‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

I Heart N.J.

“Wakey, wakey!” I felt something hit the back of my head which annoyed the hell out of me. “Come on, Jay and I are hungry!”

“What time is it?” I muttered.

“9:56! Wake up!”

“Are you serious? Wake me up in two hours, I am exhausted.” Brian sat on the bed, well more like jumped onto it.

“It’s not my fault you went to bed late. I want food but I’m not allowed anywhere near the stove.”

“Why can’t you just make cold cereal like a normal 12 year old?” I turned my head away from Brian to try to go back to sleep.

“I want an omelet.”

“Are you serious?”

“Stop repeating yourself, of course I’m serious. Why else would I be in here if I weren’t?” I let out a big groan and sat up in bed.

“I have a headache.”

“Congratulations, now I’m hungry. Food, now?”

“Brian! Stop being a brat and for once in your life fend for yourself.”

“Fine! It’s your fault if I burn the house down then. I’ll tell mom you wouldn’t assist me.”

“Ugh, go get your stupid stuff ready. I’ll be right down.” Brian laughed as he left my room and made his way downstairs. I hit my bed in frustration and pulled my hair into a ponytail. As I walked downstairs, I just realized I just got told what to do by my younger brother. I felt like a loser, but found my way to the kitchen anyways.

“Brian, do you know how much I hate you right now?” Brian laughed as he shut the refrigerator and put a bunch of eggs on the counter.

“You just got told what to do by a 12 year old. Tell me, how does that make you feel?” I rolled my eyes.

“Why do you have so many eggs out? You only need one per person.”

“I know, there’s one for me, Jared, you,” he lowered his voice, “Joe.”

“What, what was that last word?”

“Joe’s coming.”

“Why?” I shouted.

“He’s my friend, that’s why.”

“Make friends your own age Brian, not someone who’s seven years older than you.”

“I do have friends my own age, but you don’t like them.”

“Yeah, because they’re little pervs, duh. You should be glad I even go to your games.”

“Yeah, yeah. So can you make the food now? I’m pretty starved.” I shook my head out of annoyance and went to look for a pan to start cooking in.

“Can you watch so I don’t have to do this next time?”

“Fine, just get a-cookin’ babe.” I snorted as I put the pan over the hot flame.

“Since when do you call me babe weirdo?”

“Now. Andale before I hit you with a towel.” I glared at Brian. “Okay, I’m kidding, you know I love you, sometimes.”

“Very funny, can you at least crack as many eggs as there are people eating.”

“Okay, I can do that then.”


“What would you do if I threw an egg at you?” Brian asked stupidly.

“I will shove this butter knife down your throat.”

“Why are you so violent?”

“I’m not a violent person; I’m the sweetest person ever. Right Jared?” Jared looked over at me and shrugged his shoulders. “Thanks bud.”

“Brian man, what are you doing today?” Joe asked.

“Bothering this idiot all day.”

“Sucks for you, I have plans,” I said.

“Plans in which are going to have to involve me and Jared of course,” Brian said.

“Uh not unless I drop you off at Luis’ house.”

“Then I’ll just tell mom on you.”

“Then I’ll just tell dad he’s big boy’s nothing but a baby.”

“You still have to watch me anyways. What are you doing anyways? Going to Mandy’s house?”

“Nope, Nick and I are doing something.”

“Yeah, what?” I scoffed as I stood up and put my plate in the sink.

“We’re getting married, what’s it to you?”

“Yeah right, who’d want to marry you?”

“Wash everything, okay? And clean up the mess.”

“But why?” Brian whined.

“Because I still have to take a shower.”

“And that should affect me why?”

“Brian, I made you breakfast, what more do you want from me? Just do it before I break your skateboard in half.” I walked out of the kitchen before Brian could complain any more and went to take one long, hot shower.


“Kevin, what are you doing here?” I asked walking into my room while drying my hair with my towel.

“Just wanted to say hi to my best buddy of course.”

“Yeah? Well I’m doing well, minus Brian waking me up so early to cook him food.” I rolled my eyes as I threw my towel on my bed and sat on the end next to Kevin.

“You actually listened to him and made him breakfast?” I nodded and Kevin laughed.

“Not funny, I don’t even know why I listened to him.”

“Probably all that sugar you had from last night made you soft.” I scoffed.

“I did not go soft for Brian.” Kevin laughed again which made me reach for my towel and hit him with it.

“Okay, okay. You didn’t go soft for Brian, but tell me again why you and Nick are going out so late? And with no supervision?”

“You were asleep and I didn’t want to wake you,” I said with a smile on my face.

“Yeah, that smile doesn’t work on me.”

“Bet you it works on Kelsey.” Kevin blushed as he looked over at my door. “Aw, that’s so cute; Kevin and Kelsey.”

“Aw, that’s so cute Joe and Jas.” I socked Kevin on his arm and he rubbed it. “I’m just kidding, gosh no need to resort to violence on my guitar arm.”

“Guitar arm? Doesn’t it just hang from your shoulder and you just strum on it?” Kevin laughed.

“Want me to show you on your shifting hand? I’ll be more than glad to show you.”

