‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Nick has a girlfriend?

“Nick, what’s your problem?” I yelled at Nick as soon as he walked in the door.

“Huh? What did I do?” he asked.

“I go to the park and see you kissing Jas. Why are you doing this?”

“Doing what? You guys are over with; she wants nothing to do with you. And why are you yelling at me? You’re the one that’s going on dates with other girls.”


“Don’t give me that Joe. And so what if I kissed her on her cheek; I can kiss anyone on their cheek.”

“She’s my ex-girlfriend. I thought you both had more class than that.”

“Yeah, she’s my best friend, okay? It’s your own fault she doesn’t want anything to do with you.”

“It is not my fault. She’s bipolar and gets mad if I talk to any other girl that isn’t her.” Nick laughed sarcastically.

“Are you kidding me? That’s all you! She’s over you and your pathetic jealousy. She told me you were even jealous of how close we are. This was even all before you two started dating.” Nick stood up and was pretty red in the face.

“And by the way, stop going to her house. You’re just annoying her more than anything.” Nick left his seat on the couch leaving me staring at the TV alone. I felt my phone vibrate once in my pocket which made me jump.

I looked at my phone. I had an unread text message from Carolina. That girl that made Jasmina hate me for good; yet I liked her just a bit. I didn’t know why I liked her when I’m still in love with Jas.

I had a lot of fun today, thanks for taking me out :)

I sighed as I erased the message. So, I went out with another girl, Jas and I have been over for two months. She’s probably dating Luis or some other equally ‘good’ looking guy; why couldn’t I date?

Of course I can’t really date since I can probably never get over Jas. I dated a bunch of girls before, but nobody really compared to her. I groaned in frustration as my phone vibrated again.

I don’t know if you got my last text, but thanks Joey!

I shut my phone off. Okay, I liked the girl, but she sent way too many texts and called a little too much. I leaned on the couch and let my head hang back. I hated not doing anything and just sitting around.

It wasn’t even four but I was bored out of my mind. Nick wouldn’t talk to me, Kevin was out with his stupid girlfriend, and Mom and Dad were out with Frankie. I could call Amanda, but I doubt she’d talk to me.

I heard Nick coming down the stairs, so I asked out of curiosity.

“Nick.” I heard him huff.

“What Joe?” He turned around and walked back into the living room.

“What could I possible do to have Jas talk to me again?”

“I don’t know Joe. Why don’t you ask her that?”

“She won’t talk to me, how can I ask her? She rolls her eyes every time I’m near her or scoffs.” Nick crossed his arms.

“Don’t know what to say bro. It’s her choice.”

“I know, but I have nothing to do! My life is so depressing without her. I can’t even do the splits anymore, my pants rip!” Nick let out a small laugh, but covered it up as soon as I looked at him.

“Want me to talk to her?”

“Please! I’m beyond desperate.”

“Fine, but you have to stop seeing all of these girls. I mean completely if you really want her back.” I stood up and smiled.

“Nick! If you can just make her talk to me, you seriously will be the best brother ever!”

“I know, I’m a great brother. But you promise? No more of this Catherine girl or whatever.”

“Yeah, yeah. No problem Nick.”

“And Amanda?”

“Who?” Nick laughed.

“Good one. Well, I’m going to go over now. She’s got homework,” Nick said with a laugh.

“What does her homework have to do with you?”

“Nothing, she just doesn’t want to be alone in her house with her Brian.”

“Where are her parents?”

“With Mom and Dad, remember? Now if you’re done, I got a date with a notepad and a pen.” I laughed as Nick waved and left me alone once again on the couch. I really need a life.

Nick’s P.O.V.

“He really said that?” Jas asked as she lay on her bed doing her homework.

“Yeah, just wanted to pass the message to you.” She laughed lightly as she put her pen down. “Are you even doing your homework?”

“I was until Luis called, then you came over, so not really.” I laughed as she picked up her pen and wrote less than five words and put it down again.

“So, what else did he say?” she asked curiously.

“He thinks we’re going out since he saw me kiss you at the park.”

“You didn’t kiss me! You spat on my face.” I laughed.

