about their lives. Each person in their own, little bubble, unaware of the world around them. Unable to absorb all of life’s mysteries because they are too engrossed in their own lives to notice. This girl though. She was different. She noticed. She had a sense for aura and always had time to observe the world around her.

No one could touch her after all. It sounds strange but it’s all too true. She would electrocute anyone who tried to touch her. That power however, was short lived soon after she met him. After a series of unfortunate events, she became involved in his world, and so she should be. But… for all the wrong reasons really.

And that’s why he hated her. She ruined him. That pretty black haired girl next door, completely
devastated every reason the boy with the fluffy white hair had to live.

She was, after all, that long lost princess he had to find; which evidently, did not bring forth the outcome he had hoped for, for nine lone months. His whole life really.
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