Status: In the works!

Altered Dimension


About fifteen long minutes later, I heard three soft knocks on the main door. I jumped up in fear, and slight excitement considering it had been forever since food graced my stomach. I scampered over to the main door and hesitated for a moment. Maybe it wasn’t Erik. Maybe it was someone who overheard our conversation and was planning on killing me. I waited a few more moments before I finally placed my hand on the cold doorknob. I slowly twisted it and felt the door jerk, signaling it was open. I pulled it slightly and peered outside. No one.

With a startled and confused expression engulfing my face, I pulled the door all the way open and took a small step outside. I looked from my left to my right. No one. I finally turned around and went back into the room while I quickly closed the door. I hoped no one saw me. I took a moment to look to my left at the bathroom. By far it was the most pristine bathroom I have ever seen. The white tiles on the walls accented the now visible cream paint, and the matching multi-shaded rug was definitely a finishing touch. There were candles on either side of the counter the sink was on with little bamboo pieces decorated in gold. It was all so elegant and nothing I had ever expected to find. I saw some regular towels and hand towels, white and tan, hung directly behind me from the mirror. My eyes slowly skid to my own and I near about burst into tears. It had been forever since I’d seen myself. My golden hair was all matted in a bun, pieces flying about around my face and neck. Blue bloodshot eyes stared back at me as I found dirt and blood scattered across my skin. I paused as I contemplated it being my parent’s blood and began to have mental meltdown. The tears flooded me as I grab at the edges of my ripped clothing. My hoodie was torn in several places along with my jeans. I scratched at the blood on my thighs and it gently peeled beneath my fingertips. Pressing it between my fingers, I slammed my palm into my forehead and slumped on the counter. Heave after heave escaped me as I try blocking out the memories of their screams.

An eternity passed before I emerged from the bathroom with nothing but my underwear and bra. My slim but proportioned figure swayed in my walk. I took no more than four steps to the bed when I heard it. It went off with an ear-twisting sound. I fell to my knees and cupped my hands to the sides of my head. I felt the floor vibrating from the sound and it hurt my knees. I curled up into a ball and squeezed my eyes shut. It felt as though my ears were splitting in two.

Just when I thought it was ending, it went off again. I looked up in fear and saw that the entire room was shaking. Game cases and other trinkets were rattling across his desk and the television was rocking back and forth over the Xbox. I squeezed my eyes shut again and tried my best to block the sound from my ears. Then, it dawned on me. It was a siren. Oh my god. Had they seen me? Was this their warning siren saying, hey, come kill the human? Then, just as sudden as it started, it stopped. I was now left in utter silence. I took my hands away from my ears and placed them on my knees. A wretched ringing started to play in my head. I looked around and took in the damage. The television was tilted to the right towards the desk and it seemed a few wires had sprung free. Dozens of game cases and disks were spread out onto the floor with little trinkets and nick-nacks scattered around the desk.

All I could do was sit there and wait. Wait for either the mob that was going to storm through that door and kill me, or wait for Erik to get back with my food. I don’t know about you, but I hope the second option comes soon.


Hours passed and there was still no sign of the mob or Erik, or clothes for that matter. My pale stomach constantly growled and it felt as though it was beginning to eat itself. At some point I had made my way back to his bed and tucked myself in. It was approaching nightfall. The sun was fading and darkness now crept in, changing the entire mood of the room. Unfortunately for me, I had always been afraid of the dark. Now, you might be thinking, how in the world could I possibly still be afraid of the dark, at this age, and especially after everything I’d been through. But, let me tell you. There’s just something about the dark that scares me. It always has. There’s something about it that’s embedded deep down in our DNA that makes us afraid of it. Utterly terrified. And, unfortunately for me, fear was already starting to take over.

I saw shadows dancing in my vision, but I knew it was just my imagination fucking with me. I tried closing my eyes but something was keeping me awake. It felt like something was hovering over me, watching me. Watching my every move. My every breath. I opened my eyes and stared. There was nothing there. I did a mental sigh and closed my eyes once more. I thought about my life before the incident. About all of my friends, family, pets. I thought about work and how easy that seemed to be compared to this. I would have given anything in the world to be back in those days. Back with my family. Watching football every Sunday with them, and hockey every night. I felt tears starting to form and I tucked my face into the pillow.

Within minutes I was balling. I had to hold my emotions back. It took every ounce of my strength and will power to prevent a single noise from leaving my mouth. I didn’t want anyone to hear me. Who knew how catastrophic it could be. I had no clue to what time it was or how long I had been there like that, but, with what felt like an eternity later, I finally was asleep.
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Hey guys! Just a short little chapter to keep things moving. Enjoy!