‹ Prequel: Catch Me When I Fall

Your Smile Still Makes My Heart Sing

Nick the brat

“Hey you guys know Ronnie right?” Luis asked as I shut my locker and leaned against it.

“The jerk?” Amanda asked.

“Ronnie who?” I asked.

“He thinks Jas is hot.”

“Ew, poor Jazzie!” Amanda blurted out.

“Why poor me? What’s he look like? Is he ugly or something?” I asked.

“No, he’s freakin’ sexy; almost as hot as your Nick Jonas boyfriend. But the bad part about it all is he’s a bully and pretty much bullies nerds.” I laughed out loud.

“Show me this Ronnie guy Luis.” Amanda sighed.

“He’s a punk Jas; don’t get involved with filth like him.”

“I told him already you’d meet up with him after school,” Luis said. “And would you look at the time, its 2:30! Let’s go.” Luis grabbed my hand and I pulled Amanda along with us.

“What? You told him I’d talk to him and I don’t even know the guy? He better be hot or you’re dead Luis,” I told him as he continued to drag me out towards the student parking lot.

“Is that him? Sitting on your hood? Amanda you suck, he’s a beast! And I mean that in the best way possible.” Luis finally let go of my hand and went to talk to Ronnie.

I walked over to where Luis and Ronnie were talking dragging Amanda along with me.

“Hello there,” Ronnie said. I looked at his face, he definitely had that ‘bad boy’ look written all over his face. Not to mention he was way too good looking for his own good.

“Oh, hi,” I finally managed to spit out. He stuck his hand out for me to shake, so I stuck my hand out as well. He ended up kissing my hand which made Amanda and Luis laugh and exchange glances.

“I’m Ronnie, and you’re Jasmina right?” This guy seemed sweet and didn’t seem as if he were a bully.

“Yeah, you can call me Jas if you’d like.”

“Jas, I like that. Listen I got to get going home, you need a ride or something?”

“Well, Luis was going to drive me home but-”

“It won’t be out of my way, trust me. Plus it’ll give me a better chance to get to know you better,” Ronnie said with a twinkle in his eye. I looked at Amanda who was fake gagging behind Ronnie.

“Are you sure it won’t be out of your way? I live over by Crocker Park.”

“I live two minutes from there, come on, let’s go.”

“Well, if you don’t mind, I guess. Later Miranda, Amanda,” I said while I walked away with this guy I just met.

“What car do you drive?” I asked.

“See that black Charger?” Ronnie said pointing across the lot to a Charger that was parked by its self.

“No way! You have a Charger? My dad wants one after he gave me his Mustang.”

“You have a Mustang?” I nodded. “What is it?”

“Boss.” Ronnie smiled.

“Boss? I’m impressed; think I can take a look at it when we get to your house?”


“Can we take it for a spin?”

“How about I get to know you better, than maybe you can.” Ronnie laughed as he unlocked the doors and ran to the passenger side to open the door for me.

“Thanks,” I smiled at him as I got inside his car. His car smelt better than a brand new car smell. It must have been his cologne, which coincidently enough was the same thing Joe wore. I hadn’t really thought about Joe since we talked a few nights ago. Maybe moving on would be best for us both.

“So Crocker Park right?” Ronnie asked as he started his car and it rumbled underneath us.

“Love the exhaust,” I said as he sped off away from the school and towards my home.

“I just got it installed a month ago. It’s pretty loud; especially at night when I love to take spins around.”

“You and I both bud. My friend and I snuck out Friday night after midnight and we had to push my car a good distance away from my house.” Ronnie laughed.

“You snuck out today?”

“No, last week. Oh today’s Friday isn’t it? Finally, the weekend is here!”

“Got any plans this weekend?” I shrugged.

“Not really.”

“Great, how about you put your number in here and I call you?”

“Nice pick up line Ronnie.”

“It worked right?” Ronnie said handing me his phone.

“Maybe, then again I could always give you a false number.”

“I could come by your house everyday if you rather have that.”

“I could have you drop me off at another house,” I said.

“Yeah, but I’d like to walk you in. You know to make sure everything is going well.” I laughed as I started typing in my number in his phone.

