‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

I said I love you and I swear I still do

I groaned as my phone starting ringing yet again in the middle of the night. I sat up and looked at my iHome. Yep, it was exactly 3:33AM and who was calling? Of course it had to be one person, Nicholas Jonas. I reached for my phone and unplugged it from being charged.

“Nicholas?” I answered sleepily so he’d get the message.

“Morning Jas! Guess what! I’m coming home tomorrow! Wait, I mean today, but later today. Aren’t you excited?” I was way too tired to rely on my elbows that were holding me up, so I collapsed on my pillow.

“Nicholas, it’s 3:33 in the morning, you woke me up to tell me you’re coming home?” Nick laughed.

“Yes, plus I can’t really sleep and I thought I’d wake you up so you can’t sleep either.” I loved Nick with all my heart, but this was ridiculous.

“Nicholas, I have school tomorrow. It’s Wednesday and I need my sleep.”

“It’s Wednesday? Really? Wow, these day flew by pretty fast.” I sighed as I felt my eyes close but I knew Nick wouldn’t let me sleep.

“Are you still there? Are you awake Jasmina?”

“Yes,” I mumbled, “Nicholas, can you call back later? I’m exhausted. And I have to get up in three hours.”

“Wow, you’ve been calling me Nicholas this whole conversation. Sorry I woke you up, I had three red bulls earlier and I’m still wide awake.”

“Go bother Kevin.”

“He’s on the phone with Kelsey,” Nick said making a high voice when he said Kelsey. “See, she doesn’t mind being on the phone at three in the morning.”

“She probably doesn’t have school tomorrow. And they’re dating Nicholas.”

“So? You’re my best friend and we got to share the same pain of not being able to sleep.” I laughed lightly.

“Okay, try to go to sleep. Drink a cup of hot milk or something. Go count sheep, I don’t care what you do, but can we please continue this conversation later?” Nick sighed dramatically on the other end.

“Okay, fine. But only because you told me to not because Joe’s being a baby and telling me to get off the phone.”

“Shut up Nick,” I heard Joe on the other side.

“See? Well, I’m sorry for waking you. I love you and sleep well!”

“Bye,” I mumbled and left my phone in my hand as I quickly drifted off to sleep.


“Hey stop falling asleep,” Luis said snapping his fingers in my face as I dozed off for the millionth time today.

“I’m tired though,” I complained.

“Too bad, so am I. At least it’s Wednesday and the seniors get off early. Only thirty more minutes, come on you can survive it!”

“Luis, you’re such a drama queen sometimes.”

“I know, that’s my job,” Amanda said.

“Yeah Luis, leave the job for the blonde,” I said which made Luis flick my forehead. “Real mature idiot.”

“It’s not my fault you didn’t get enough sleep. I told you to go to bed early last night.”

“I went to bed at 10, but Nick called and woke me up.”

“So it’s Nick now huh?” Luis asked.

“Huh?” I asked trying to stop this conversation. “Luis, pay attention for once in your life.”

“Fine…Nick lover.” I smacked the back of his head. I loved sitting behind him so I could constantly do that. “Aye! Stop doing that, I’m going to have permanent brain damage one day.”

“With all that hair? I think not.” Amanda laughed.

“Ugh, my nail polish is chipping,” Amanda complained looking at her fingernails. Luis looked back at her and shook his head.

“Tell me why I hang out with you two.”

“You’re stupid and can’t make friends of your own sex,” Amanda said. I laughed to myself as Luis looked up at the front of the class and tried to pay attention but I knew he didn’t know what was going on.


“Hey Luis, spell fort,” I said.

“F-O-R-T.” I laughed out loud. “Why’d you make me spell fort for?”

“Don’t you find that word funny? It’s so unusual.”

“Yeah, like you.”

“Na uh,” I said.

“Why are we sitting on your front porch for anyways? I could be doing this at my house.”

“It’s boring inside with Brian and his boyfriends.”


“Those little 12 year olds.” I shuttered as I started picking up little rocks from the porch and throwing them at Luis’ hair.

“God, you act 12 sometimes.”

“That’s mean Luis. God doesn’t act like he’s 12.”

“What? I didn’t say that, I meant you, you moron.”

“Can’t take it back Luis. He’s going to smite you.”

“What the f-”


“Sorry, I didn’t even say the word.”

“Yeah, but you were about to,” I said.

“So? You say a lot of bad words a lot of the time.”

“No, I don’t.” Luis scoffed.

“In Spanish you sure do. Every word out of your mouth is puta this, puta that.” I laughed out loud throwing another small rock at Luis.

“Hey, not so loud, someone will hear you.”

“Fine, so can I go home or eat your food or something?”

“No Miranda.”

“Annabelle!” I heard a car door slam and I looked up.

“Oh hell no, he did not just call me Annabelle.” I saw Nick running toward my house with a big smile on his face.

