‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Bike Ride

"Morning Ma," I said as I sleepily walked down into my kitchen.

“Well, someone’s running late.”

“I know, I overslept and had to take a shower in a rush.”

“So, where were you last night?”

“Next door of course.” I grabbed a Pop Tart and put it in the toaster.

“That’s nice. Oh, sweetie, do you know a girl named Carolina ?” I took out some orange juice and poured it into a cup.

“Doesn’t ring a bell, why do you ask?”

“I work with her father and he says he has a daughter that’s the same age as you and even goes to the same school as you.” I took a sip from my cup and continued to stare at my mom.


“Well, you obviously don’t seem interested.” I laughed as I grabbed a plate and put my Pop Tart on it.

“I didn’t say I wasn’t interested, I was just saying yeah. What am I supposed to do about it mommy?”

“Be friends with her maybe?”

“Is she new?”

“No, she’s been going to that school since her freshman year, but I thought you’d like to meet more people besides Luis and Amanda.” I laughed again.

“Yeah, sure. I’ll check into her later. What’s her name? Catherine?”

“Carolina mija.”

“Got it, got it.” I heard a horn outside as I was eating my Pop Tart. “Bet you that’s Luis.” I heard my front door being opened and slammed shut.

“Jas! Are you still here?” Luis called as he walked into the kitchen. “Why hello there beautiful Gonzalez woman, que paso?” [What’s up?]

“Ew Luis, why are you in my house before 8?”

“I’m giving you a ride in my new car.”

“Shut up! You got a car?” Luis nodded. “What kind?”

“1976 Camaro.”

“No way!”

“But it came at a big price.”

“Which is?” I asked as I took a sip of my orange juice.

“Me and you got to get married, mommy’s orders.” I choked on my orange juice and spit it back in my cup. “Ew Jas, manners. I’m kidding though. I got to cut off my hair.”

“What? Not your beautiful hair!”

“Hey come on, car or hair? Which would you choose Mrs. G?”

“Car of course.”

“See? But it’s no big deal, I got a few weeks before it’s gone. Now let’s go to school, it starts in three minutes.”

“Okay guys, leave this house now. I’ll see you later,” my mom said pushing us out of the house. She kissed my cheek and handed me my bag.

“No kiss for me mommy?” Luis asked.

“Luis, shut up and let’s go.” My mom laughed as I shoved Luis out of my house and got in his car. “You know this is pretty clean for a 32 year old car.”

“I know right? It’s beautiful, unlike your Boss.”

“Shut up Luis, my Boss will smoke this any day.” Luis laughed as we took off for school.

We of course got there ten minutes late, and Luis attempted to sneak into class.

“I hope you know I can see you Mr. Miranda,” our history teacher Mr. Jones said.

“Well, it was worth a try.” We both sat down in our seats as Mr. Jones glared at us. Most of our teachers didn’t like us since we were always late and talked all the time.

“Why are you two so late?” Amanda asked.

“’Cause this idiot woke up late,” Luis said as he reached into his pocket for a packet of Pop Tarts.

“What the hell Luis! Did you take that from my house?”

“No, your mom gave it to.” I rolled my eyes. “She did.”

“We miss anything?” I asked Amanda.

“Not really, you’re lucky you came in late. The first ten minutes are always bogus. So, what did you two do yesterday?”

“Nothing, this idiot ate my ice cream.” Amanda scoffed.

“Fatass much Luis?” Luis was eating his Pop Tart as he stared at Amanda confused.

“What did I do?”

“Never mind.” Mr. Jones was walking around the room and talking about World War II, just as Luis started on his second piece. Being the mean teacher he was to us, he snatched Luis’ food and threw it away.

“Hey, I was eating that.”

“Not in my class, Miranda.” I scoffed.

“Only I can call you that,” I muttered to Luis who laughed.

“Care to share with us what’s so funny Miranda?” Luis shook his head.

“Man, I hate this school. We’re the only Latinos here.” I laughed.

“Well there are only 30 in the entire school.”

“That’s such a shame, let’s move to Mexico Jas.” I laughed again.


“Did you just diss Mexico mi amor?” [My love]


“Could you two shut up? Jones keeps looking over here, he’s going to give you detention sooner or later,” Amanda whispered over to us.

“We won’t show up anyways,” Luis said.

“I know, for real.” Amanda laughed, loudly too and Mr. Jones didn’t even say anything to her. “Wow, did you just see that? He has it in for you Luis.”

“He can go suck a-“

“Luis, shut up and stop getting emotional.” I heard someone clear their throat and I looked up to see none other than Mr. Jones looking down at me. “Yes?”