“Is that a threat? Are you going to break my right hand just because I hit your arm?” Kevin nodded. “Jerk!”

“No, I’m kidding. I wouldn’t do that to anybody ‘cause then you can’t drive me around.”

“Hey no fair, you don’t drive me around.”

“Well, you never ask Jasmina, do you?”

“Kevin can I have a ride to the mall?”


“Fine. So what are you doing today? Going out with Kelsey? Is that why your hair is so perfectly curled today?”

“Yeah, I’m going to see her today but my hair always looks like this.”

“Nu uh.”

“Uh huh.”

“Okay, sure Kevin. You’re only lying to yourself not me.” I stood up and walked over to my nightstand and picked up my phone. I had one unread text.


Morning Fuzzyhead, when are you coming over? I’m bored ‘cause Kevin’s mean.

“Kevin, I’m bored.”

“Want me to fix it?” I laughed as I nodded my head. “Yeah, maybe later, I got to go to Kelsey’s soon.” I rolled my eyes as Kevin’s phone beeped and he took it out.

“Is that Kelsey?” I mocked.

“No, it’s Nick. He said stop being mean to you, what the heck is he talking about?” I laughed as Kevin stood up and walked to my balcony. “Hey Nick!”

“That’s Nick’s room?” I asked looking at the window that was directly in front of my room.

“No, it’s my room but he can probably hear me. Hey Nick! Come out here!”

“What did I do?” Nick asked. We both turned around and saw Nick standing in my room.

“How’d you get in here?” I asked.

“Joe let me in. What’s he doing here anyways? I thought you two don’t talk.” Nick sat on my bed making it messy.

“We don’t talk. His little buddy down there invited him for breakfast. I hate those two.” Nick laughed as he grabbed my phone and started messing with it.

“Sorry I think. You could live with us if you want. Joe can move in here.” I laughed as I sat down next to Nick.

“No way, that means I got to sleep in his old bed in a room with Kevin.”

“Hey, what’s wrong with sharing a room with me?” Kevin asked closing my balcony door.

“Nothing, I just always wanted to say that.”

“Okay, I’m guessing you didn’t get enough sleep last night?” I nodded. “Thought so. Anyways, I’m going to Kelsey’s house, see you guys later!”

“Bye Mr. Kelsey!” I yelled as Kevin walked out the door.

“Why’d you call him Mr. Kelsey?” Nick asked.

“I don’t know.” I laughed. “I don’t know her last name anyways.” Nick laughed. “Never mind, that didn’t make any sense.”

“Ya think?” I laughed as I laid back on my bed with my feet dangling over the edge. “So what are we doing today?”

“Nothing, I have to watch my stupid brothers.”

“Now they’re both stupid?”

“They ruin my teenage years,” I joked as Nick laughed.

“Have Joe watch them.”

“Ugh, no way. I don’t want Jared turning against me too.”

“He won’t. Hold on real quick, I’m going to tell him to watch them, so we can stay here and do nothing all day.” I laughed as Nick stood up and walked out of my room. I waited at least five minutes and I started to fall asleep until Nick jumped on my bed.
“He said he can’t.” I scoffed.

“And why can’t he?” Nick shrugged. “Nicky.”

“He said he has a date tonight.” I laughed.

“Poor girl,” I said, “How much you want to bet it’s that one girl from the other day.” Nick shrugged.

“Don’t know and don’t care.” I laughed as I stood up and walked out of my room. I entered Jared’s room who was just sitting on his bed.

“Baby! Did you get dressed by yourself?” He nodded. “Yay! So what do you want to do today kiddo?”

“I want ice cream.”

“You want ice cream?” Jared nodded. “But that’s bad for you, plus mommy wouldn’t like that.”

“But Mommy’s not home.” I sighed.

“How about I make you something sweet but healthy?”


“Want to play soccer?”

“Then can I get ice cream?” I laughed.

“We’ll share it, okay?” Jared stuck his small hand out to me and I shook it. “Come on babe, let’s go to the park.” Jared hopped off his bed and made his way downstairs. He was too busy to grab a jacket so I took it for him and went back in my room.

“Nick, want to play soccer?”

“Duh,” Nick said standing up and walking right past me and down the stairs. “Who else is coming?”


“That’s it? What about Brian?” I huffed. “Come on, he’ll be home alone.”

“Fine.” I walked into the kitchen where I saw Joe doing the dishes, and not Brian. “Brian! I told you to clean up.”

“He offered and I didn’t feel like it, so it all worked out.”

“Fine then, enjoy your day with your pal. I’m taking Jared to the park and you’re kind of not invited.”

“But that’s not fair!”

“Hey, stop acting like a spoiled brat and maybe I’d consider being nice to you.”

“Yeah, well how can I be nice to a stupid person like you? It’s no wonder Joe broke up with you, you’re the most selfish, idiotic person I have ever met. I’m sad to call you my sister.”

“If you weren’t my brother, I’d slaughter you.” I started walking out of the kitchen but stopped. “And FYI, I broke up with him, not the other way around, okay?” I walked out of the kitchen and grabbed the soccer ball that was lying on the floor. “Ready?”

Jared ran towards the front door and opened it. I followed him with Nick following closing behind.