“But I wiped it off! Doesn’t that count for anything?”

“I guess.”

“This is real fun; I could be making new songs up right now instead of watching you not do your homework.” She laughed again and sat up in her bed.

“Go play with your brother then. I like being alone when I do my homework.”

“I thought you told me to come over because it’s not fun being alone with Brian,” I said. I took out my phone and went to my text messages. “Look, you said ‘Nicky Pooh, can you pa-leez come over and help me with my homework. I hate being alone with my idiot brother.’” She laughed out loud and rolled her eyes.

“I don’t sound like that.”

“It’s a text; you can sound however I want you to sound.”

“You’re mean sometimes Nick,” she said while pouting.

“You want me to spit on your face again?”

“Ew, no. I’d much rather have a hug, but not from you. Your hugs are weak.” I acted hurt for a second.

“Oh yeah? Who’s got hugs good enough to please you?”

“Kevin!” I scoffed, really offended.

“Kevin? That Kelsey loving foo?” She laughed really hard and even managed to fall off the bed. “Oh God, are you okay?” I was looking at the floor where Jasmina was on the floor laughing nonstop. I stuck my hand out for her to grab onto once she finally calmed down.

“That was great,” she said holding onto my hand and allowing me to pull her up. She kept on holding my hand as she looked into my eyes. “You said foo! I love you for that!” I laughed as she sat on her bed and laughed again.

“Wow, you fell off your bed because I said foo?” She nodded her head and we both laughed.

“Don’t mind me, I just love that word.”

“Foo?” I repeated and she laughed yet again. “Wow Jas.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll stop laughing now, but that word has history.”

“History?” She nodded like a little kid which made me laugh.

“Never mind, you wouldn’t get it.”

“Probably not.” It was quiet for a few seconds until Jas decided to be random yet again.

“The seven things I like about you! Your hair, your eyes, you old Levi’s, and when we kiss I’m hypnotized. You make me laugh; you make me laugh but yeah! Your hand in mine, when we’re intertwined everything’s alright!”

“You totally messed up the lyrics,” I said laughing.

“Yeah, but you don’t make me cry,” she said with a smirk on her face.

“True, but don’t ever sing that song again. Joe’s been singing that for the past three days.” She laughed as she bit her bottom lip.

“Okay, but I like that song.” I laughed again as she went back to ‘doing’ her homework. “Dude, in English we have this assignment of who inspires us or some bull like that. Guess who I’m writing about!”

“Your mom?” She laughed.

“No, this guy!”

“Oh? Let me guess, Kevin?” She laughed again.

“No, you weirdo! I’m writing about my best friend!”

“Amanda?” She sighed in frustration.

“No! Since when is Amanda a guy?” I laughed feeling like an idiot.

“Oh, I give up, your dad?”

“No! You!” I blushed feeling stupid for not guessing that in the first place.

“Really? Why would you pick me over your dad?”

“’Cause you’re my boy, duh. Plus you’re like the biggest inspiration to me; dealing with your diabetes and still having all this fun. I mean even before I met you I always was inspired by you and now that I met you I’m like more in love with you.” I literally had nothing to say, but I knew my face was probably turning red from blushing.

“Wow, thanks Jas.” I mentally slapped myself. Thanks?

“You’re welcome, just be glad we don’t have to read it out loud to people. Everyone would either not believe I know you or scream to introduce them to you.” I laughed.

“I probably sound dumb just thanking you, but I don’t know what else to say.” She laughed as she closed her notebook and tossed it on the floor.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll show it to you when it’s finish, okay?” I nodded my head again like an idiot not knowing what to say. “Well I’m hungry, want food?”

“What do you have?” She made a face and shrugged her shoulders.

“Not a lot, want to make me something?” I laughed as she looked at me seriously.

“What? You’re serious?” She nodded her head. “What am I supposed to make you then?”

“What can you make?”

“Not a lot. I can make a sandwich.”

“Ew, sandwiches are so blah.” I laughed.

“Then make your own food,” I said while turning on Jas’ computer and waiting for it to load up.

“I should make Brian make me lunch since I made him breakfast.”