“Oh turn onto this street,” I said realizing he almost passed my street up, “And it’s the one with the bright orange Boss out front.” Ronnie laughed as he pulled into my driveway.

“That’s a beauty,” he said turning off the engine and removing his seatbelt. I took my seatbelt off and got out of the car.

“I know.” I saw him open his car door and walk over to the car.

“This is clean, how’d you get your hands on this?”

“My dad gave it to me for my birthday if I keep my grades up.”

“Have you?”

“Uh, between you and me my A’s are now down to B’s.” Ronnie laughed as he ran his fingers through the car.

“Can we take it for a spin? You can drive; I just want to sit in it.”

“Then sit in it,” I said tossing my empty bag on the grass. I don’t even know why I bother bringing it to school. “Oh, on second thought I got to pick up my brothers, want to come?”

“Sure, now?”

“Nah, they can survive day care or whatever it’s called for another hour. Want something to eat?”

“Yeah sure. So you’re inviting me into the house are you?”

“Do I have any other choice?” I asked sarcastically as I bent down to pick up my empty bag.

“Not really,” Ronnie said, “Nice place you have here.”

“Thanks, its better inside,” I replied starting to walk to my porch until I heard my name being called.

“Hey Jas,” Kevin said closing his front door and running down his path.

“Hey Kevo, where are you headed to?”

“Kelsey’s. Nick’s home if you wanted to know, but I see you’re busy.” Kevin put on his sunglasses and played with his car keys in his hand.

“Yeah, I’m not busy. This is Ronnie by the way,” I said. “Ronnie, this is Paul.”

“Hey, how’s it going man?” Kevin said walking over and greeting Ronnie.

“What up man.”

“Okay, well bye loser,” I said to Kevin. “Tell Kelsey hola for me, okay?” Kevin nodded.

“Bye, nice meeting you Ronnie.”

“Ditto brother.” Ronnie and I walked up my porch and into my house. “Neighbor?”

“Yeah, he’s a good friend of mine. So what do you want to eat?”

“I don’t care, what do you have?” We both walked into my kitchen and I looked around.

“We have: fruits, veggies, bread and other things that don’t look appealing. Want a PB&J?” Ronnie laughed as he grabbed the bread.

“Why not, let me help out at least.”

“Don’t worry about it; I can make PB&Js with my eyes closed. Just go into that cupboard and get me some PB,” I said pointing to the cupboard behind Ronnie’s head. Ronnie grabbed the peanut butter and placed it on the counter.

“So, you’re a new student right?” I nodded my head as I got the jelly out of the refrigerator.

“Yep, just moved from New Mexico.”

“Wow, that’s far. Why’d you move if you don’t mind me asking.”

“My mom is a serial killer,” I said. Ronnie looked at me puzzled which made me laugh. “I’m kidding. My mom got a promotion and her boss moved her to New Jersey, fun right?”

“I like the first story better, but now I can get to know you. Not sounding like a creep or anything but I’ve wanted to talk to you since you first came to school. I saw you hung out with Amanda though and I know she hates my guts.” I laughed.

“She hates everyone, don’t worry about it,” I said as I smeared some peanut butter on one piece of bread.

“Na, she hates me since we used to go out in middle school.” I laughed as I started smearing peanut butter on another half piece of bread.

“You two went out? No wonder she told me not to get involved with you.”

“It was barely a month anyways, so it didn’t really count,” Ronnie said tossing an apple up and down with his hand.

“Hm.” I kept on making the sandwiches as Ronnie tossed the apple back and forth from hand to hand. I placed them on the kitchen table and we both sat down to eat.

“Thanks, looks good,” Ronnie said taking a bite out of his sandwich. “So, who lives with you?” I was in the middle of chewing and I felt the peanut butter make my mouth stick together. I quickly stood up and walked straight towards the refrigerator to grab some milk. I poured some into a cup and downed it.

“Sorry, my mouth was stuck.” I walked back to the table and put down my cup. “Anyways, I live with my parents and bratty brothers. What about you?”

“It’s just me and my parents, but they’re away right now. So I got the house to myself.”