“Do you have something to share with the class Gonzalez?”

“Not really.”

“Can I go one day without kicking you two out?”

“We’re not even doing anything,” I complained.

“You’re talking and disrupting my class.” I scoffed.

“Not even, I was asking what the heck was going on because you teach way to fast.”

“Maybe you’d like to go back to the eleventh grade then.” I scoffed again but kept my mouth shut. I had way too many detentions this year, and school just started. Jones walked away back up towards the front and began teaching again.

“You should have told him off or something,” Luis whispered. I rolled my eyes as I took out my phone. I saw I had a text and opened it.

Hey :)

I wasn’t in the mood for History anymore, so I replied back.

Morning Nicholas, how are you?

Great! How are you?

I looked up to make sure Jones wasn’t anywhere near me and replied back.

Okay, my teacher completely hates me, but whatever. Want to pick me up? =)

I slipped my phone back in my pocket and tapped my fingers on the table. I looked at the clock behind me and realized we still had forty-five more minutes of this stupid class.

I can’t drive silly. Want me to get Kevin to do it?

Heck yeah. Get Kevin to come down here ASAP. I wanna go home.

I waited a good five minutes until Nick finally replied back.

Okay, he’s on his way. Don’t you just love me?

I laughed to myself as I replied back.

He’s on his way, without you? And why would I love you? It was my idea to leave.

My idea to have Kevin do it. =P

I slipped my phone back into my sweater pocket and slouched in my chair. I kept looking at the clock and finally someone phoned in Jones.

“Gonzalez, you’re brother is here to pick you up,” Jones barked to me. I smiled widely as I stood up.

“Brother?” Luis mouthed as I kept on smiling as I walked to the door.

“Gonzalez, you think you can make your brother can stay a few minutes; I’d like to have a word with him.”


“I’m assuming he’s your older brother, and I’d like to have a word about you with him.”

“Well, we’re busy, got to go, later.” I reached for the door handle and speed walked towards the office. I heard Mr. Jones calling after me but I reached the office just in time.

“Kevin, let’s go now.” I pulled his hand and led him out to where he parked.

“Hello to you to. What’s the rush? What did you do?” Kevin asked as we reached his car.

“My teacher wanted to talk to my brother so I was like how about no and basically ran out of there.” Kevin laughed. “Nick! What are you doing here?” Nick opened the passenger side door and stepped out.

“I was bored at home and wanted to leave.” I laughed as I gave him a hug and went into the back seat.

“So, why did you want to leave so bad?” Kevin asked.

“School is so retarded, all my teachers hate me.” They both laughed as Kevin took off. “So not funny, it’s true you know.”

“What do you do for them to hate you?”

“Well, all I do is sometimes show up late and I talk once in a while.”

“You’re such a great student Jas.”

“I know, so what are we doing all day?”

“Kelsey and I have plans.”

“Can I meet her?” I looked directly at the back of Kevin’s head and he looked at the rear view mirror. “Pretty please! You met Luis.” Kevin laughed as my phone vibrated. “Speaking of.”

Where the hell did you go? And with your brother? I didn’t know Brian could get you out of class

I laughed.

“What’s so funny? And yeah you can meet her if you want to so badly.”

“Luis wants to know how I got of class. Yay I get to meet Kelsey! Thanks Kevin!” Kevin laughed.

Kevin got me out silly. Isn’t he the best? But don’t be mad, enjoy the rest of your day buddy!

“Where’s Joseph at?” I asked. Nick and Kevin both exchanged glances and laughed. “What?”

“Did you just ask where Joseph is at?”

“Yeah, and?” They both laughed again. “You two are so rude. Just take me home and I’ll spend the day alone.”

“You’re Joseph wouldn’t allow that,” Kevin mocked. I scoffed.

“You’re mean Pauly Paul.” Nick laughed.

“Whatever Annabelle.”

“Shut up before I eat your gummy worms.” Kevin grabbed the gummy worms that were sitting in the front and put them in his pocket. “Good one.”

We finally arrived back home and I got out of the car with my bag over my shoulder.

“It’s so early still,” I complained looking at my phone. It wasn’t even 9:30 yet. Kevin and Nick both walked into their house and I followed them in.

“Well there’s not much to do here.” Kevin sat on the couch and I leaned on the arm.

“Beats being at school.”

“That is so true,” Kevin said.

“Where’s Frankie?”

“With Mom and Dad.”

“So, he’s not home?” I asked stupidly.

“If he’s with Mom and Dad, then no.” I laughed.

