Status: just messing around with ideas

Blame It All on My Roots

Chapter 3

He was relieved she had said yes. But, the more the thought about taking her out the more afraid he got of ruining his second chance. He was always followed by cameras and hungry tabloids, whom his hatred for had been brewing since the death of his mother. After canceling, he was determined to make it up to her.

It was a typical routine morning. I woke up at 6:30, showered, got dressed, made coffee, and left my Notting Hill flat to drive to work. I was practically belting out the lyrics to "All-American Girl" by Carrie Underwood, ironic, but one of my favorite songs. It applied to my life partially, I'm the only girl born into the Sterling family in over 7 generations. The baby of the family. Sure my older brothers, Whittaker and Landry are both stellar in their respects. Whit is currently running for political office in Charleston with hopes to become a Senator, just like my grandfather, and Landry is attending Vanderbilt law school and plans to join the family firm. Both were star athletes, Whit played football for our SEC team, Ole Miss and Landry was a rower at Georgetown. Then there was me, I wasn't athletic. I followed Landry's example and tried rowing, but I was too short and the team kept me as a coxswain through high school, before going to Savannah College of Art and Design. But, I never did anything impressive like they did, until I received my job at the Institute in London. I was the different one, different in just about every way. I grew up spoiled by my family, you can't buy little boys dresses, bows, and princessy stuff, but I soon picked up on the pressure to be like my brothers. Do the family proud, be a name in Charleston, and my favorite statement from my mother "Magnolia dear, when are you gonna finally settle down and give me some grandbabies?". If she had it her way I would've stayed engaged to Beau Wilkinson and been married by 23 to an unfaithful man. But I'm 26 and living an ocean away from that world.

I was brought back from these thoughts when I heard a car horn honk because I wasn't moving. I pulled into my work lot and sat in the car, I was 15 minutes early so I spent some time fixing my top knot bun. Today I tried something different, I wore a vintage long sleeved ruffled smock dress. It was very similar to what young girls wore at the turn of the century, but this was above the knee and I wore black lace tights and I had black lace up ankle booties. It was a bit Victorian, but still edgy with my dark lip and bun. "Mag how did you come up with that? Its fabulous!" Lorraine exclaimed. "Well I had found this dress on Selfridges clearance and hadn't figured anything out until I just thought this up." I chuckled. "I love it, its perfect because the museum is short staffed today so we will all be working the floor today." Lorraine said, we all groaned.
"Flower delivery for Ms. Sterling." "That's me!" I said taking the vase of green hydrangeas from the delivery boy. I plucked out the card and deciphered the chicken scratch,

I want to make it up to you. I'll pick you up tonight at 5:30.

"Mag who's it from?" Eliza inquired. "Oh just my grandmother." I said closing the margin of questions. Great, now I was gonna spend the whole day planning my outfit.
Once I got home, I slipped on a floral dress with lace trimmed bell sleeves, added my heirloom initial necklace and fringed ankle booties for a bohemian vibe. When I undid my top knot my long blonde hair fell in bouncy waves I ran a brush through it and straightened up my makeup before going to meet Harry outside. There were black SUVs in front and behind his BMW, security detail. "Hello, love." He said opening the car door for me. "Thank you." "You look absolutely stunning." I blushed, flattery always makes me blush. "So where are we going?" "Its a surprise Magnolia, but no need to get antsy we've got about an hour's drive." "Ooo an adventure" I laughed, "What have you been up to all week?" "I've had training out at the base all week. What about you?" "Well, I set up a couple of new exhibits, I started a restoration project on a french gown found recently in a Chateau from Marie Antoinette's era, and gave tours." "You keep busy there don't you?" "Yes, there's always something to do. Oh my gosh, I love this song." I said pointing out Florence and the Machine's cover of 'Addicted to Love'. Harry turned up the volume and placed his free hand on my knee.

It was a challenge for him to stay focused on the road with her in his passenger seat. The way she would lightly hum the song on the radio he found irresistible. She was so down to Earth around him, she treated him like a normal person, unlike most people had done his entire life. They drove to out past the lights of the city and the closer they got to their destination the more nervous Harry got, what if she didn't like it? what if she didn't like him? So many things could go wrong.
Her hand resting on top of his on her knee pulled him out of his thoughts.

We took so many turns I had lost count. The sun had just begun to set by the time we pulled into a huge grassy moor. "Where in the heck are we?" I asked getting out of the car. "We aren't quite there yet." Harry said taking my hand and pulling me away from the cars. We walked over one of the hills and I saw the surprise, a picnic set up on top of the hill, with the sunset framed by the distant forest. I was surprised, I didn't think he'd do something like this. Obviously the shock on my face showed, "Sometimes I can be a hopeless romantic." Harry laughed sitting down on the blanket. "Anddd you ruined it." I laughed.

They talked about life, art, history, and their travels. Her crystal blue eyes entranced him. He felt at ease as they talked and mentioned,
"You aren't going to tell anyone about this, are you?"