“Really? Lucky.” Ronnie laughed as he grabbed my cup of milk and drank half of it.

“You can come over whenever you like. I live on Yosemite Drive.”

“Really? That’s where Miranda lives.”

“Yeah, he’s my neighbor,” Ronnie said finishing up his sandwich.

“Is he always playing his music loud?”

“Yeah, he’s always cutting hair in his garage and blasting rap or reggaeton.” I laughed out loud.

“Sorry, he’s an idiot with lame friends he hides from me.”

“It’s cool. You got a boyfriend?”

“Uh, no. Not anymore.”

“Sorry. What happened?”

“Eh, differences,” I lied.

“Oh, I see. Same with my last girlfriend. Well, she cheated on me, but whatever.”

“Aw you poor guy,” I replied sincerely and placed my hand on top of his but removed it instantly.

“It’s okay; I was planning on breaking up with her anyways since I knew she was cheating. I just didn’t have proof.”

“Well, not all girls are sleazy like that.”

“And not all guys have, uh, differences,” Ronnie said making a face after he said that. “Never mind, you get what I was trying to say, right?” I laughed.

“Thanks, I got it and that helped a bit.” I heard my front door open and close but didn’t think anything about it since people are always in and out of this house.

“So, you want to get your brothers now?” Ronnie asked stacking the plates one on top of the other and placing them in the sink. He held his hand out and I grabbed it as I stood up.

“Do we have to? I like being an only child.” Ronnie laughed.

“Won’t your parents be upset?”

“Be upset with what?” Nick asked coming into the kitchen and scaring the beans out of me. I noticed I was still holding onto Ronnie’s hand and I dropped it.

“Nicholas, what are you doing here?” Nick smirked.

“What would your parents be upset with?”

“Leaving my brothers at the after school care place,” I said.

“Oh, so who are you?”

“Nick, don’t be so rude. This is Ronnie.” Nick laughed and I glared at him. “What are you doing here anyways?”

“I heard you come home and wanted to see if you were free.”

“Yeah, well I’m not.”

“Fine,” Nick said rather childish. “I’ll see you later I guess.” I had never seen Nick act like a little kid around me. He was always laughing or helping me make fun of Joe; now he was being a brat and walking out of my house while he stomped his feet.

“Nick, don’t be a brat,” I said walking after him. I stopped him before he reached for the door handle. “What is wrong with you?”

“Nothing, I didn’t know you had company,” Nick replied shoving his hands into his pockets. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“Why are you mad?”

“I’m not; I didn’t know you had company. I will see you later.”

“Fine, goodbye Nicholas.” Nick reached for the door handle and slammed the door shut.

What a jerk.

“Am I interrupting something?” Ronnie asked kindly while he poked his head out from the kitchen.

“No, don’t mind him. He’s being pissy today.” Ronnie laughed lightly.

“That your ex-boy?”

“No, he’s my best friend.”

“Oh, got it. Well, you ready to go now?” I nodded as I grabbed my keys by the door and opened it


“Jas, what are you going to be for Halloween?” Frankie asked me. I laughed as I played with his hair.

“I don’t know sweetie. What are you going to be?”

“A clown!” My eyes widened as I look over at Kevin who was laughing.

“Really? Why would you be a clown?”

“Kevin told me to, since you don’t like them.” I glared at Kevin.

“Did he? I think you should be a banana for Halloween, that’s even scarier!” Frankie laughed and it was now Kevin’s turn to glare at me.

“Okay!” Frankie sat up and ran elsewhere in his house.

“That wasn’t nice,” Kevin said.

“Hey, that clown bit was mean. Banana’s aren’t real – they’re fruit and can’t hurt you.”

“Clowns can’t hurt you either.” I pouted.

“Yes they can. They’re stupid and scary.” Kevin laughed once again.

“He’s probably going to dress up as Batman or something, watch.”

“What are you going as?”


“Kevin, why are you going as Joe for?”

“No, I’ll just go as myself. Maybe just throw a mask over my face. What are you going to dress up as?” I scoffed.

“Please, I grew up years ago. I only go out with Jared because I don’t trust Brian to take him out alone.”

“You’re lame, how can you grow up from trick-or-treating?”