“Have fun trying to make your dream come true.” I logged on to MySpace as usual, and found a bunch of comments already there. Most of them said the same I love you guys! But a few of them caught my eye.

“Hey, Jas, I have a girlfriend now?” I asked out of nowhere.


“Listen: ‘Nick, I can’t believe you have a girlfriend now! Who is she anyways?’ and ‘O-M-J, you have a girlfriend now? I envy her!’” Jas laughed as she got off her bed and looked at the computer screen.

“You have a girlfriend and you didn’t tell me?”

“But I don’t have one,” I said confused. She laughed again as she continued reading the comments and laughing every so often.

“According to these comments, you do. That’s so cute Nick, but I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” she said while laughing still.

“Uh, how can I have a girlfriend when I barely hang around girls?” And then it clicked. “Oh shit.”

“Nicholas Jerry Jonas! You did not just swear in my room!”

“Sorry! That totally slipped, but do you think someone saw us last night?” I asked.

“Hmm, that’s possible, but it’s not like we did anything couple-ish, right?” I shrugged my shoulders and went to JustJared.com to see if my picture was up.

“Ah! Look Jas! It’s us and my arm is totally around you, oops.” Jas looked at the picture and started reading the little article that was there.

“At least you can’t really see my face,” she said.

“I love your optimistic-ness.”

“Yeah, but look you can’t see your face either. You just see hair.” I looked closer at the picture and noticed she was right.

“Yeah, but come on, what are the chances people are going to say that’s not me?”

“Well, we’re not even dating, so don’t trip.” I laughed lightly as I bent down the shut off the computer – the wrong way. “Hey, be nice to my crap. First you say shiz, and now you turn off the computer the wrong way.”

“Okay, fine, to pay you back for my stupidity, how about I order you a pizza?”

“Extra large?” I laughed as I nodded my head. “You my friend, have yourself a deal.” She handed me her cell phone, with the pizza place of course on her speed dial.


“So, I think that Buster’s the hottest.” I choked on my diet coke that I was drinking.

“Jas, he’s a cartoon character,” I said. We were discussing random kiddy shows, and we just started talking about the show Arthur.

“But, he’s a bunny, and he’s cute!” She grabbed the liter of coke and poured herself a fourth glass of coke; full to the brim of course.

“Yeah, and that Muffy chick is pretty cute,” I said sarcastically which made her laugh.

“What is she anyways? Is she a rat or something?” I started laughing as I placed my drink back down on the table before I spat it out again.

“I don’t know what any of them are.”

“That Brain guy is cute too. Oh, and the teacher.”

“Okay, Jas, calm down with the cartoon characters.” She laughed as she reached for her fifth piece of pizza tonight.

“Fine, Nick. What do you want to talk about, politics? John McCain is pretty hot too.” I couldn’t help but let out one big laugh.

“Please tell me you’re joking,” I said after I stopped laughing. She smiled at me and dumped a bunch of chili crush on her pizza, along with a squirt of ranch.

“Maybe, maybe not. I mean it’s not like his wife is doing anything for him.” She started laughing again and I couldn’t help but laugh myself. “Okay, sorry, I’ll never say that again, promise.”

“I sure hope not. I don’t want to know about you and your crushes anymore, okay?”

“Aw, but I have a lot of guys to talk about. Who am I going to tell?”

“Go tell Luis.” She laughed as she poured even more ranch on her pizza.

“He’s boring, he’ll just agree and say: ‘Yeah, he’s gorgeous’ or something similar.” I heard a few car door slams from outside of the house, and within minutes the front door opened.

“Hi Mommy,” Jas said while waving to her mom nonstop like a little kid.

“Hi honey, hi Nick. How are you two?”

“Peachy Mama. Hi daddy!”

“Hola kids, what’s this you’re eating? Pizza? Without me? Jas, what did I tell you?”

“Uh, there’s two slices left if you want,” Jas said.

“Of course I want,” Mr. Gonzalez said while picking up the pizza box and walking into the kitchen. He walked back out and took the Ranch and chili crush with him. Jas looked at me and we both laughed.