“So, what was up with that?”

“Nothing Nick.” I tossed the ball to him and he dropped it. “Good one.” He laughed as he bent down to pick it up.

“You caught me off guard, so it’s not my fault.”

“Yeah it is.”

“Nu uh,” Nick said childishly which made me laugh.

“Way to act your age Nicholas.”

As we walked toward the park, I noticed a really familiar face mowing his front lawn. This was the funniest sight of the day – scratch that, of the year.

“Luis! Why don’t you come over and cut my grass while you’re at it?” I shouted.

“Very funny, J. Hey, ‘sup Nick? You hanging out with the Bride of Godzilla today?” I stepped on Luis’ freshly cut grass which made him make a face.

“You loser, Godzilla doesn’t have a wife,” I said.

“He does now.” I stuck out my tongue and kicked Luis’s ugly lawn mower. “Where are you thee headed?”

“Play soccer like a true playa,” I said. Luis laughed.

“Can I come?”

“No, you’re too busy mowing your lawn.”

“Big deal, nobody’s home anyways. I’m going to put this away and come join you guys, okay?”

“Fine, invite yourself like a loser. I’ll see you later mi amor.” Nick, Jared and I walked away from Luis’ house and finally made it to the park.

“Nena, can I have the ball?” Nick held the ball out for Jared to grab.

“So are we supposed to just watch him or play?” I sat on a dry place on the grass.

“Watch, I guess. He’s got the ball and doesn’t like giving it up ever.” Nick laughed as he sat down next to me. He reached over to my face and took my sunglasses off for me and put them on his face.

“Okay, that was just rude. What if I go blind or something?”

“At least you won’t be deaf when people walk by and recognize me.”

“Dude, they can still recognize you even if you wear sunglasses. You guys always wear sunglasses even if it’s dark.” Nick laughed.

“You’re right, but my eyes hurt now.” I laughed as I grabbed a patch of grass and threw it at Nick. “Okay, what’s with you and the grass throwing? I feel bad for the poor grass.”

“Yeah, well be happy I’m not throwing tanbark at you.” Nick laughed.

“You’re funny, throwing tanbark, at me? You wouldn’t.” I smiled widely.

“Yes I would.”

“Okay, I officially don’t want to be your bad side.” I laughed as I leaned forward and gave Nick a quick peck on his cheek.

“You’d never be on my bad side, unless you go out with Mandy or something.”

“I can’t go out with Mandy?” I shook my head as Nick laughed. “I’m kidding, she’s, well she’s special.” I laughed.

“She’s more into Kevin though. Did I tell you she wants to basically murder Kelsey?” Nick laughed out loud and even fell backwards. “Okay then, I didn’t find it that funny.”

“That’s hilarious though!” I laughed.

“Okay Nicholas, think whatever you want.”

“My forehead itches.”

“Itch it then.”

“Nah, maybe later. I’m too busy to scratch it.” I laughed as Nick sat up and watched Jared kick the soccer ball around.

“I want a tattoo.” Nick laughed.


“I heart N.J.”

“You love Nick Jonas?” I laughed.

“No, I love New Jersey.”

“I love Nick Jonas is better. I thought you hate New Jersey.”

“Your whole family is conceited, I hate that.”

“Fine, get your New Jersey tattoo then.”

“I was kidding, I wouldn’t get that. I would get a tattoo of Kevin’s face though.” Nick laughed out loud again.

“Why his face? Shouldn’t it be my face?”

“No, ‘cause I’m going to steal your ring.” Nick laughed as he looked at his left hand.

“No you won’t.”

“You can have Brian.” Nick laughed.

“What a deal.”

“I know right; biggest deal of the century. I want to watch Pirates of the Caribbean.”

“That was really random of you.” I laughed.

“Thanks, but I still want to watch it.”

“Are we leaving the park to watch your movie?”

“No, let’s watch it later. I love that movie.”

“Why? Because Johnny Depp is in it?”

“And Orlando Bloom.” Nick shook his head.

“You like too many guys.”

“I know, that’s why everyone says I’m never getting married.”

“It’s okay; you can marry Frankie if you had to.”

“Nicholas! He’s 10 years younger then me.” Nick laughed.

“I was kidding.”

“You better be.”

“Hey, be glad I didn’t say Joseph.”

“Then I’d resort to violence on you Nicholas and that wouldn’t be very pretty.”

“I said be glad I didn’t.”

“Aw, are you upset now?” Nick asked putting his hand on the top of my head.

“No.” Nick laughed as he moved closer and threw his arm over my shoulder.

“It’s okay, I’ll make you feel better if you want.” I laughed. “Ha, I knew you weren’t mad at me.” Nick moved closer and blew a raspberry on my cheek.

“Ew, Jonas cooties!” I yelled as Nick did it once again and laughed.

“I didn’t complain of Gonzalez cooties when you kissed me cheek, did I?”

“No, but I didn’t leave spit on your cheek.”

“Fine.” Nick put my chin in his hand and wiped my cheek with his sleeve. “Happy?”

“Much better. Thanks Fuzzy Bear.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the late update.
This is just a boring filler.
Enjoy :]