“If I’m so lame, why aren’t you dressing up, hm? Why are you just throwing a mask over your face?”

“I’m Kevin Jonas, duh.” I laughed.

“And there we go; I’ve officially heard all three Jonas guys being conceited.”

“That wasn’t me being a conceited, I was just saying.”

“It’s going to be dark; you really think people are going to be looking at who’s at their doorstep?” I asked.

“Maybe, maybe not. Nick’s not dressing up anyways, because he’s lame. So you two can be the Lame Musketeers.”

“Very funny, you can join us.” Kevin laughed sarcastically and threw his head back.

“Gee, thanks for the invite, but no thanks. I think Kelsey wants to do something couple-ish, you know dress like a couple?” I laughed out loud and almost fell off of Kevin’s bed.

“Like Batman and Batgirl or something almost as lame?” Kevin sighed and nodded his head. “Dress like a Cowboy and a Cowgirl since you have a bunch of boots,” I suggested.

“No thanks. She probably wants to do something like Pebbles and Bam Bam.” I laughed out loud again.

“That’s so freakin’ cheesy but cute! Do that!” Kevin glared at me again, but ended up laughing.

“Go hang out with your boyfriend,” Kevin said.

“Which one?”

“Which one of my brothers are you dating now? Or maybe it’s that Ronnie guy?”

“Frankie, duh.” Kevin laughed.

“That’s nice. I’m happy for you two.”

“Thanks, I miss him though. He’d rather play with toys than hang with me, but that’s okay.”

“It’s okay. Kelsey would rather go shopping for a brand new purse than hang out with me today.” I laughed as I placed my hand on Kevin’s shoulder.

“Sucks for you I guess. So where are your bros at anyways?”

“Joe’s in the shower and it’s been almost two hours. Makes you wonder, uh, never mind and Nick he’s got to clean the backyard.” I laughed out loud.

“I would go out to say hi to him, but he’d guilt me into helping him. It’s Saturday, why the hell would I clean someone else’s backyard, or mine at that, on a Saturday?”

“Yeah, you’re absolutely right. That is why I haven’t left my room besides to take a shower. I even ate breakfast in bed, amazing right?”

“More like lazy. I don’t even eat breakfast in bed.”

“You demand though, don’t you?”


“Fine, I thought you were different Jasmina.” I scoffed.

“Kevin, you’re boring.”

“And you hurt my feelings, thanks.”

“Kev, you know I love you babe.”

“Yeah? More than Joe and Nick right?” I laughed.

“Duh! Joe’s lame and Nick’s turning into someone in my family; you know he’s going to probably end up in the agriculture business sooner or later.” Kevin laughed.

“Ouch, I felt that burn for Nick. But I’m not going to run and tell him if you don’t want me to.”

“Psh, I could care less. Tell him, he’d get a kick out of it.”

“I will, right after he’s done with his backyard duties,” Kevin said. “Anyways, who was that guy yesterday? Is he your future boyfriend?”

“No! He’s just a guy I met yesterday through Luis.”

“Uh huh. Nick was pissed off yesterday if you wanted to know. He thinks you’re dating the guy.” I laughed.

“I knew he was being pissy because of that. He totally yelled at me and stormed out of my house.”

“So you like him or something?” I shrugged. “Come on, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Kevin, you stole all of my shampoo!” Joe yelled as he entered his bedroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Cover up Joe, we’re not alone,” Kevin said. Joe turned around and turned about fifty shades of red when he saw me sitting on Kevin’s bed.

“Oh, oops. I didn’t know you had company Kevin.” Joe grabbed some clothes out of his dresser and dashed out of the room. I couldn’t help it so I let out a big, hearty laugh.

“Enjoy the free show?” Kevin asked.

“Yeah, right. You know for an idiot, he’s got a hot body.”

“So, you don’t hate him as much as I thought.”

“Shut up Kevin. I never said I hated him, did I? We just don’t share common qualities.”

“Uh huh.”

“Shut up before I shove fifty bananas down your throat.”

“Okay, okay, chill out. No need to go to threats.” I laughed as I got off of Kevin’s bed.