“Fine, so it’s just you three?” I walked upstairs and quietly opened Joe’s door. He of course was still sleeping. I jumped on his bed two times and fell right by his feet. He moved a little, but he didn’t fully wake up. I sighed as I moved closer to him.

“Joe wake up, I’m bored!” Nothing. I began poking him consistently, but all he did was scrunch up his nose. “You such a loser you know that? I bet you nothing would wake you up.”

“Only a kiss would.” I laughed.

“Wow, you’re such a loser Joe.”

“Well, it was worth a try.” Joe moved and sat up in bed. “What are you doing here? I thought you had school.”

“Oh, about that.”

“Don’t tell me you took my advice and dropped out?” I laughed.

“Would you be mad with me if I listened to you?”

“Nobody listens to me and you finally choose to?”

“I’m kidding, I wasn’t having a good day and I asked Nick to get me. But Kevin ended up picking me up.”

“You were having a bad day? Want to tell Joe about it?”

“Do I have to?”

“Yes, you do. Now tell me, why was your day bad?”

“I got to school late because of you of course.”

“Me? Don’t blame me now buddy.” I laughed.

“I’m kidding, but I got there ten minutes late. Luis and I were talking and my teacher yelled at him first, then he yelled at me. All of our teachers hate Luis and me since we’re the only Latinos there. Jerks.” Joe laughed.

“Sorry, not a laughing matter. Why don’t you talk to your teachers?”

“Well, I would but I kind of do that to myself. You see when Luis and I are together, we don’t do much. I mean I have decent B grades, but I don’t try as hard as I should.”

“See, you’re doing it to yourself.”

“Nu uh, they didn’t like me the first day. They thought I didn’t speak English and that seriously annoyed me.”

“What’d your parents say?”

“Nothing, I never told them.”

“Why not?” I shrugged.

“I never told anyone except Luis and Mandy, but Mandy just laughs about it.”

“If they ever call for a parent meeting I can say I’m your brother if you want.” I laughed.

“Thanks Joe, we look so much alike.”

“Don’t we? It’s the hair right?” I laughed.

“Sure why not.”

“So since you’re off today, want to do something?”

“Like what? I asked your brothers and they have no opinions whatsoever.” Joe shrugged.

“Want to ride a bike around the neighborhood?” I laughed.

“Sounds healthy.” Joe laughed.

“Jas, Jas, Jas!”

“Kevin, Kevin, Kevin!”

“Guess what!” Kevin said sitting on his bed and jumping up and down.


“Kelsey’s here!”

“Oh no,” Joe said. I laughed as I hit Joe on his knee.

“Be nice.”

“Yeah, tell me that in five minutes.” Kevin ignored Joe’s comment and grabbed my arm.

“Kelsey! I want you to meet a good friend of mines, this is Jasmina. Jas this is Kelsey.” I looked in the living room and sitting on the couch was the infamous Kelsey. She looked like one of those stuck up cheerleader type girls you hate from school. She had blonde hair and bright green eyes with a huge pink bag hanging from her shoulder and of course a mini skirt. Ew anyone?

“Hi Kelsey, it’s so great to finally meet you,” I said nicely as I walked up to her with my hand sticking out. She went up to me and squeezed me into a tight hug. She smelt like what I imagine Paris Hilton smelt like.

“O-M-G. This is Jasmina? You are way more prettier than what Kevin described you as. Gosh Kevy, you need to learn to describe people better.” Kelsey lightly hit Kevin on his shoulder.

“Yeah, wow, it’s great to finally meet Kevin’s girlfriend. I heard a lot about you.”

“I hope it was like all good stuff, right?” She flipped her blonde hair back and twirled it.

“Yeah, totally.” Kelsey giggled like an annoying cheerleader as she kept on twirling her hair.

“Well, it was nice meeting you Jasmina. B-T-W, that’s such a pretty and exotic name. What are you, Jewish?” I wanted to laugh in this girl’s face. Joe was right about her.

“No, I’m Spanish and Italian.”

“That is such a great combo! Ohmigosh, I wish I had some Spanish in me. It’s so spicy.”

“Yeah, I know right.”

“Well, bye Jas! It was totally nice meeting you. Maybe we can go shopping one day, you know; just us two lucky girls that date Jonas boys. Kevin, we should find someone for Nicky so there can be three of us now.” Kevin looked at me, then at Kelsey and nodded.

“Yeah, maybe another day, let’s go now. Bye Jas.” I waved at them as they walked out the front door.” I waited until I heard Kevin’s car start and I burst into laughter.

“Whoa, that girl is so, wow,” Nick said coming out of the kitchen laughing as well. We both were in the living room laughing and holding our sides since we couldn’t stop laughing.