“Look, its Jerry!” I yelled back. Nick laughed sarcastically as I stood up to greet him. “Hi Jonas family!” Nick was standing with his arms out expecting a hug. I waved at the whole family who all waved back, except Joe.

Fine, be a jerk. Oh yeah, I wasn’t talking to him in the first place.

“Nick!” I yelled in his face and practically jumped into his arms.

“You’re not mad anymore, right?” I squeezed Nick with my entire mite and didn’t let go.

“No way silly bear. I too had like five Red Bulls today and I could not be any more awake.” Nick also squeezed me with his entire mite but stopped after three seconds.

“Ow.” I stopped hugging him and looked at him.


“Your boobs hurt,” Nick said softly as he rubbed his chest. I let out a big laugh.

“Everyone says that! That hurts my feelings.” Nick laughed as he hugged me again.

“Sorry, don’t hug me so tight next time.”

“Fine, I won’t.” I went to sit back down on my porch next to Luis who was busy texting as usual. “Luis, Nick made fun of my tatas.”

“Luis laughs.” I stared at him weirdly.

“Did you just say Luis laughs?” I asked still staring at him as if he was stupid.

“Yep, got a problem with me talking in third person?”

“I’m surprised you knew what person you were talking in.”

“Hi Nick! Where’s Kevin? Is he still dating that one girl?” Nick laughed as Luis threw his hand out for Nick to shake.

“Uh, yeah I guess so,” Nick said.

“Darn, guess Mandy has to wait longer.” Nick laughed.

“Luis, go home, you’re stupid,” I said putting my foot on his thigh.

“Oh, so you just wanted me to stay out here until your boy came home? I feel so used.” I laughed.

“Sorry you feel that way, now bye!”

“Fine, I’ll see you tonight for dinner then,” Luis said while standing up.

“Who says you’re invited?” I asked.

“Me. Later guys.” Luis waved and walked home.

“Anyways, how was your trip?” Nick sat where Luis was originally sitting.

“It was okay, we went to Universal Studios! Oh, but that was so boring, you know with all the lines and what not.” I laughed.

“Yeah, I’m sure that was a bummer.”

“It was, but anyways how was school?”

“Boring since I couldn’t keep my eyes opened thanks to a certain someone.” Nick grinned.

“You seem awake now. Those Red Bulls helped, didn’t they?”

“A bit, but I took your Red Bulls, so you might need to buy more.” Nick’s face dropped.

“No you didn’t!” I laughed.

“Okay, I didn’t, but one day I will.”

“Then I’ll steal something you like.”

“Yeah? Like what?”

“Maybe I’ll just steal your car keys.” I gasped.

“That would upset me and daddy.” Nick laughed.

“Okay, don’t want to upset daddy. So you want to come over later? Mom wants me to unpack.”

“Sure and are you actually going to unpack or shove your suitcase under Frankie’s bed?”

“I’m going to actually unpack. Joe’s the one that stuffs his suitcase under his bed.” I laughed.

“Nena! Guess what’s on TV,” Jared shouted sticking his head out the door.

“What’s on baby?”

“Ghost Hunters!”

“Jared what the hell are you doing watching that?” I asked turning myself fully to look at him.

“I’m not. Brian told me to tell you.” Jared giggled and closed the door.

“See, your brother could be nice if he wanted to. I’ll go let you watch your ghost shows. See you later Jas.”

“You’re not going to come in?”

“I would, but then Mom is going to come over and yell at me to come home. She said I can stay here a maximum of five minutes to say hi to you, but then come straight home.”

“Aw, poor Nick. You better go listen to your mommy before she pulls you by your curls.” Nick laughed as he stood up.

“Okay, I’ll see you later then.”

“Later Nick.” Nick walked off the porch. I stood up and walked inside.

“Boys,” I said looking down at Brian and his two pervy friends, Chester and Nate. “Scoot your little butt out of my spot.” Nate moved over and I sat down on my corner spot of the couch.

“So beautiful, tell me about your day,” Nate said. I rolled my eyes and continued watching the show.

“Don’t bother Nate, she’ll just break your heart,” Brian said putting his feet up on the table.

“Just give me five minutes with her and she can break any part of me.”

“Ew, perv. Don’t you have a home to go to?”

“Yeah, my mom isn’t picking me up until 6.” I looked at my phone; it was only 4:06. I grumbled to myself.

“Are you two staying for dinner?” my mom asked coming from upstairs and stopping in the living room.

“No, Mrs. G. We have to be home at six,” Nate said.

“Aw, too bad,” I said.

“Well that’s too bad guys. You’re missing a great meal,” my mom said with a smile and walking into the kitchen.

Finally commercial. I got up as fast as I could and made my way to my own room. I lay on my bed and turned on the TV.

Privacy, loved it.