“I guess I’m going to go threaten someone else now.” I walked out of Kevin’s bedroom and of course, right into Joe.

“Oops, sorry again,” he said looking down at his feet, “And sorry about earlier, I didn’t know you were there.”

“No prob.” I looked at Joe who was still red in the face and thought back to a minute ago when I saw him almost fully exposed and it drove my mind bonkers. This guy was not only hot on the outside, but underneath those stupid tight clothes was an extremely toned, sexy body.

“C’ya,” I managed to spit out as I walked around him and down the stairs.

I wished I could trust Joseph again with his looking and flirting issues when it came to other girls. Maybe I was secretly insecure or something. Nah. I pushed that to the back of my mind as I made my way down the stairs and into their backyard.

Sure enough there was Nick bent down digging in the dirt like a little kid.

“Nicky!” I yelled out. He turned his head and stood up.

“Finally! Someone to talk to!” I laughed as Nick dropped his shovel and walked over to where I was.

“I’m not hugging you when you’re all sweaty like that,” I said as Nick walked to me with open arms.

“Come on, I still smell good,” he said wrapping his arms around me and kissing the side my face. “How are you?”

“Great and yourself?”

“Good, you just get here?”

“Na, like an hour ago. I was talking to Kevin. We were discussing Halloween costumes.” Nick laughed.

“What are you going as?”

“I told him nothing because I’m only a fan of the free candy, not dressing up.”

“Same here.”

“Grew up huh?” Nick nodded.

“Yeah, want all of us to go out this year? The two of us can not dress up but get some candy despite.” I laughed.

“Great idea. So, how’d you get stuck doing this?”

“Eh, Joe made me. I lost a bet with him, so I’m doing his dirty work.” I laughed.

“This is why Brian and I don’t make bets; I usually lose.”

“Yeah, but I’m not going to finish up. It looks clean right?”

“Sure, but can you change or something? I feel like turning the hose on you right about now.”

“Wait, can I say something?” I nodded. “I’m sorry for yelling at your yesterday. Well, acting like a baby and storming out of your house.”

“Don’t worry about it and if that’s bugging you I’m not dating the guy. He dated Amanda, so that kind of turned me off.” Nick laughed. “So, can you go take a shower or something now?”

“Fine, I’ll shower up. Be down in ten okay?” I nodded and sat down on one of the lounge chairs. I officially had nothing to do and nobody to talk to.

“Yo, yo, yo!” Joe said walking out into the backyard and sitting on me like old times. This time I didn’t really mind like I usually always did.

“Uh, hi?”

“What are you doing?”

“I was enjoying the quiet until you disrupted it with your so called ghetto talk and now you’re sitting on me.”

“Oh, well I usually sit there and you’re kind of sitting on it. So I thought: should I sit on the other chairs or on Jas? You’re much comfier.”

“Gee thanks for that lovely compliment Joseph.”

“You’re welcome.”

“So, why are we talking? This is kind of weird even though we talked the other day.”

“I’m bored not being able to talk to you. I miss our stupid conversations about nothing.” I laughed, but it turned into a cough since Joe was leaning down on me with all his weight.

“I do too, sometimes. But I don’t want to rush into being friends with you again.”

“But I won’t look at any other girl. You know I promised you that, and I tend to keep my promise.” I laughed. “Did I say something funny?”

“You said ‘tend’. I guess I believe you now since you’re starting to use big words like ‘tend’.”

“Tend is a four letter word, you know that right?” Joe asked. I laughed again.

“Yeah, but it’s a weird vocabulary word for you. Never mind, so what are you doing today?”

“Nothing, what are you doing?”

“Same, I’m waiting for Nick but we’re going to end up doing nothing as well.”

“You two hang out an awful lot,” Joe said sitting up so he sat directly on my legs.

“Yeah, well he’s cooler than you are.”

“Really?” I nodded. “Is he cooler than my right hand?” Joe held up his right hand and I laughed.

“Yeah, everything is cooler than your stupid hand.”

“Really? And what about my left? It has this cool ring on it and everything.”

“Ooh, a ring! I have one too,” I said showing him my finger that had a ring on it.

“Yeah, but these hands are awesome. Want to know why?”