“I told you Jas! That girl is so freaky!” Joe said coming down the stairs. “Didn’t I tell you?” I kept on laughing as Joe stared at me with his hands on his hips. “Okay, calm down guys, you’re turning as red as tomatoes.”

“Where did Kevin meet this girl at?” I asked after I finally stopped laughing.

“No clue, but he better not marry her.” I laughed again.

“Joe, you’re mean. She’s probably nice.”

“But she makes me look smart.”

“Aw, you are a smart guy. I bet you that you’re stupidity is just an act.” Joe laughed.

“It so is not.”

“Okay then.”

“So you ready to go on that bike ride now?” Joe asked.

“Fine, Nick you want to come? Nick?” I looked down on the floor and saw Nick was now on the floor with a red face. “Wow Nick.”

“Wait, what? Yeah, I want to go.”

“Nick, why are you on the floor?” I asked holding my hand so he can pull himself up.

“I fell two minutes ago, my legs felt like jelly from laughing so much.” I laughed.

“What a dork Nicky.” Nick laughed. “So which one of you has a bike that can hold two people?”

“A two person bike?” Joe asked.

“No silly. A regular bike, but I want to sit in the back; I’m not in the mood to be pedaling.” Nick laughed.

“And you call me a dork?”

“Of course.”

“My bike is cool it has those little hooks on the back by the wheel so you can put your feet on it.”

“Nice, I’m riding with you Nick.”

“Well, my bike is way cooler, it’s a Schwinn.”

“Cool, I have a boy’s bike, cool right?” Nick and Joe both laughed.

“You don’t have a pink bike?”

“Yeah right! I told you I was raised with my dad and two brothers, being a girly girl is out of the question.”

“Okay then sir, you ready?”

“Ready Freddy.”

“Jas, I told you my name is Joe, not Freddy.” I rolled my eyes as I walked down to their basement. I turned on the lights and found their bikes.

“You know what; on second thought I’d rather ride my own bike.”

“Aw, come on Jas. Just hold on tight, this ride won’t be a roller coaster with me pedaling.” I laughed.

“Nick and his songs,” I said laughing, “Fine, you better not ride like Brian does. I rode on the back of his bike once and almost died.” Joe laughed and I hit him again. “Not funny.”

Both Nick and Joe grabbed their bikes and took them out of their garage and onto their driveway.

“So, you ready to rumble” Joe asked.

“Heck yeah,” I replied as Nick got on his bike.

“Come on, I’m a good driver.” I laughed.

“Okay, you’re probably better than Joe.”

“Hey, I’m totally offended by that.” I went on the back of Nick’s bike and held on to his torso. “You know I should totally be in Nick’s position now.”

“Only in your dreams Jonas.”

“Actually yeah. I had a dream about this, you and me on one bike. To bad I have this old school bike only fit for one.” I laughed as Nick started pedaling away from Joe.

“So, you and my brother again huh?”

“Nick, shut up. You know very well we’re just friends.”

“Everyone knows it's meant to be. Falling in love, just you and me 'Til the end of time-”

“Nick, shut up!” Nick laughed.

“Okay, okay.”

“When we used to be just friends.”

“Nicholas Jerry Jonas, if you don’t shut up I will pinch you so hard.” Nick laughed again.

“Fine, I’ll shut up since he’s catching up. Hey, why are you so slow today brother?”

“Haven’t bike in two months, what do you expect?” I laughed.

“Little Joe is out of shape? Wouldn’t expect that.”

“Ha ha Jas. You’re probably more out of shape since you’re sitting in the back of Nick’s bike.”

“You’re such a joker Joe.”

“I know.”


“That was so ‘90s.” I laughed.

“I know, but it works, okay?”

“We know it's casual. It's cool we're just...”


“I’m done now,” Nick said. I knew he was grinning from ear to ear, but if I pushed him he could make us both fall.

“Done with what?” Joe asked going side by side with us.

“Nothing, Nick’s being weird.”

“When is he not weird?” I laughed as Nick looked at Joe. “What?”

“When we get home, I’m going to jump on you like Frankie does.” Joe laughed.

“Okay, I’d like to see you do that little bro.”

“You guys are annoying, grow up.”

“Make me,” Joe said.

“Hey look, three little girls. Maybe they like Joe Jonas, Nick pull the bike over so they can scream in his face.”

“What? Girls, where? No, don’t! Sorry, I take it back. I’ll be nice to you from now on.” I laughed evilly.

“I knew I still had you on a leash.” Nick laughed and Joe look confused as always. “Never mind.”