Call me a loser, or anything but I seriously loved anything to do with paranormal. I could sit up here until 10 when this mini marathon ended. Too bad I had already watched two and it was now dinnertime.

When 7:00 came rolling around, I shut off the TV before another Ghost Hunters started. I slowly walked down to the kitchen where my family and Chester were.

“Ew, I thought you were supposed to be home an hour ago,” I said sitting on top of the counter and crossing my arms.

“My mom is running late and I’m hungry, so I’m still here,” Chester said.

“Ew, why?”

“Jasmina, be nice and get off the counter. You’re going to break it or something,” my mom said lightly hitting my thigh as I jumped off.

“Well, as long as Nathanial isn’t here I’m good. He’s the dumb one.”

“Hey, I don’t talk about your friends,” Brian said while he set the table for the first time in his life.

“Uh, yeah you do. You make fun of Luis and make fun of Amanda’s blondeness.”

“Do not.” I rolled my eyes and sat down at the dinner table.

“You do too.”

“Whatever, at least my friends aren’t stupid.”

“Yeah they are. Especially Nathanial, he’s disturbing to be around.”

“Like you.”

“That was the worst comeback ever Brian.”

“Okay, dinner is ready but can you two stop fighting for once? You both need to grow up,” dad said serving random food on everyone’s plates.

“Tell Jas that. She’s the one that’s always arguing with a 12 year old, and she’s 17.”

“I try to be nice to him, Dad. But this kid just asks for it.” My dad shook his head as everyone sat down for dinner.


Are you coming over or do I have to drag you over here?

I laughed as I received Nick’s text.

What? I have to go to your house? What kind of a friend are you?

I’m a great friend Jas. What kind of a friend are you? I’m going to take a shower and when I am done, I expect to see you in my room playing Lego’s with Frankie.

I laughed out loud again getting weird looks from my parents.

Lego’s huh? Shouldn’t Frankie be in bed at 9? Oh and you as well?

Very funny. Remember 20 mins or it’s bye-bye to your car keys =D

It was almost 8:30 and I was in my in ‘house only’ pajamas; meaning I was in no mood to stand up and walk next door. But I haven’t seen Nick and Kevin in what’s felt like a week.

As 8:45 rolled around, I stood up and just walked out the door. The Jonas household looked darker than usual, so I just opened a side window and crawled in it. The basement was pitch black and I ran up their stairs that led to the inside of the house. Even the living room was dark as I crept my way up the stairs. I pretty much knew this house as well as mine since I was always here.

Walking towards Nick’s room, I heard a faint noise. It sounded like a guitar being played and someone singing softly. I’m usually not a nosy person, but curiosity got the better of me; especially since that noise was coming from Joe and Kevin’s room. I walked slowly towards their room and listened in.

Sick of sight without a sense of feeling
and this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am

It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
for handing you a heart worth breaking
and I've been wrong, I’ve been down,
been to the bottom of every bottle
these five words in my head
scream "are we having fun yet?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no
yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no

It’s not like you didn't know that
I said I love you and I swear I still do
And it must have been so bad…”

“Jas, whatcha doing at Joe’s door?” Nick asked walking out of the bathroom which was across from where I was standing.

“Huh? What? I’m not outside his door; I was trying to pull a prank on you when you got out of the shower.” I heard the guitar strumming stop and heard something inside of Joe’s room. My eyes widened and I ran past Nick into his room. I was about to turn on the light but I heard a light snore coming from the bottom bunk. Nick came in a few seconds later laughing.

“Nick, why did you want me to come over if your whole family is asleep?” I whispered to him as he dug through his closet to put on a shirt.

“Because I’m bored and I didn’t know they were asleep yet. What were you doing at Joe’s door, hmm?”

“What are you doing walking around your house without a shirt on, hmm?”

“Everyone’s asleep so it doesn’t matter,” Nick said putting his shirt on in the dark.

“You just said you didn’t know they were sleeping.” Nick laughed softly and I felt his hand on my shoulder.

“Let’s go downstairs and let Frankie sleep.” I nodded my head not sure if he can see me, but we both left his room and walked down the hallway; past Joe’s room whose door was now opened. I’m surprised I made my way back downstairs without falling. I reached for the couch and sat on it.

“Nick, turn on a damn light before I fall or something.”

“You’re sitting though,” Nick said switching on a light and sitting on an arm chair. I rolled my eyes and noticed Joe was sitting three feet away from me on the couch eating ice cream.

I was in a good mood, so I went for it.

“Hi Joseph.” He looked at me with a shocked look as if I told him I was a man or something.

“Hello,” he managed to sputter out. I looked at Nick who was sitting down on the arm chair as if he were the Godfather himself with a mischievous grin on his face.

“So, why am I even here? I was enjoying my ghost shows in the privacy of my own home,” I complained.