“Hey Dad, you owe me five bucks for those two pieces!” Jas yelled at. I heard her dad laugh in the kitchen and say something in Spanish to her mom. “What a hater.”

“What’d he say?”

“I don’t know, but I heard that evil laugh of his.” I smiled at I looked at my watch. It was almost seven, and I knew I should be heading home soon.

“You’re leaving?” she asked with a hint of sadness.

“Yeah, but I’ll see you in a couple days, okay?”

“I know, but Florida’s so far.”

“I’ll call you everyday, and I’ll pay for your high phone bill, how’s that?” She laughed as she leaned in for a hug.

“I can’t make you pay for my phone bill. I’ll just say Brian took my phone and started calling random people.” I laughed as I brought her closer to me with my arm around her shoulder.

“Okay, I’ll stick to our million and one texts.”

“Yeah, we’re cool,” she said sarcastically. We both stood up and Jas pushed me forward.

“What was that for?”

“I didn’t do that,” she said innocently.

“Yeah, the Cookie Monster did that, right?”

“Yeah! Right after he stole my cookies; Nick I’m upset now.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Come on, walk me home?” I asked.

“Ugh, I guess I should walk off the pizza.”

“Yeah, you’re going to need to walk around the whole block a good forty times.” She gasped.

“Are you calling me fat?”

“Now, that would be mean of me, wouldn’t it?” I threw my arm around Jas as we managed to fit out her front door side by side.

“Nick, you’re mean sometimes. I don’t know why people think you’re sweet and innocent.” I laughed lightly as we walked to my house slowly.

“I am very nice thank you very much. The mean side only comes out with you.”

“Nicholas Jonas, you’re a jerk.” I laughed as I brought my other arm around to pull her into a tight hug. “Ah, don’t kill me for saying that.” I laughed as we stood in front of my house hugging.

“Nick, why are you squishing Jas?” Frankie asked. I continued squeezing Jas as I looked down to see Frankie with a ball in his hand.

“She called me a jerk,” I replied.

“Nicky, that wasn’t nice. Apologize.” I laughed as I released Jas and put her head between my hands and leaned forward to kiss the top of her head.

“Not accepted,” Jas said wiping her head but a smile plastered on her face. “Frankie! How’s my pal doing?” Jas bent down and gave Frankie the biggest hug ever, and he gladly hugged back.

“I’m okay, I’m playing with Joe. Want to play with us?”

“Oh, no thank you sweetie. Go play with your brother, I got chores to do at home.”

“Sorry, I would do your chores but I don’t even do my own.” Jas laughed as she hugged Frankie again and messed with his hair.

“Frankie, you know you’re the cutest Jonas brother ever?” Frankie laughed.

“Thanks, wait until I tell Joe and Kevin!” He laughed as he ran up to Joe and practically yelled that Jas called him the cutest Jonas brother.

“So, are you planning on talking to him anytime soon?” I whispered to Jas. She shrugged her shoulders.

“We’ll see when you guys get back, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow before you leave for the airport, ‘kay?” I nodded my head as I gave her one last hug and she walked back home.

“Hey Frankie, why don’t you go inside now,” Joe said to Frankie as I walked to the two of them. Frankie ran inside the house and closed the door. Joe looked at me with a furious look on his face.

“Not dating huh?” he asked. I rolled my eyes.

“Joe, don’t believe what you read online. That would have been your picture all over the internet if you didn’t flirt with that girl.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“You remember you promised her that you’d sneak out late at night to Wendy’s on Friday night? Well, that’s exactly what we did Joe.” Joe looked at me flabbergasted.

“You and her? You guys did what I originally planned?”

“Yes Joe.” I felt bad for Joe sometimes especially since his ex-girlfriend is practically my best friend and the two of us are inseparable, but Joe needs to learn from all of this.

“Oh,” was all that came from Joe’s mouth.

“I’m sorry man. I told you that you’d regret this sooner or later.” I put my hand on Joe’s shoulder because I sympathized for my brother right about now.

But I hated him because I could never get what I wanted in the first place. I could never be Jasmina’s boyfriend because she didn’t see me as nothing more than her friend.