‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Mr. Antsy Pants

"Jas, what time is it?" I rolled on my back and found my phone lying next to me.

"Almost six, why?" I asked my new best friend, Amanda.

"Just wondering, my mom wanted me home at four, but oh well." I laughed as I looked up at her. She was the best person in the world, minus Nick and Kevin of course.

So, what's been happening these past two months? I wasn't as depressed that my boys left, I was just anxious to see them once again. My birthday wasn't crackin' as I hoped it would be, but I was just glad to spend some time with my family. Luis and I became good friends again, and guess what, he actually moved in about two blocks away.

First day of school, I met Amanda and the two of us clicked right away. She was pretty much a girl version of Joe, which was weird, but I still loved her in every way.

"So, when are your guys coming home?" Luis asked lying on my bed. I fiddled with the gold bracelet Kevin had given me the day he left. I never took that or Nick's necklace off.

"What's today's date?" I asked.

"The second." My eyes widen.

"Oh snap. So, they're coming home manana?"

"If they're supposed to come home on the third, then yeah. When did you talk to them last?"

"Uhh, like two nights ago." Luis laughed.

"Aw, little J's boys are coming back into your life. How's that going to be like?" I shrugged.

"I have school now, so I can't be spending as much time with them as I used to." Luis laughed.

"What a good excuse."

"Hey, it's true."

"So, who exactly are you guys talking about?" Amanda asked flipping back her long, blonde hair.

"Her boys Mand. You know, the guys she's always texting and talking to," Luis said.

"Okay, thanks even though that didn't help at all. I just want to meet these guys." I laughed.

"You'll love them, maybe. Luis loves them."

"Ugh, he got to meet them? No fair Luis." Amanda threw a pen at Luis.

"Calm down." Amanda got up from her seat and blew Luis a kiss.

"Okay, you know I still love you, but I have to get home before my mom yells at me or something. See you guys tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow's Saturday, I'm busy with my dad's soccer team," I said. "And Luis is helping out, want to come?" Amanda scoffed.

"Sorry love, but those little 12 year olds are pervs. One of them smacked my ass, I was like whoa! So, I'll pass. I'll just call you, 'kay?" I nodded. "Later losers."

"Later peroxide," Luis said. We both laughed as Amanda flipped him off and left my room.

"Aw, you two should go out," I said laying back on my stomach. Luis chuckled.

"No thanks. I don't do blondes."

"But blondes are cool. You're lucky I don't-"

"If you ever dye your hair blonde, I will cut it off for you, okay?" I laughed.

"I'll cut off your hair if you touch my hair," I said. Luis laughed as he too laid down on my bed.

"Fine, be emotional." I laughed.

"Hey, shut up."

"Hey Jas. I love you." I reached over and smacked his back.

"Hey thanks."

"So, Jasface," Luis said sitting up on my bed and twirling my hair.


"You talk to Joe any?" I scoffed as my head was still down.

"Please." Luis laughed.

"You haven't talked to him in two months? Wow, you're nice."

"Hey, shut up. He's the one that wanted to break up."

"I know, you told me about this. I just wanted to know if you talked any."

"Well, once when I was talking to Kevin, I heard him in the background asking to talk, but I told Kevin I had to go." Luis laughed as he continued to twirl my hair.

"Wow. I just still can't believe the perfect couple isn't a couple anymore."

"Yeah, well whatever. I don't really care anymore."

"Jas, I know somewhere deep down you care."

"Luis, stop going all dumb on me. He and I aren't ever going to be the same." Luis laughed.

"Like the E-40 song, dumb, dumb, dumb." I laughed.

"Wow, you are such an idiot."

"I know, but you still love me right?" I rolled my eyes. "Right?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night." I heard someone come up the stairs, and walk past my room talking. It was Brian. "Ugh that kid is so weird."

"He's cooler than you are."

"Hey, take that back." Luis laughed and I sat up and glared at him. "Brian!" I walked out of my room and went to his doorway. I knocked on his door and heard him still talking on the phone. He opened his door with the phone down by his hip.