“Why?” I asked getting annoyed at this lame talk about hands.

“Because I can do this!” Joe lunged forward and started tickling my stomach area. I should have seen this coming, but of course I was gullible when it came to being tickled.

“Joe, stop, stop, stop!” I yelled out in between my laughter.

“Not until you admit how cool I am. And that it’s ‘funner’ to hang out with me rather than NickyPoo.”

“No!” Joe laughed as he continued tickling me.

“Hey Jas, I’m bored now that you left the room,” Kevin said coming outside. “Oh, and I interrupting something?”

“Kevin!” I kept on laughing but tried to spit out what I was trying to say. “Stop, ha ha, him!”

“Dude, get off her,” Kevin said while he swatted Joe in the face with his hand.

“You ruin the fun,” Joe said removing his hands from my stomach where they’ve been for the past three minutes.

“So, uh, what’s going on here between you two?” Kevin asked with a raised eyebrow and his right hand in his pocket.

“The question my dear brother is what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be with Kelsey or whatever her name is.”

“I told you we’re not hanging out today,” Kevin said with his bottom lip hanging. “But don’t change the topic, I asked you a question.”

“Hey there’s Nick!” I pointed out and practically jumped off the seat I was sitting on. “Hi Nicholas!” Nick laughed as he waved.

“I’m clean now and dirt free.” I laughed “So, what’s going on back here? What are you guys doing?”

“That’s what I just asked,” Kevin said, “They won’t tell me why I come out here and found Joe tickling the life out of Jas.”

“I was not, there was a bug on her stomach,” Joe said which made Nick and Kevin look at him weirdly. “There was, and it could have been poisonous.”

“Yeah, I don’t care if you guys are talking now but if there’s something more, I’d like to know.”

“Gee Kevin, you sound like a girl,” I said. Nick and Joe both laughed and Kevin rolled his eyes. “What? I’m sorry but there’s nothing going on between us.”

“Okay then, couldn’t you have said that a minute ago to prevent you from calling me a girl?”

“What? Only girls like to know if there’s something more going on.”

“That made no sense,” Kevin said.

“Like you!” Joe said but made a face after he said that. “Yeah, you don’t need to say it, I know that made no sense.”

“Yeah, like I told you before, stay with the singing.”

“Hey are the four of us actually together for once?” Kevin said. “We should celebrate.”

“Mojitos on Kevin!”

“But I’m not 21 yet.” I laughed out loud.

“I was just kidding, but if you wanted alcohol, I am very disappointed in you Paul. I thought you were a good guy.”

“I am. Who said I was going to get a 17 year old alcohol?” Kevin asked.

“You?” I asked.

“Never mind, let’s just go out to lunch or something. Lunch on Jas!” Kevin shouted.

“No way. I don’t make money with like twenty zero’s at the end of it.”

“You make money with twenty zeros?” Joe asked.

“No,” Kevin said. “But can we stop talking about random things. I’m not Joe and my brain can’t handle stupidity.” I gasped.

“Are you calling me stupid?” I asked.

“No, just the conversations only you and Joe can understand.”

“Maybe you’re just made because you don’t understand Joe/Jas talk,” I said.

“Maybe you two should go out, without Nick and me.”

“Great idea!” Joe shouted.

“No, I want all my boys. I don’t want Joe/Jas time,” I complained.

“But you used to love Joe/Jas time,” everyone said at once which made me stare at all of them.

“Don’t ever talk in unison again. You sound like robots.”

“Well you look like a robot,” Kevin said. I laughed as I pushed him back slightly.

“You look like a nerd.”

“Do not!”

“Uh, are you guys seriously going to start a round of ‘do not’s’ and ‘do too’s’?” Joe asked. “Because I’m kind of hungry and I’m in the mood for some Italian food.”

“Fine, let’s just go to Olive Garden,” Kevin said. “Lunch is still on Jas.”

“No way. Lunch is on Kevin Jonas all the way,” I said. Joe sighed and put his arm around Nick’s neck and led him out of the backyard.

“We’ll be in the car when you children are done fighting.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Agh, this is seriously the longest, ugliest story I've written.