“Nice shorts Jas,” Nick said again with that grin.

“Gee thanks. Nice arms,” I said sarcastically. Nick did something that only Joe would do, he flexed his arms. “Don’t ever do that again.”

“But you didn’t get to meet my other arm,” Nick said flashing his right arm for me to see. I bent forward and grabbed one of the remotes to the Jonas’ TV. I turned it on and flipped to the SCI-FI channel.

“You’re obsessed with paranormal-ish stuff,” Nick said.

“So?” I said acting like a kid and gluing my eyes to the television. “Who ignored me when Finding Nemo was on?”

“Not me,” Nick said. Nick huffed. “This is boring, can we turn it?”

“Fine, I’ll just go home when a commercial comes.”

“Don’t go home, I’m bored and have nobody to talk to.”

“Talk to Joseph.”

“But Joe’s boring,” Nick complained. I looked at Nick who was acting a lot like the old Joe today and it was sort of creeping me out a bit.

“Then go bother Kevin.”

“He’s with Kelsey.”

“Go bother Brian.”

“He’s too far.”



“Shut up.”

“Fine, your show is over anyways.” I yawned and turned off the TV leaving it quiet in the living room.

“So,” I said trying to get it less quiet in here. “You guys make any new songs lately?”

“I made a song about a mean girl named Paulina who ruined my life by forcing me to watch ghost shows with her.” I laughed out loud.

“Paulina?” Nick nodded. “Great, that’s just fantastic.”

“I made a song,” Joe said quietly as he placed his empty ice cream bowl on the coffee table.

Ugh. Does this mean I have to talk to him now or something?

I turned my head and faced Joe.


“Yeah and I know you heard it.” I continued to look at Joe as if I never really heard his song.

“How could I have heard your song if I haven’t talked to you in days?”

“I just have this feeling you heard it,” Joe said.


“Did you like it?”

“Like what?” I asked stupidly.

“The song you heard.”

“Joe, what are you talking about?”

“Never mind, maybe you didn’t hear it. Sorry.”

“Is there any ice cream left?” Nick asked.

“Yeah, but you can’t have any,” Joe said. Nick stood up and grabbed Joe’s bowl.

“Says who?” He walked into the kitchen with the bowl in his hands.

It was another awkward silence between Joe and me once Nick left. I wanted to get up and leave, but unfortunately my brain had other plans.

“I’m sorry for being a jerk,” Joe said.

“I really liked that song,” I blurted out at the same time.

“You did?” Joe asked looking shocked again. I nodded my head uncomfortably.

“Sorry for eavesdropping or whatever you call it, but my curiosity got the better of me.” Joe laughed.

“I’m glad you heard it because it would have been weird to just give you a copy of this song knowing you’d probably trash it or something.”

“I wouldn’t do that.” Joe raised his eyebrow. “What? I wouldn’t.”

“Okay, so did you hear the whole thing?”

“Uhh, I don’t know, I heard something and the last thing I heard was ‘I said I love you and I swear I still do.’ Do you really mean that?”

“Of course I do. I don’t know what comes over me when I meet a girl, but you’re the only girl I could ever love.”

“I still don’t forgive you though,” I replied.

“I know, I just can’t stand the fact that you hate me in the first place,” Joe said looking at the blank TV.

“I don’t hate you.” I sighed. “I can’t ever hate you because; well I kind of miss what we used to have. Even before we started dating, I miss that old funny Joe.”

“So, you don’t hate me? Then why aren’t we friends?”

“I started liking you over again the other day, before I blew up on you. I was just crushed you were starting to like someone else that wasn’t me. I know, that sounds totally retarded, but I wanted to-”

“Then those old feelings never went away?” I sighed again and this time it was my turn to stare in oblivion.

“No.” Even though I couldn’t look at Joe, I knew he had that cheesy smile plastered on his face.

“Well, that’s good to hear,” Joe said quietly. I finally turned to face him.

“But if you tell anyone, I will kill you.” Joe laughed.

“Okay, I won’t tell anyone. But can I tell my guitars?” I laughed.


“No? What about my pillow, we share deep conversations with each other.”

“Nobody Joe,” I said.

“Okay, okay. So does this mean I can come back to your house?” I rolled my eyes.

“No, remember I still hate you?” I stood up and walked into the kitchen. “Nick, Joe’s bothering me.” Joe started laughing as I walked in the kitchen to see Nick drinking straight out of the milk carton.

“Ew, that’s disgusting Nicholas,” I said snatching the carton out of his hands.

“I didn’t want to wash a cup.” I laughed and drank from the carton myself. “So, you still like Joe huh?” I stared at Nick wide-eyed.

“I hate you Nicholas.” Nick laughed as he took the carton back from me.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody. Who’d believe me anyways?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't really like this one, but ah well.
Tell me what you think.