"You were supposed to clean up the bathroom this morning you loser. Why didn't you?"

"I'll do it later when I'm off the phone, okay?" I rolled my eyes.

"You spend way too much time on the phone. You remind me of Kevin."

"Hey, at least I'm not texting 24/7. I'm not getting arthritis, you are."

"I rather have arthritis than have brain cancer doofus." Brian rolled his eyes.

"You done?" I walked away from his room and back into mine.

"I think that little weirdo has a girlfriend or something," I told Luis. He laughed.

"Aw how cute!" I stared at him. "Okay, fine, not cute. Know who she is?" I shrugged.

"I don't even know who he's talking to all the time. He's been glued to that phone for like hours a day. But it's only certain hours of the day. Luis laughed again.

"Wait only certain hours? Like which hours?"

"Well, sometimes around four or five in the afternoon. And a couple times around seven or eight in the morning. He's so weird." Luis laughed.

"How many hours ahead is Europe from us?" I shrugged.

"Depends where."

"Well, what's the average times?"

"Like 5-7 hours difference from here I think." Luis laughed.

"I think he's probably talking to Joe." I frowned.

"Ew, BRIAN!" I ran out of my room and almost bumped into Brian in the hall. "B, get off the phone I need to use it."

"Use your cell phone."

"No, Ma said house phone's for long calls." Brian rolled his eyes.

"Listen man, my sister's being an ass. I'll talk to you later." Silence. "Ha, okay see you later." He hung up the phone and gave it to me.

"Who the hell was that?"

"None of your bee's guts."

"Brian, as your older sister, tell me who you were talking to." He looked at me. "Please!"

"My friend from school, geez." Brian pushed me out of the way and went downstairs.

"What a little jerk. Luis!" Luis popped out of my room and looked at me.

"Yes miss?"

"I'm bored." He laughed and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, same here. Wonder if your mom cooked anything." Luis grabbed me by my arm and dragged me downstairs. "Mrs. G! Jas wants to know if you cooked anything!" I laughed.

"No, more like Luis wants to know what's for dinner." I heard my parents laugh in the kitchen.

"There's no dinner tonight," my mom said.

"Wait, what?" Luis said. "Ma, come on, I'm practically your son, and you're telling me there's no food?" My dad looked at me and laughed.

"Dude, she's kidding. But, seriously what's for dinner?"


"Nice," Luis and I both said.

"Ugh, why's he always over?" Brian said. I smacked his head. "Not like I don't appriciate it. I just rather have Joe or someone over." I rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you go marry him Brian," I said grabbing the plates and setting the table.

"Why don't you? He's your boyfriend. Oh wait, he's-" Luis did exactly what I was about to do if my hands weren't full; he put his hand over Brian's mouth.

"Anyways," I said filling in the silence. "Is the food ready?" My mom rolled her eyes as she put the food out on the dining room table. I sat down and began serving myself.


Ding Dong.

"Dude, get the door," Brian said as him, Luis and I were all watching TV.

"No, you get it. This is the best part," I said.

"You've seen this movie so many times."

"Well, duh, Shia is FINE!" Luis laughed.

"Shia LaPoof is a flamer," Brian said. I hit his arm.

"So, is anyone going to get that?" Luis asked.

"They went away," I said keeping my eyes glued to the screen. Luis laughed as the doorbell rang again.

"Alguien consigue eso!" [Somebody get that!] my dad yelled from upstairs.

"Ugh, you got him pissy B," I said grabbing the remote and putting it on pause. I took the remote with me as I went to get the door.

"Like oh my gosh, does the Jonas brothers live here?" a guy asked with his sunglasses on and a hood on. I stared at him. I thought only girls did this.

"No, you rang my doorbell to ask me that? I'm in the middle of watching my husband, and you totally disturbed me. Thanks," I said about to close the door when he put his foot to stop the door from being closed.

"Aw, is that a way to treat your best friend?" I stared at the guy who was starting to piss me off.

"I don't know, is it?" The guy lowered his hood and I saw short curls. He took off his sunglasses and I stared at him.

Then, I screamed.

"Oh my gosh! Nick!" I yelled and ran to give him the biggest hug ever. "You creep! You almost gave me a heart attack." I continued hugging him as he hug me back. I stopped hugging at him and looked at him. "What the hell? Why did you cut your hair off?" Nick laughed.

"Thanks, great seeing you too."

"Hey, I said oh my gosh. But seriously, what did you do?" Nick laughed as scratched his head.

"Got a hair cut, same with everyone else." I laughed and looked behind him.

"Kevin!" I yelled and ran and practically jumped on him. "Kevy! I missed you like crazy!" Kevin laughed as hugged me back.

"Missed you more," Kevin said.

"No you didn't," I said getting off of him and looking up at him.

"What the hell are you screaming about?" Luis asked as he came out of the house and saw Kevin and Nick. He gave a little squeal which made me laugh.

"Wow Luis and you think I have a problem?" Luis went and hugged Nick and Kevin.

"Whoa! I missed you guys! Guess who your new neighbor is now." Kevin laughed.

"You! That's so cool, now we can share hair products or something," Kevin said. Luis laughed.

"Yes! This is going to be awesome!"

"So, what's this about your husband? What are you guys watching?" I walked back into my house and shut the door; the same time my parents came down the stairs.

"Qué está con el chillar?" my dad asked. "Calme." [What's with the screaming? Calm down.]

"Dad! Look who's back! And a whole day early!" My dad looked at Nick and Kevin and smiled.

"Hey! Welcome back! How was Europe?"

"It was awesome!" Kevin said grinning widely. "And the concerts were amazing, packed all the way through."

"What a loser," I said going back on the couch and watching the movie. All three guys came and sat on the couch. "So, did you bring any presents?" Kevin laughed.

"Of course, they're all somewhere in our suitcases, so you're going to have to wait."

"Where's Joe at?" Brian asked. I rolled my eyes.

"He's at the house," Nick said. "You can come over it you want."

"He can only go over if Jasmina goes over," my dad said. I rolled my eyes. Like that was going to happen.

"Then tough luck Brian. I'm not going tonight, I'll go tomorrow."

"¿Su novio vuelve a casa y usted no quiere verlo?" [Your boyfriend comes home and you don't want to see him?] I rolled my eyes.

"Tomorrow dad. Look they came to see me, why couldn't he?" I said pretending I actually wanted to see Joe.

"Whatever mija. Guys, it was nice seeing you. I got to get to bed now," my dad said.

"Okay, night papi."

"Night Mr. G," Nick and Kevin said.

"Bye daddy," Luis said with a grin. I laughed as my dad shook his head and went back upstairs.

"So are you ever planning on coming over?" Nick asked. I scoffed. "Okay then."

"Maybe another day, it's still soon."

"Dude, it's been two months," Luis said grabbing the remote from my hand and un-pausing the movie. I smacked the back of his head. "Fine, don't ever see the guy, I don't really care."

"Maybe on Sunday, I got my Brian's soccer game to go to tomorrow," I said.

"Ooh, a game? Can we go?" Kevin asked. I laughed.

"Of course! You can all go."


"Whatever Kev. You know this little brat over here probably invited him."

"Yes, I did," Brian said.

"See? Oh and Nick I still owe you your birthday gift. You can have in Sunday." Nick scoffed.

"I haven't seen you in two months, and I have to wait until Sunday to get my gift?" Nick asked. I laughed.

"Yes. You people were supposed to come home tomorrow, not today," I said.

"Well, fine. I'll wait until Sunday, but that's the latest I'll wait," Nick said.

"Gosh, Mr. Antsy Pants much?" Nick laughed.

"Oh, for sure," Nick said putting his around my shoulder. "Man, how much I missed sitting on this couch and doing nothing."
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First part of Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing.

I know it's a little boring. But it'll get better. (: